
Meliodas the King of Chaos

What would happen if Meliodas was chosen by chaos. . . . It is translated with google

Universal_01 · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

it is translated with google.


In the vast blue sky a couple of lovers could be seen flying together, an unheard of sight for the time in which they live, a couple of a demon and a goddess.

The demon is short in stature, messy blonde hair and his eyes are dark. His toned chest is bare while the part from the waist down is covered by the power of darkness and his wings are made of the same darkness and he has a demonic mark on his forehead.

Next to him was a goddess, she has silver hair that reaches her waist, a body with the perfect curves to attract any man and beautiful angelic wings, but the most peculiar are her eyes her Iris is orange with a mixture of yellow and her pupils are golden with strange pattern.

After flying for a while they arrived at an unknown location hidden from the other races.

They landed and were met by a tall, slender, attractive woman with golden eyes and black hair also a little below her right eye was a mole.

"Meliodas!" she cried excitedly and ran to him and hugged him. Although because her crush was smaller she got down on her knees.

"Merlin!" she responded happily and returned the hug and began to gently stroke his head.

Once they separated Merlin noticed the presence of goddess.

"A sorry I didn't realize" she said embarrassed.

"Who could you be?" he asked curiously and cautiously.

"My name is Elizabeth and I am Meliodas' lover" she said as she intertwined arms with Meliodas who was no longer clothed in darkness. Without the power of darkness he was only wearing pants and the strange forehead mark disappeared and his eyes changed from black to green.

Merlin for a moment looked as if a bucket of cold water was thrown on his head but he pulled himself together and said with an awkward smile.

"I see, congratulations."

"Thank you."

Perhaps out of womanly instinct Elizabeth was the only one who noticed, but she didn't say anything. They greeted each other and talked a bit until Meliodas asked.

"By the way Merlin there were some barrels of beer around here, do you still have them?"

"Yes and taking advantage you can tell me how you met."

With Merlin's guidance they arrived at a small hut.

They talked about their experiences and about how they met as they drank until Meliodas ended up asleep from the amount he had drunk which was several kegs that were full, unlike Elizabeth and Merlin who barely drank at all.

Elizabeth got up from the chair picked up her lover and laid him on a bed.

"Rest Meliodas" she said in a loving tone as she gave him a kiss on the forehead. It was one of the few times they could relax as they were at war.

Behind her was Merlin who averted his gaze elsewhere.

She broke away from her lover and spoke to Merlin "Want to go for a walk?" she asked with a small smile. To which the mage nodded nervously at being alone with her lover's mistress.

They left the cabin and headed for a small lake.

On the way neither of them said anything.

When they reached the lake Elizabeth turned to look at Merlin and she unconsciously averted her gaze.

"Merlin look at me" Elizabeth said in a calm but commanding tone.

Though at first he resisted the steady gaze pressing down on her, he finally gave in and looked her in the eye.

"I know you like Meliodas" he said with a smile.

"What are you talking about!" Merlin Tried to act crazy but the small blush on her cheeks gave her away.

"Meliodas is just a friend" she replied shyly.

"There's no need to lie I recognize the way you look at him, after all I see him the same way, a look full of love."

"Besides as a good lover I must recognize who is in love with him" she said proudly as she put a hand to her chest.

When she heard what Elizabeth said she turned around and tried to run away but the goddess grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"Let go of me" she said in a low voice.

"Why do you want to run away from your feelings" she replied with a serious look.

"Why? you ask" she said in a trembling voice.

"It's obvious, because he doesn't love me!" she replied angrily. As tears fell from her eyes and she released her grip.

"But he does love you, whenever he talks to me about you there is always a smile on his face, he talks about how proud he is of you, gosh even sometimes I get jealous" she replied confidently.

"I don't want that kind of love"

"I don't want him to look at me like a sister" she replied sadly.


"Then we just have to make him change the way you look at you, since he loves you we just have to transform that familiar love."


"What do you mean?" she asked incredulous about what she just heard.

"Like I said we just have to change the way he looks at you" he replied as he crossed his arms.

"But you are already his lover" she replied confused.

"Mmm Never mind he can have more lovers" she said as if it was a no-brainer.

"For starters in heaven because of what there are more women than men it's normal to have several mistresses."

