
The Date

Y/N was in the castle with SMG4 and Mario, it was somewhat early morning and Y/N was thinking of taking Meggy on a date, they had been dating for a few weeks, and had often met up, but never gone on a actual date.

Y/N: But where to take her?

SMG4: What are you on about Y/N?

Y/N: Well, me and Meggy have been dating for a while and i wanted to take her out on a date, to show my affection and appreciation for her, y'know?

SMG4: OH i see, love huh, i totally knew you would get her, it was really obvious you liked each other.

Mario: Yeah! Get that inkling ass!

Y/N kicked Mario in the pingas

SMG4: Well, how about i'll look for a activity for the two of you, while you call her and get her excited and notified?

Y/N: Thanks bro, i owe you one!

SMG4 goes online and finds a nice film at the local cinema, and followed it up with a reservation at a fancy restaurant.


Y/N: *over the phone* Hey Meggy!

Meggy: Hi Y/N, whats up?

Y/N: I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date? Just the two of us? It could be really fun!

Meggy: oooh, sounds romantic. I'll most definitely come~

Y/N: Thanks Meggy, I'll see you around 12:00?

Meggy: Sure, Love ya Y/N

Y/N: Love you Meggy!

It was 12:00, Y/N and Meggy had met up at the castle, and they headed toward the cinema, where they would be seeing Battle Tension (I made that up).

Y/N and Meggy got their seats in the middle of the cinema and sat down, with popcorn and drinks at the ready.

Y/N: i hope you enjoy this, Megs

Meggy: Well i'm with you, so of course i will silly~

Y/N: *Gives meggy a small peck on the cheek* Thanks megs

The movie begins with a war between Teletubbies and Humans, during the movie, a teletubbie and a human fall in love, and the discovery of their love leads to the end of the war, not before their saddening death though

Meggy: Aw, god, that ending made me cry a little bit

Y/N: Me too, it was really sad huh, besides that, i think it was a really good movie.

Meggy: It was!

Y/N: Anyway, you feeling hungry?

Meggy: Now that you mention it, i am quite hungry.

Y/N: Well i just so happen to have booked a seat in a restaurant

Y/N showed Meggy the place

Meggy: I know that place, but Y/N, it's really popular, are you gonna be ok?

Y/N: I should be fine, i've got you there after all!

Y/N and Meggy got to Pingas restaurant, and sat down.

Luigi, the waiter, arrived at your table

Luigi: Hello guys! Fancy seeing you here!

Meggy: You work here luigi?

Luigi: Yeah, gotta pay for all of Mario's damages somehow y'know. Anyway, what would you like to order?

Meggy: We'd like to have a giant bowl of spaghetti to share (This is weird, cause i don't even really like spaghetti anyways)

Luigi: Coming right up, lovebirds

Y/N and Meggy both blushed at this

A few minutes later, luigi slammed a giant bowl of spaghetti on the table, both Y/N and Meggy ate slowly, talking to each other and savouring the food, by the time they left, with Y/N paying of course, it was sunset, they both walked back to the castle and sat on the roof.

Meggy: Thank you Y/N, for today, it was great getting to spend the afternoon with you

Y/N: Right back at you, Megs

Y/N and Meggy kissed, until you were both out of breath, afterwards Meggy leaned on your shoulder as you both stared at the sunset. Together.