

There is so many phenomenon in this world to be dechiphered, some still can be explained and another thing just doesn't make sense at all. In all things, we all knew well about zombie's; a fantasy thriller horror genre that watched by many. Its fun reality for her, the girl was devastated and tried to survive as much as everyone does but eventually death embraces all the living too well. Except for her. Forced to wake up in a damp iron bars, as she greeted by the same hunger; acidic fluids that burn her throat has been bothering for more than two years was no match for what she witnessed. "Wake up!! You're all sold!" The entirely different situation just after she felt the burn pain from their rotten teeth. Cracked voice, bruised body, and beggar like appearance displayed herself. "Where the hell I am ?" [Disclaimer : This is work of passion and I am not an english natives. Unedited work; Possibly of misspelling and grammatical error. Any way, thank you for reading.]

Blackcat96 · Historia
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11 Chs

Chapter 10 Re-planning Ahead (2)

"So what do you know about the Nature blessing skill? what is Elemental spirit are?"

Mellisa ask after looking at her status windows, a bloodlines skill in its locked state. She has a general knowledge about her dimensional store skill.

Its like buying a previlige to unlock many buy able things and discount as well as free additional fee to delivering it to the customer. The downside of it, only the goods price which so many zero's in it.

She had to work hard or making shady deals to get the money. Either way, she's too poor at the moment if not for the new user previlige pack; she can't buy anything from the store at the moment. Even the soap bar worth several silver coins.

[Elemental spirit are magical beings that are able to wield pure, chaotic essence of core elements which is fire, earth, air, water, light, and darkness.]

"What is the differencies between A common mage and elemental spirit user?"

Mellisa once heard about magic tower inhabitant; which is nicknamed 'Mage' by people. A similar terms used by people in her previous world to illustrate and built a Its fictional story world building; packaging it along with 'hero pack' genre or even 'anti hero' theme.

[Spirit mage are someone who used the elemental spirit as the medium or a way to activating spells whereas Mage are able to manipulate the mana energy depending on their affinity towards the elements by their own will.]

"Is that so? Then, am i a spirit mage?"

[Yes, User ****]

Hearing the confirmation, Mellisa once again deep in thought. Her finger slowly tapping the bungalou fence where she's leaning at.


Ercillia Arwen/Mellisa

Half Human and Half Druid

Allignment : Chaotic|Good

Job Occupation : Spiritualist Magus (S)

Level : 1

Body constitutions

HP/MP : 340/2500

Str : 15 | Dex : 12

Agi : 11| Int : 50

Luck : 6

Skill :

(tap to view)]

'No wonder I had a high mana and int value, given the 80% affinity with the spirit; I need to learn more after all.'

Considering how restricted her position is, she can't openly ask to learn magic theory freely.

"By the way, system. Can you help me learn how to become a spiritual magus?"

[Negative, System couldn't help the user learning about magic; since this interactive program is an additional feature of 'Dimensional store' skill.]

'Right... we will heard bullshit once in a life time. I might be one of the thousands unknown people who had an interactive system attached in this world.'

"Should I rank up my career?" mumbling my mind outloud, I saw the amount of money that needed to be able to buy the colorful product at the screen unsconciously make me utterly digusted.

Ahh... being poor is a sin too.

for a can of cola cost ten copper coins, which was amounted five meals bought by common folk in here. The lowest price one copper coins; its a bag of plastic bag.

Money is always the problem, I can't afford to buy most of the things that I want to. when was it? for I had to work and saving some cash to paid the bills and some stuff... sigh- should I stealing something?


Annoyed, Mellisa left the secluded garden because of the darkened weather. She can't stay idle when the lunch time break will soon arrives; hasting her walks, she strode to the servant cafetaria with a relaxed face.

Free food is always welcomed.



Knock- knock- knock

Someone knocked Mellisa room when her roommate are currently took a bath at the servant bathroom.

Opening the door without overthinking things, Mellisa soon found out that it was a man who stood up in front of their room.

Pricesely, his highness the third close guard. Sir James, vice captain of 3rd prince knight escort.

"Good evening, Miss Mellisa."

"Sir James, what do I owe you my presence? do you need me to do something?" I asked him after bowing my head to greet James; as his status are above myself.

"Yes, follow me." He ordered strictly without changing expression.

Its not that I'm not courageous enough to retort his manner of speaking, This is still nice compared to one of her past team trash mouth.

