
Mega Man Online

A girl named Hikari decided to play the new VR game called Robot Master Online. Little did she know that her life and the life of 10,000 would be changed forever.

spirit_draw · Derivados de juegos
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11 Chs

Episode 2 Tutorial Arc 01


Hikari Shujin


Hikari POV

"Link Start"

The screen went black for a moment and then replaced by a white screen. Lines of colors appeared forming to shape a tunnel. I went in and everything became blurry.

I appeared in a blue void with a screen in front of me.

[Create your Avatar]

[Create an Avatar of your choosing


Modify the Avatar to look like the player]

As much as I want to make my own custom character I want to play this game already. Maybe later on I will change my avatar. So I decided to press on the second option.

A flash of light appeared again, but this time I was ready with my eyes closed.

[Welcome to Monstropolis City]

After hearing that notification I opened my eyes looked in awe at what I saw. Flying cars in the air. Robots around the street doing work. This all looked so real, it's as if I have been transported to another world. This city looked so advanced, the technology looked amazing. I know now more than ever that I'm going to have a lot of fun here.

"Hello professor, welcome to Monstropolis."

I looked to see a little girl waving at me. She had blue eyes and blonde hair tied in a ponytail. She was wearing a red dress and red shoes. I gotta be honest she looks really cute.

I looked up to see the title NPC above her with her name on display.



Name: Roll

Robot Type: Support

Player Guide

She called me professor for some reason. It's probably something that she calls players when she interacts with them. Her name is Roll and she is a player guide. So she is an NPC that guides new players by teaching them on how to play the game.

The is a question icon above her which means she has a quest for me to take.

"Hello there Roll."

Why did I say that? Well this is an advanced VR game that tries to make the game as real as possible. So that means that you actually have to talk to NPCs rather than click a button to interact with them. They react to players talking to them to interact.

Roll perked up at my response.

"I hope to help you for as long as you need my assistance. I hope that you will enjoy your stay here. Anyway since your new here let me help explain what we do here."

She waved her hand towards a shop.

"I own a shop that is called the 'Common Shop' where I sell some useful items that can really help."

She held out her hand and a large bolt appeared.

"In order to buy those items you need bolts. Bolts act as currency here. So you need to collect a lot of them to buy what you want. So please take this bolt."

So this is the currency for the game? I guess since it's a robot game these bolts are something that I can get used to.

I took the bolt from her and in turn she nodded.

[Bolt Currency: 0-> 1,000]

Roll then turned around and walked towards her shop.

"Please follow me professor. There are some items that I'm sure will help you."

I followed her into her shop. And once I went inside instead of it looking like a shop it looks like a lab. It was a second story building, though it was rather small. There where a lot of screens on the walls and machines around the place.

Roll then turned around to look at me with a smile.

"Well professor, what would you like to buy?"