

There is so many phenomenon in this world to be dechiphered, some still can be explained and another thing just doesn't make sense at all. In all things, we all knew well about zombie's; a fantasy thriller horror genre that watched by many. Its fun reality for her, the girl was devastated and tried to survive as much as everyone does but eventually death embraces all the living too well. Except for her. Forced to wake up in a damp iron bars, as she greeted by the same hunger; acidic fluids that burn her throat has been bothering for more than two years was no match for what she witnessed. "Wake up!! You're all sold!" The entirely different situation just after she felt the burn pain from their rotten teeth. Cracked voice, bruised body, and beggar like appearance displayed herself. "Where the hell I am ?" [Disclaimer : This is work of passion and I am not an english natives. Unedited work; Possibly of misspelling and grammatical error. Any way, thank you for reading.]

Blackcat96 · Historia
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11 Chs

Chapter 07 Awakening stone (2)

On the way to the Blacksmith store.

"Ahh... I forgot to asks something!" I murmured to myself as I just come to a realization.

"Something to asks to Mr. Pian?"

"Humm... I dont know how the awakening stone works."

Hearing that, Eve's letting a small laugh because of how innocence her question is.

"Its actually simple..." Eve's commented, gaining Mellisa's attention as she continued. "You just need to swallow it."


Perplexed, Mellisa's is in disbelief because of Eve's answer.

'Swallowing stone? you must be kidding right?'

Feelling incredulous she tried to confirm it for the second time.

"Do you mean literally?"

"Yeah, That's what my late mother said. If you're not believe me, then you can ask Sir knight at the training field."

"That's make a sense too. Thank you, Eve... for your information."

"Please dont be, it's a common sense and almost everyone know's it except you."

"Nah... I understand, you better go to the store now. I'll wait outside."

Shaking her own head, Mellisa gently pushed Eve's inside as she doesnt want to go inside. Helpless, Eve could only resigned to her demand and leave Mellisa alone.

Standing in front of the blacksmith store, Mellisa take a look at the surrounding. So many stale food and workshop store from carpentry, scluptore, tailors, jeweller and miscellanelous trinkets; probably selling magic artefact and or herbs.

People went back and forth from the store, several of them using carriage's which was parked at the side road. Everyone's busy and minding their own bussiness; a kind of situation she missed from the living form.


Except for the loud shout from a knight in armor gaining all the attention from the crowd. they're the city guard in duty, or more like a police in this world.

A man with a black hood is running away from the guard, following by the Merchant Guild Branch manager or Mr. Pian who ran helplessly behind them.

Mellisa's late to react as the man bumps into her; making her drop down to the muddy surface's.


The boy hastily left without apologizing, followed by the guard and the onlookers didn't even tried to help Mellisa up from the ground.

"What a d*mn f*cking *sshole, you better f*cking caught so I can't f*ck you over! you thief dipsh*t!"

Narrating some curses, Mellisa truly irritated. While the rest of people who heard her vulgar words shake in bewilderment.

Examining the muddy dress, and checking for further wounded part; she found nothing except for a brown pocket lay in between her dresses. She took it, and tried to loosen the knot; checking what was inside It.

"Phew! what a jackpot." Mellisa silently exclaimed. The corner of her lips, lift as she can't stop to grin to the item inside the pocket.

A gleaming crystal she earlier asked from the Branch Manager from the Merchant Guild union. It's an awakening stone to aid individual potential to this world energy.

Mellisa hastily tied the pocket again as natural as possible; and put it inside her pocket as if she owns it in the first place.

Well, this is not the right thing to do, but who cares anyway. She once long gone from earth moral value, stealing this much is nothing for her; and took it as a payment for dirtying her cheap dress or more like she doesn't gave a sh*t.

Free things always welcomed.

"Mellisa's what are you doing?" Eve's gave her unknown face as she found Edith muddy dress as soon as she comes out from the store. She turned her attention to the commotion and found Mr. Pian back running after the back of knights.

"I just bumped with a thief, apparently he robbed Mr. Pian store." I said while dusting the skirt. "Are you finished?"

"Yeah... we can grab some food, Still... we better change your skirt before going to the restaurant."

"I won't refuse, let's get going Eve."

In the meantime, all female servant in garnet palace gathering at the main hall because of the sudden announcement from the head butler or Butler Yan.

Most of the servant doesnt know what was the thing will be announced aside several maid who has close connection to the head maid, Mrs. Hilda. Their complexion was calm enough to assumed that they know before hand.

Around fiveteen minutes passed when suddenly the closed door leading to the corridor where the third prince library are... opened.

He was the third prince, Alexander Caspian Salvatore with his personal guard; Sir James and Elmer.

""Greetings his royal highness Alexander C. Salvatore, Prince of Lioness Kingdom and the Blessed sword of Royals Family""

Apparently, people calling him with that title after celebration and it became one of his nickname to diffirentiate him between the step-brother aside from the nickname 'Royal-Bastard' or 'Brainless muscle-like bastard'.