I followed him behind after closing the door, fortunately I already changing my attire into a clean and simple clothes after taking a bath.

I was planning to rest because I don't have a night shift as its not part of my assigned duty.


Sir James foot leading us to the 3rd prince chamber, at the end of dimly lit corridor were our prince's room. I guessed that it was him who instructed James to bring me here, its explained as to why no other servants could be seen in the surrounding viccinity.

James knocked on the door two times, while I standing behing him.

"Come in."

A cold voice answered, its belong to the 3rd prince Alexander C. Salvatore.

"Please pardon my rudeness."

I heard James speaking as he open the door knob and push the door inside.

I saw the dark envelops the surrounding room except for a light that came from the fireplace where I could see a man silhouette sat on the couch with a glass of drink in his hand.


An adonis, almost blinding; and if he ever be reborn on the earth... I bet, woman will willingly pull down their underwear to be impregnated.

I won't mind if he's the abuser at that time, I might develop stockholm syndrome on the spot. Haha... I probably am sick in the mind too.




A mechanical voice answered her inner monologue, resulting in a frown appeared on Mellisa face.

"I bring the maid as your highness wishes."

"Greetings to your highness Alexander, Mellisa at your service." I bowed respectfully, as soon as Sir James mentioned myself.

"You can leave, James. Guard the front door."

The prince stated, and James faithfully do as he wishes him to do. Guarding the prince door, in case someone might came without notice.

Coming back inside the silent room, the stillness inside the room were suffocating and awkward.

"How do you fare these days? does the work as an outer maid hard?"

"... I'm quite good your highness, there's hardly an issue with the assigned job."

"That's good to know, I saw the servants record these past few days and found out that you have quite a record to goes outside from the moment you've start working."

"Please pardon my rudeness, I was mainly running an errand from another maid since I have a time to do it."

"The head butler also said so, but I saw something interesting last night."

As soon as he said that, Mellisa down-head turned to the prince directions. A playfull smile emerge from his cold face; almost as if he's asking a harmless statement.


"These days, I was pre-occupied by tomorrow dinner with my 'family', Do you know that they're quite lovely right?" Alexander continued, talking another thing that unrelated with his previous words.


"So, I cant get a good sleep and decide's to walk around the palace; can you guess what I see?" half closed eyes bend happily capturing the woman figure in front of him.

The 3rd prince whisper slowly and surely strangling her; like being in a big snake clutch, egging her warriness to resurface.

Mellisa could guess that he knew that she's ingested an awakening stone. A thing that this palace maid unable to bought with their current salaries.

She had to choose in between two choice's, pretending or jumping straight into the problem and comes out clean.

Both had adventage and disadventage, except if I want to get more money... the latter might open up more ways to gain some chips; even if I'm in a difficult position.

"What do you want?"

With that in mind, I decided to put my weak face aside; looking straight at his eye. Our eyes collided with a cold glint, neither I or him back down in fright.

Still, his aura was on another whole level compared to myself; thankfully... I can keep my ground despite being the weakest side.


The reason is, I don't have anything to lose except my life; which was currently being bargained.

It's a pity if I died before I could enjoy what this world will offer.

"Wow... Is this your true personality? quite tough and daring... hmmm"

Alexander corner lips lift up, showing his most charming smile. He then took a sheet of blank paper on his left side, and put it on top of the table.

"It doesn't matter right? Or would you like me to act more servile, Your highness?"

"I would love to; but now put your blood on the paper." Alexander chin pointed at the sheet of a paper.

"Someone told me not to recklessly agree to a shady deal in fear that it has a huge chance to be a scam until we're certain that it wasn't a loss on my side, Since I might be suffer from a long time. Don't your highness agree to this sentiment?"

"How bold of you..." Alexander amused, "Aren't you afraid that your lifes will be endangered? I could kill you right here and right now."

"I'm sure you wouldn't batting an eye for that; and it wouldn't fucking hurt to know what the deals before I die? I think I'm quite reasonable person, Your highness."


"On the other hand, your highness might get a well trained dog if you just do a basic courtesy when making a deal."

I definitely doesn't feel bad by degrading myself as a domestic animal, except that I do bite sometimes. Anyway, if something goes wrong... I'll just fled outside the empire after saving my precious life from this situation.

I dont give a damn thing even if I left right away and I should rob this palace beforehand.

"I'm sure you'll agree."

I'll fixed the grammatical error probably in the future.. pls bear with me, my lovely reader T,T

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