
Memoirs of a distant persona

Lalie was a sweet young girl. Suddenly woke up in a world completely different from where she is originally from. Modern buildings were replaced by ancient palaces. There were no modern vehicles, instead she saw horse drawn carriages! Even the people around her looked different! In world where were technology doesn't exist, in a place where runes and magic rules. How can she fit in? Hate is her number one enemy, and in every turn, danger awaits. But something unexpected happen... Then again, will she get back to her world? Or will she choose to stay?

Amitabha_Vardha · Fantasía
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53 Chs

Chapter one part 5/5

The evening light cast it's ambient orange glow across the small clearing and over my 'nest'. I had made the entrance so that it could be easily blocked, it was hard especially finding more vines without going into the dark woods.

The creatures still hadn't returned, since I last scared them off. I figured they had other more important things to do than stare at me. The giant strange creature that seemed to need them more than she would let on.

I sighed frustrated, but somewhat proud of my progress. I had made a large pit where I could have a controlled bonfire without the risk of it spreading to my nest. And burning me alive while I slept and I'd at least have a bed and a little warmth.

I'd learned a few things from the previous night one of them was just how miserable sleeping without warmth and I fully intended not to make the same mistake again.

Now All that was left was to light it, a task I had no experience with.

Well, does viitube count? I had seen a viituber try it in one of his videos before. I'd scarcely paid any attention before, that was something I regretted now, but I think I got the gist of it.

The basic idea was to get heat on something light and easy to burn with the power of friction.

How hard could it be?


How hard?


My frustration was at an all time high and it was making me hungry again. Why did I think I could easily do this?

I screamed angrily at the pile of leaves, wood and dried grass I'd gathered.

I'd tried hitting rocks together, this proved inneffective and tiresome.

I tried rubbing sticks together, this just hurt.

I tried hitting the sticks with rocks... yeah I'm not dumb. I knew this wouldn't work but it did calm me down some.

It was getting dark and the purple lush orange hue that colored the sky seemed to be fading with the disappearing light. I didn't have much time left and I was not going to sleep without a fire this time. My clothes were incredibly thin and this did little in the way of blocking the cold which would only get progressively worse during the night.

I took a deep breath and released slowly.

I won't give up!

The only thing I could do was try harder, and the one thing that seemed to be working if any at all were the sticks, I just had to find a more efficient way of going about it.

I sat and retrieved the smooth stick I'd prepared and placed it on a broken piece of tree bark I'd found placing my small bundle of dried leaves and grass at the base. Then slowly I placed the tip of the smooth stick against the bark and started rolling it between my hands while pressing it hard into the bark beside the nestle in a drilling motion.


"Yess! Finally!!!"

I had done it!

"Ha!! You thought I couldn't do it didn't you!" I yelled at the small kindle of fire that I had managed to start in sheer glee.

I was proud and my situation started looking better.

It had gotten dark and the small fire was my only source of light.

Suddenly it started to go dark again and with terror I realized that the fire was burning out!

"Ahh!! Nooo!"

I quickly added more kindling and smaller sticks paying more attention to it as not to allow it to go out completely. I sighed a little when I realized it had gotten big enough to catch the bigger pieces of wood which would keep it going for a little while longer.

I laughed a little moved back towards my nest where I could sit comfortably.

The area was fully illuminated now and under the tree, the warmth had forced away the cold which had begun to settle in.

Looking around I realized that even though this was a win my situation remained dire.

I let myself fall backward into the embrace of the leaves which made my nest.

It was more comfortable than where I'd slept the night before but, this... only served to remind me of home.

And now I missed it.

I looked across from my nest and eyed the makeshift spear I'd made before in anticipation of the creature returning. But since I'd barricaded the entrance and re-enforced the surrounding fence it seemed a bit like overkill.


It 'was' intended as a last resort anyway as I could never even imagine myself hurting an animal.

No matter how terrifying.

In an instant the small fear which had retreated to the back of my mind earlier returned and I grabbed the spear and held it close. Practically hugging it as if it would protect me on its own.

The sudden howling in the distant, made me relive my earlier fear in its entirety.

Had the creature returned?


I calmed a little. Those sounded like wolves. Very different from the sound the creature from earlier made.

I frowned as I realized that wolves would be just as big a problem as the creature as wolves mostly traveled in packs.

This, wasn't much of a problem though.

As no matter how many, wolves in particular probably wouldn't stray too close to the a fire.

I think.

i clutched the spear and held it tightly as i laid down again. Slowly closing my eyes as i let myself fall into the embrace of the leaves and warmth.


i was suddely aware of a different scent that seemed unfamilliar to me, different than the smell of leaves which I had grow accustomed to, or the ambient and gentle smell of the fire which was mostly carried away on the wind.

The fire...

I shot up suddenly "the fire!"

Had it gone out?

I was enveloped in a strange darkness one so profound that i couldn't see my own hands in front of my face.

I sighed. "Of course it did."


Why hadn't the cold returned?

Why was it still so warm?

Then like a wave, a feeling of nausea rushed over me and just as it came something sapped my strength. It was all I could do to fall back into my nest.

"What's happening?"

My abdomen suddenly forcefully contracted. Pain shot through my entire body with the growing convulsions the overwhelming urge to puke grew.

I stretched out my hand, I had little strength but determined to get from the nest I pulled myself until my knees hit the dirt, I pulled myself farther and farther my pain growing by the second. Until I reached the perimeter of the fence I tried to pull myself up failing miserably.

The pain grew again and so did my nausea. So much in fact that I puked right there.

And again..

And again.

Soon I was dry heaving.

The pain and the nausea had calmed down some but what was this?

Why was it so dark and why does it hurt so much?

What the hell is happening to me?