
Could we?

Hyun was staring at the equipment. He was stunned in disbelief. How did he miss it so many times before? How did all of them miss it? Both Dylan and Chao were staring at the screen with him. 

"Did you know?" Dylan asked Chao, who only shook his head, still stunned. Hyun rubbed his face, eyes and then ran his fingers through his hair. 

"I'm so confused… Can we undo it then?" Hyun pinched the bridge of his nose because a slight migraine was trying to get him.

"I don't know. We would have to ask Lili. She is better at this than all of us." Chao was nodding at Dylan's words.

"He is right. She made it and she is the best maker we have. She can help you. I'm sorry to tell you but I'm as fucked up as you are by this and I have no idea what to do now. If it worked, it would be—brutal." With Chao's words, Hyun saw the sleepless nights that would follow if what he had come upon would really be possible.