
Chapter 5&6



( Addicted To You... )

THEME: Love's Sweet Melody


By, Ariel Mirabel




✮(𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓶𝓪 𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓽)✮

"Argh!!! Argh!!!"

👥 This is hilarious!!

👥 She's gonna wound Winter, someone stop her!?

👥 Damn I need to take a video.

Kelly and Cassidy stood on their spot, looking so confused, they didn't know what to do. What if they intervene and land in the same fate as Winter?

"Hey! Hey! That's enough!" Brandon intervened, holding Harmony back.

He was actually standing in the crowd and words can't explain how hard he has laughed but when he saw Harmony wasn't stopping anytime soon, he decided to intervene.

"The devil is still inside her!" Harmony struggled and made to whip Winter again but Brandon held her wrist and pulled her out of the scene

"Ahh.. My body.. Ahh" Winter began crying on the floor. Her whole body had red lines on it and it stings so bad.

"And I who thought you were boring, you're really nuts!" Brandon said and began laughing again when that scene came in his head.

"Where are you taking me to?" Harmony asked, blinking cutely.

"To your parents. They've been looking for you" Brandon replied and they got to her parents.

"Mony!" Mrs McGwire smiled and Harmony went to hug her.

"Such a baby!" Mrs McGwire pinched her cheek.

"Your fees and everything have been settled. Luckily you're doing the same course with Brany so he'll help you out." Mrs McGwire said.

"Your name is Brany? That's funny!" Harmony laughed and Brandon just rolled his eyes.

"We'll be leaving now. Just call us when you're through and we'll send a driver to come pick you up. Bye baby!" Mrs McGwire pecked her cheek before leaving.

Harmony now turned to Brandon

"So let's go Brany" Harmony smiled.

"Don't call me that.. It's annoying" Brandon muttered and began walking front, Harmony followed him.

"If I shouldn't call you Brany then what's your name? You look too old to be a fresher, how old are you? How's this school?" Harmony kept asking questions non stop.

"Will you just keep quiet!" Brandon sighed.

"Hey! It's the girl that dealt with Winter!" A girl ran to them.

"Here, I hand her over to you. Do whatever you want with her" Brandon pushed Harmony towards her and began leaving.

"You're so cute!! Just looking at this spotless face! And your sparkly eyes... Gosh!!" The girl gushed, holding Harmony's hand.

"I fell in love with you right from the moment I saw you on the trending video. Let's be friends... I'm Barbara but just call me Barbie!" She said and flaunted her hair.

"I'm.. Harmony" Harmony smile.

"Awwn.. We even have beauty moles on our face! We're match made from heaven and we both hate Winter so we're so perfect together!!" Barbie squealed excitedly.

"Uhh... I don't hate Winter, wait who's Winter?" Harmony asked.

"The girl you whipped earlier... She's a real b*tch, I just hate her so much" Barbie rolled her eyes.

"Oh it's her? Well I don't hate her... I was just trying to bind the devil in her" Harmony said and Barbie looked at her for some good minutes.

Barbie suddenly bursted out in laughter.

"You're crazier than I thought... Come let's go, the next lecture will soon begin" Barbie said and held her hand.

She scanned through Harmony's body..

"What's up with this dress? Come let me give you something cuter to wear" Barbie said.

"But this is what I use to wear when I was going to school" Harmony said.

"Well I don't know from where you came but here you gotta flaunt your cuteness girl, show what your momma gave you!" Barbie said.

They both walked to the girl's dressing room and Barbie brought out a set of clothe from her closet before handing it to Harmony.

Few minutes later, Harmony changed into it. She was wearing a pink gown that ended above her knee.

"Oh ma gawd!! Pink was made for you... Look at this beauty!! Gosh!!" Barbie began fanning her fake tears.

Harmony smiled widely... At first she found it kinda short but since Barbie said she looks in it then it's okay..

"Come, let's go!" Barbie held her hand and they left for the hall.

They walked in their lecture hall and all eyes turned to them

👥 It's that girl in the video!

👥 She looks so cute!!

👥 Feels like I'm staring at an angel!!

Harmony looked at all the eyes starring at her. Barbie led Harmony to an empty seat.

They both walked pass Angelo who was sleeping on his seat. The moment a scent of rose and honey invaded his nostrils, he immediately looked up.

He began looking front but saw no one..

"This scent... It's familiar" He thought, trying to remember where he smelled it but couldn't

Not long after, a guy walked in the hall.

👥 Look it's Dennis

👥 Thought he wouldn't come

👥 He's so cute!! Too bad he's taken

"Wassup man!" Dennis walked and sat down next to Brandon.

Brandon smiled and they bumped fists. Dennis is Brandon's friends they're actually three but one travelled out of country.

Dennis looked around and furrowed his brows..

"Normally you're probably kissing one of your girls. Why I'm I seeing none... Wait, did you decided to give your life to Christ!" Dennis exclaimed.

