
Unfamiliar Territory

Y/n awoke in a dark room.

His surroundings were black...everything was black.....he tried to get up, but found he was restrained by chains connecting his wrists to the wall.

As panic flooded his mind, he attempted to remember how he got here, all he remembers previously is falling asleep, with Meggy in his arms, at her apartment.... Who captured him? Meggy? No...she would never....Why? My intelligence, i dont think im that smart...my strength? No... can't be....

Suddenly a metal door that Y/n couldn't see slams open, making Y/n jump. Out steps SMG....4?

Y/n: SMG4...What's going on? Why?

SMG4: Oh, i'm not SMG4 Y/n... He steps into the light, revealing that the normal white on 4's overalls were jet black, and the normal friendly blue gaining a slightly purple shade.

(I'm gonna start calling SMG4 just 4 more cause i'm lazy, Thanks)

Y/n: Who are you?

SMG3: Oh, has good old 4 never told you, im SMG3, his arch nemesis, i have spent my life in the shadows, always being one upped by him, but with you, that will change....

SMG3 suddenly clicked his fingers, and Y/n was teleported into a brighter, bigger room, as he took in his surroundings, he could see machines, guards, conveyor belts, if Y/n had to guess, he was in an abandoned warehouse.

Y/n tried to move his arms, but they were held together by cuffs, suddenly SMG3 put his hand on Y/n's shoulder

SMG3: I sure hope you cooperate, or there will be consequences....

Two guards grabbed Y/n and threw him into a strange cell, where immediately bright green flashes were seen scanning his body. The door locked.

SMG3: I hope you enjoy your stay Y/n, you'll be here a while.....



Meggy sprinted to the castle, she woke up and realised Y/n was gone, she frantically searched her apartment and nothing was found, apart from a small clue, Y/n's glasses....

Meggy knew that Y/n would never leave his glasses, he needs them to see properly and they comfort him, they were given to him by his parents, who mysteriously disappeared one day without a trace....

AS Meggy burst into the castle, everyone looked at her worried

Tari: What's wrong meggy?

Meggy: It's Y/n, we were over at my place for the night, and when I woke up, he was gone, but, he left his glasses, Y/n would never do that, IT HAS TO BE A KIDNAPPING!

Mario, being a very close friend to Meggy, put his hand on her shoulder

Mario: Meggy, i'm-a sure he's fine, maybe he forgot his glasses on his way to the shops or something.

Meggy: Y/n would never forget his glasses, and he'd tell me before he left, he can't go out on his own! He could have another panic attack like yesterday...

SMG4: I agree with Meggy, with how Y/n acts, there's no way he'd do something like this, but who would do this?

The group though long and hard, after about 20 minutes of failed suggestions, Mario decided to get something to eat, that's when...


Mario came running out with a note

Meggy quickly grabbed the note off Mario and read aloud:

"Dear SMG4 and friends, if you want your precious bitch Y/n back, you'll have to take him from me, but, who knows if you'll get here in time, after all, he won't be top shape when i'm done with his brain... and body... Hurry now, i know some of you are closer to him than others, and i'm sure a specific orange inkling in your ranks would hate to see his life be taken before your very eyes, wouldn't you...Meggy.

Humbly signed, SMG3

SMG4: I should've known....

Meggy: What are we waiting for! We can't just stand around! Y/n's life is on the line!

Tari: Meggy, i know he means a whole lot to you, and you cherish him as much as he does you, but we've got to figure out a plan of attack, and even figure out where he would be kept.

Meggy: Tari, you're right, its just that knowing he's alone, with his conditions, this is probably torture to him....

Luigi: Does anyone know of any of SMG3's old hideouts?

Bob: I Kn0W hE hAs ONe in A deSerT

Boopkins: He has an underwater one close to my house

SMG4: Doesn't he have that one in that abandoned warehouse?

Mario: Why don't-a we a-go to all of them, closest first?

Meggy: That would be the warehouse, then sub, then desert?

Luigi: Looks like we've got a plan then


Meggy: Don't worry Y/n, im coming.....