"Has everyone gathered here?" He checked the servant after he gestured them to lift their head.

at the front row, stood Head Maid and Butler as if waiting his question.

"Yes, your royal Highness." the Head Maid amswered punctionaly.

"Good. Today, I'll pick one of you to became a temporary personal maids along with the person recommended by the Duke Corven. Since I'd like to see the selection process goes... I'll be here." The 3rd prince stated and called his guard. "James and Elmer, please be the one who'll be served."


"You may start the test. Head Maid Hilda."

Alexander announced, then butler Yan leading the prince to a chair that has been prepared. Elmer and James became the prince substitute sat on the different table while Mrs. Hilda commanding everyone to take the test one by one.

As a result, Butler Yan were beside the prince and attending him faithfully.

The test progressing without a hitch, and almost everyone have taken the test.

Mrs. Hilda asked them to show a servant etiquette when dealing with the royal family, their ability to read and write, next is their skill in making and serving their masters as well as their ability to speak without stuttering, also their general knowledge about the noble families at the Lioness kingdom.

The following is a test that must be passed by the maidservants in the main hall to become the prince's personal maid.

There' were roughly twenty people who took the test, and the prince guard had to swallow ten cup of tea servings per person. Both Elmer and James, doesn't look good during the test.

The test had ended even before noon, the prince stood up from his chair and walked towards the neatly lined group of maids.

"I'll tell Butler Yan the result, all of you may resume the work. Dismissed."

The prince expression is devoid of emotion in the eyes of the servant; making them standing on the pins and needless. They heard the prince footsteps walking away from them.


The butler closed the door behind the prince and his guard. Alexander heard the panicky voice of the maidservants across the door.

"It's messier than I thought." Alexander frown deeppened.

Only a few could read and writting while the rest are Illiterate. It' makes sense, given they're a former slave to begin with.

"Fortunately, the Duke Corven sent Lady Haleth to become one of his highness Maid." Elmer calmly commented, easing the tension.

"Doesn't his highness need to choose the queen spy? Do you find her among the rest of maidservant?"

"Yeah... I think the queen really preparing her meant to observing the pure me."

Alexander took the list of servant document from the Silent Butler and he went inside his study; followed by Elmer and James.

"His highness, Do you need anything else ?" Butler Yan enquire further, before he'll leave the study.

"There's something I want to ask." Alexander stated from his study chair, on his table are several document mean to be learned from the teacher sent by the Duke. "I didn't see the maid named Mellisa, where do you think she is?"

Alexander took Mellisa's data from the servant list that butler yan gave to him last time.

"I'm not sure, but there's a scheduled plan to order kitchen necessities from the merchant guild market. The head maid informed me one of the maid will accompanied the kitchen maid to help on their way. The maid Mrs. Hilda refers to must be Miss Mellisa." Butler Yan explained.

"I see. then you're dismissed too."

"Well then, I'll excuse myself. Your highness."

Butler Yan hastily left the room.

Elmer then sat on the vacant sofa while James stood on the left side Alexander.

"Phew... the tail worked so hard to think she' already schemed this far." Elmer muttered, remembering the how the rest of the maid only has adequate skill. Thus limiting the scope to choose the personal maid that Hilda prepared.

"You're right, I probably had to pick one from the two. Both are inside the suspicious list provided by the Butler. James what do you think about them? which one should I pick?" Alexander sighed, as he handed the two data to James.

"Belinda and Esther ? They're already stationed as your bed chamber maid. Who do you dislike the most?"



".... Hmm, They're annoying." Alexander sighed as his frown still painting his face.

"The two keep seducing you?"

"Do you want to be in a room with a girl whom eagerly to be f*cked ?" Alexander questioning James back, with a frown.

"Why not? It's not like you at all, your highness." Elmer chimed in. "Aha! they're not your taste! Am I right?"

"Just pick one of them, James. Elmer, go contact Meredith to start buying grains and stock it in the save." Glaring at Elmer, Alexander sternly ordering him.

Meredith is one of his subordinate from Evergreen Merchant he made a few years ago. She's a former merchenary whom asked to be in charge of Alexander private mining stone along his other bussiness.

Sigh- Elmer who have bloated belly had no other choice to stand up and go outside the Garnet Palace.

"Then, I'll be off his highness."

Alexander nodd his head, affirming his outing.

"Back to the previous topic, How about Belinda ?" James suggested, and handing him her data's.

"She's sold by her family, The father has accumulating a debt because of the son gambling addict. She's sold to one of the queen a vassal family and transferred here." He continued, "If I were the Mrs. Irvine, I'll choose her as the tail and direct the Head Maid Hilda to cooperate in any scheme."

"How about Esther ?"

"An orphan, found by slave trader. In addition, She has nothing to lose."

"Hmm... lets assign Belinda and keep monitoring Esther as well." Alexander concluded as he start working on his paper.

"I'll do as you wish."

Well i'm gonna fix the grammar someday!

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