"No! It's not it" Brandon scoffed.

"Then what's up? Are you sick, did you... Catch HIV?" Dennis whispered and Brandon shot him a glare.

Dennis laughed. Brandon sighed and looked down at his middle, the pain he felt when Kaylee bit him there began resurfacing and he swallowed hard.

Actually, it still hurt till now so he decided to abstain from anything that'll make him grow hard for three days.

"Not f**king for three days... I think I'm gonna die" Brandon thought, almost crying.

The lecturer came in and soon, the lecture began..



That's the agency Juliet works for. It's an agency that trains people to work for bodyguards.

Juliet walked and stopped in front of the CEO's office. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down her nervousness before knocking on the door.

"Come in"

Juliet slowly went in.

"Good morning sir... You called for me" Juliet said.

"Juliet Watkins, please have a seat" He said and she did so.

"So you must be wondering on why I called you over.. Well there's a wealthy CEO, a friend of mine who contacted us asking for a personal bodyguard.. Specifically a female bodyguard and amongst all the other you're the most competent to do the job so I'm appointing you under him" He said and Juliet's eyes widened.

"You.. You.. Mean I'll be working now as a personal bodyguard? For real?" She stuttered and the man nodded.

Her eyes brightened... Since she started working under the company they've been appointing her for temporal jobs like escorting important personalities but now she'll be having a stable task, that means she'll be earning more money.

"Thanks so much boss! You don't know how happy I am!" Juliet stood up and bowed, showing how grateful she was

"It's nothing... You'll be starting work now. Here's the name of his company, go there and meet him" The CEO handed a card to Juliet who took it.

"Thank you sir. I'll be on my way now" Juliet said and turned to leave.

"One more thing! Please, exercise patience with him" The CEO said.

Juliet didn't understand what he meant but he just smiled and nodded before leaving. The CEO sighed

"I don't know who I should be worried about... For her or for Romeo"



Juliet got down the cab then looked at the address card before looking at the big company in front of her.

"It's here" She thought and looked at herself, fixing her bodyguard suit before advancing to the company

She walked in and one of the workers led her to the CEO's office. She fixed her tie properly

"I hope I make a good impression. It's my salary we're talking about" She thought before knocking.

"Come in"

She walked in and her eyes widened when she saw who it was. It was none other than Romeo Rodriguez, Angelo's uncle

"Who are you?" He asked with a serious look on his face.

From his face, one won't even think he's 30. He was sitting gallantly on his swivel chair, few buttons of his shirt was left loose with a golden necklace worth millions resting on his chest.

The serious look on his face even made him look more handsome.

A smile spread on Juliet's face. She was not smiling because of his looks but because of the money she'll be earning. If she'll be working for a Rodriguez, one of the richest family in town then she'll earn cool cash.

"I'm your new personal bodyguard sir.. Juliet Watkins" She said politely.

Romeo hit his hand angrily on the table, startling Juliet

"Can't believe that man! I told him I wanted my personal bodyguard to be s*xy. Big b**bs and àss,, what is this! All I'm seeing in front of me is a man with a p**sy" Romeo exclaimed angrily and Juliet gasped.

Anger slowly began rising in her. Never in her life has she been insulted like this. A man with a p**sy?! He called her a man with a p**sy!!

Juliet folded her fists tightly. Now she understands why her CEO said she should exercise patience.

Romeo stood and walked to her, stopping in front of her. Juliet looked up at his face since he was way taller than her.

Romeo smirked.

"Well I do have to admit.. You look pretty, just a bit though" Romeo said, walking behind her.

He crawled his finger on her body, tracing it from her back going downward.

Juliet kept adding pressure on her folded fists, trying to suppress her anger which kept rising.

Romeo spanked her butt and squeezed it, her eyes widened.

"Well it's kinda soft though" He muttered.

That was it. Juliet lost it, she grabbed his hand and flipped him over her back. He crashed heavily on the table

"Argh!!" Romeo cried out.

Juliet grabbed his collar and began punching his face.

"You f**king bastard!! Who do you think I am!! A whóre you can lay your hands on whenever you want! F*ck the salary but I'm killing you before I leave this office" Juliet shouted, raining punches on his face.

"Help!! Security!! Help!! Help!!" Romeo screamed.



A car pulled up in front of the grocery store and Chance got down the car. He entered the store and smiled when he saw who always comes here for

"Here's what you ordered... That'll be 150$" A cute girl smiled, her round check bulging out as she served a lady then the next one.

Chance couldn't help but smile more at how cute she looked. It's been almost three months now that he keeps coming here just to stare at her.. They recently became friends and since then he always drops her home.

The girl turned to his side and when she saw him, she smiled more.

"Hey Chance!" She waved and Chance smiled then waved back.

"Wassup Tasha?" Chance smiled.

"Give me few minutes, I'll be done soon" Natasha smiled and faced back the customer.

