

Everyone stood in awe at the Anti-Y/n, while SMG3 cackled and Y/n stood their shaking

Meggy: No.....Way...

SMG4: What the fuck?

SMG3: Well then, let's test this out, Anti Y/n... Terminate

Anti: Yes, Master

Faster than light, Anti Y/n grabbed Mario and threw him, sending him into the wall with a sickening crack, and punched Luigi and Saiko in the stomach, knocking them down. He slammed his foot into boopkins flying at the tube where Y/n was, and slightly cracked it.

Meggy: Wait.....

Meggy ran to Tari started discussing something, leaving SMG4 and Bob to fight the anti, they put up a decent fight, with Bob managing to get a cut on Anti's cheek and SMG4 getting a kick to his shins.

Suddenly, Meggy ran over and shouted,

Meggy: Boopkins, keep getting hit by him and break the tube!

Meanwhile, the Anti kicked Bob into the control panel, which made the machine start whirring again, causing Y/n great amounts of pain

Tari: Y/n!

SMG4 had ran off to stop SMG3 from making more clones, while the rest of the Gang attacked the Anti. They all purposely kept getting hit into the tube, allowing Y/n to slowly break free

After what felt like hours, with Mario flying straight into the center of the tube, it smashed, stopping the pain Y/n was feeling and breaking him free, Y/n stumbled out of the tube, straight into Meggy's arms.

Y/n: t-thank you Meggy. Was all Y/n could muster before fainting right into Meggy's arms.

Meanwhile, the rest of the gang where fighting a very one-sided battle with Anti Y/n, they were all injured and could barely get a strong hit on him.


Meggy: I-I can't do that to you mario!

The anti Y/n approached Mario, grabbing a pipe, and raised it, ready to hit Mario....

Then it happened in a flash....

Y/n awoke, and saw what would happen to Mario, the man who he has had so many good times with, he looked around, seeing everyone in peril, made rage boil inside of him, then looked at Meggy, and upon seeing her wounds, pushed him over the edge.

Y/n jumped to his feet and sprinted toward Anti Y/n and delivered a swift punch to the stomach, sending the Anti flying across the room and smashing into a wall, creating a giant explosion. Everyone looked in awe at how their most quiet, struggling, wounded, weak friend managed to do that

Meggy: Whoa, Y/n you okay?

Y/n: Meggy, Mario, you guys ok? I need you help taking this ass down. If we wanna escape!

Meggy and Mario nodded and got in a fighting stance, preparing to fight once more.

At the speed of light, Anti Y/n was infront of them and swiftly delivered a kick that Y/n blocked with ease,


Together, all three hit the Anti at once sending him flying back and into one of the cloning machines, Y/n quickly hacked the control panel turning the machine on and damaging the Anti.

SMG4: Yo guys! we better get out of here!

Y/n fainted again, making Meggy carry him, as the rest ran for the death bus outside.

(back at the castle)

Y/n awoke to see Meggy sleeping in a chair next to him, and looked at the time, 1:00pm, he gently nudged Meggy waking her up,


Meggy pulled Y/n into a giant hug, they stayed there for a few minutes before Tari and SMG4 came in.

SMG4: I see you're awake.

Tari: Thank goodness! but, you have so many serious injuries, not to mention a lack of food and water. You sir are gonna be recovering for quite a while....

Y/n: Yeah, i think that i need that....thank you guys....for saving me

SMG4: No problem buddy, anything for my best bro!

Meggy: Like i would forget about the guy that stole my heart.

Y/n chucked

Meggy: Speaking of recovery, that means i'm gonna be your nurse!

Y/n: I wouldn't have it any other way...