"Of course only if you agree" he said with a smile.

After thinking about it for a few moments she replied "I see... then I agree I'd rather share Meliodas than give up my love for him" replied the mage with determination. "Besides I'm getting in the way of your relationship but..."

"You're okay with this?" she asked hesitantly and a little guiltily.

"Of course I would like to have all his love for myself but..." her voice started to sound sad.

"Are you okay with this?" she asked hesitantly and a little guiltily.

"Of course I would like to have all your love for me but..." her voice started to sound sad.

"At some point we will have to fight our parents and most likely we will be killed but I want to believe that we can survive or at least Meliodas."

"So it may sound selfish of me but if I die and Meliodas doesn't, he will blame himself and wander aimlessly , that's why I want him to have other people he loves so he doesn't waste his life" he said would be as he looked at his reflection in the lake. 'Besides he has a lot of energy in bed I need help to beat him' although this last she didn't say.

"Of course, you can still refuse I know it's selfish to enter into a relationship with people who are practically doomed" she was prepared for Merlin's rejection that's why she was surprised by his next words.


"I understand, so how do we start Nene!" she replied with excitement and a small blush at the way he called her she wasn't sure on why he called her that he just did, maybe because he always wanted to have an older sister.

"Good" she replied happy for the way he called her, sharing her wishes she also wanted a younger sister.

"Operation fulfill my little sister crush begins" she said as she raised her fist in the air.

"Ohh" she shouted mimicking the motion ignoring the silly name.


Meliodas started to open his eyes when he felt an extra weight on his right arm even though he knew it was Elizabeth he was confused when the other arm also had extra weight.


'What is she doing?' he wondered in confusion. 'But she's grown' he thought as her breasts pressed to his arm.

'Good morning' he heard a sleepy voice.

"Elizabeth did I wake you?"

"No but..." she looked at Merlin who was sleeping next to her.

"A this doesn't mean anything, he probably had nowhere to sleep and that's why he laid down here" he said as he shook his arms repeatedly.

"Mmm I see" she replied with a small pout as she looked away. Even though it was the tactic they agreed on yesterday and it was his idea.


"You know I love you" he said fondly.

"I know" he said as he took her head and pressed it against her breasts. Of course Meliodas as a breast lover enjoyed it.

"Mmmhg" when Merlin showed signs of arousal Elizabeth instantly broke away from the bed with a small blush.

Although he acted boldly in front of her yesterday she is usually shy about such matters, but due to the importance of the matter and perhaps the alcohol she was able to.



Once they all got up they had breakfast together and Merlin although a bit embarrassed acted normal while Meliodas changed a bit the way he looks at her.

Something Meliodas noticed was that Merlin was calling Elizabeth Nene, he wondered when they got so close. He didn't think much of it though due to the fact that it was good.

When they were done they went outside.

"Yosh, we have to go Merlin" said the demon.

"I see" he replied with sadness in his voice.

"We'll see you again"

"Take care" "Likewise" He hugged Meliodas briefly and when it was the goddess' turn he whispered to her like a little imp.

"Follow the advice I gave you" he whispered as he winked at her. The mage just nodded a little embarrassed.

They spread their wings and flew away, once they were far away it was their turn to separate to go each to their faction. They exchanged a few words, kisses, caresses and went in opposite directions.



As soon as Merlin decided that he would return to the Belialuin kingdom to find a way to help his friends.

He knew that they would not return for a long time so he decided to take advantage of it by expanding his knowledge and improving his magic.

As he studied he heard the elders talking about a being known as chaos.

"Chaos what is that" asked the elder curiously.

"It is said to be the being that created the whole world, the sacred tree, the demon king and the supreme deity also created the race of giants and humans."

"But if chaos existed we would no longer have a hint of its existence."

"Who knows if it is a legend, but it is said that it was sealed by the Demon King and the Deity."

At the time Merlin didn't give it much thought as his heart was content, he still kept it deep in his memories.

Instead he was more interested in the book about the giant craftsman Dubs capable of forging anything, he was already putting together a plan to end the holy war, he wanted to live a peaceful life with his older sister and her future husband.

She also read a book with techniques to seduce.

(Author: I write as a hobby so don't expect too much from me.)

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