Chance walked out and leaned on his car, waiting for her. Few minutes later she walked out.

"Done with my last part time job of the day!" Tasha smiled.

"I'm really grateful for you coming everyday to drop me off.. I hope it's not really a bother to you" Tasha pouted.

"Not really, it makes me happy doing that at least I get to see your face." Chance blurted out before he realized.

"Huh?" Tasha blinked.

"Uhh I mean I have something to tell you" Chance said and brought out a paper from his pocket then handed it to her.

Tasha read through it and her eyes widened. The paper fell off her hand in shock.

"Surprise!" Chance smiled.

Tasha looked up at him with teary eyes..

"You... You registered me in your college?" Tasha littered and Chance smiled then nodded.

"You once told me you dreamt of going there so... Surprise! Happy birthday Tasha" Chance smiled.

Tasha immediately hugged him tightly in tears. Words can't express how happy she felt.

Countless times, she has wrote the scholarship exam but she failed and now she'll be going to her dream college.

"Thank you... Thank you so much Chance!" She muttered and broke the hug then pecked his cheek, hugging him back.

Chance smiled and slowly placed his hand on her back, hugging her back.

"So this is how it feels like to be in love" Chance thought and smiled more.



"This way miss" The maid said, leading Holly to Angelo's room.

Well Romeo sometimes sleep at Romeo's place so he has his own room here.

Holly followed the maid, trying to calm down her racing heart. Words can't explain how nervous she was...

She brought out a paper from her bag and began revising how she's going to confessed her feelings to Angelo.

A smile spread on her lips when she began imagining all the cute and romantic moments she'll have with Angelo.

She stopped in front of his room and heaved in a deep breath before knocking. The door opened on his own so she walked in.

Her eyes widened she saw Angelo was about to wear his shirt. His hair was wet so that means he just showered

"It's you" Angelo smiled

"Uhh... Hi" Holly waved nervously.

Angelo wore his shirt and Holly gulped down when she saw his abs.

"Let's start" Angelo said, walking to his study table.

Holly looked around and slowly walked to him.

She sat down and brought out her books from her bag, placing it on the table.

"So let's start by revising before we do the project" Holly said and opened her book. Just then a knock came up and Angelo went to attend to it.

"It's my dinner" Angelo said, taking the tray to the bed.

"Mind joining me?" Angelo asked and Holly blushed then nodded.

Angelo is generally not this kind but she loves this side of him.

They both began eating dinner with Holly eating shyly. The sauce on the spaghetti stained the side of her lips.

"Let me help you" Angelo said and before she could understand what was happening, Angelo swiped his tongue over that part

That sent shivers down her spine. Angelo smirked and made to pull off but she held his face and slammed her lips on his.

Angelo smiled triumphantly, kissing her back at the same intensity she was kissing him. His hand went to her chest and he tore off her blouse then squeezed her b**bs, she responded with moans.

She pushed him and his back landed on the bed before she pulled down his pants and she grabbed his d*ck. Without wasting time, she shoved it into his mouth and began sucking him like a professional.

The question Angelo asked himself then was "How does a pastor's daughter know all these?"

He grabbed her hair and shoved himself deeper into her throat. She coughed and gagged on it, but she still loved how it felt.

"Gawd..." Angelo moaned out as she sucked him and his eyes rolled to the back when she ran her tongue on his peehole.

She spit on his d*ck and began rubbing it with her b**bs, occasionally teasing his shaft with her lips.

She stopped what she was doing and stood up then straddled him, guiding his member inside her.

"Ahhh... Yesss" She moaned as his hugeness filled her hole.

"She's f**king loose!" Angelo said inwardly but that thought flew off his head when she began jumping on his d*ck.

"Yeah.." He groaned and threw his head backwards.

"Yes! Yes! F**k!!"

"This is what I've been missing!! Ahh!!"

Her ear splitting moans were what filled the room. She stopped jumping on him and then began moving in circle, biting her lips in pleasure.

They switched position and she went on all fours. He immediately slammed his full length inside her at full force.

Holly's eyes widened immediately. He began drilling her p**sy really fast without giving her space to breathe.

"F**k yes!! Harder!!"

"Harder!! Harder!! Yes!!"

Her knees slowly began giving up and Angelo noticed it so they switched positions.

She laid down and he raised one of her leg in the air before penetrating and resuming his banging.

Sweat dripped from his body, glistened even more making him look hotter.

It went on till Holly's moans slowly díed down..

"Angelo.." She called, slowly panting for air.

She tapped him and Angelo stopped to look at her face. That's when he noticed her panting heavily for air.

"Angelo.... I'm,,, a,, an.. Asth,,matic,,, patient" She said, panting more heavily with her hand on her chest.

Angelo d*ck automatically deflated inside her as all colors drained from his body, he could already imagine himself in prison, charged for the murder of Holly

His soul started departing from his body

✎.. .. .. ..『𝐓.𝐁.𝐂』