
Meeting you from the Start

Gu Yanqing, Xu Jinyi’s elementary school crush. After graduating, she lost contact with him. And like what happen to most crushes, they soon fade out and another one starts. Over the period of her life, Xu Jinyi only experiences one sided love. No true love yet. Until one day she saw him again.

JJ_XU · Ciudad
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6 Chs

One stone, Two birds

After twenty minutes of eating, Jinyi starts hiccuping. She puts down her fork and taps on Qianyu's shoulder.

"Wa-water," she said and hiccups again.

"Eat slowly," Yanqing stated,pouring her a cup of water before Qianyu could do it.

Jinyi didn't care much and took the water from him. After drinking water, Jinyi felt like her stomach was so stuffed. "I can't anymore. I need to take a break," she said and hiccups again.

Both sides of the parents laughed.

"I wish I had a daughter like Jinyi," Gao Yuming said with admiration. Li Xiuying smiles, "Yanqing is nice too. I heard he is a swimmer?"

Gao Yuming nods, "right now besides training, he is also teaching little kids."

'He is teaching little kids?' Jinyi starts imagining his cold straight face teaching the kids. "Are you sure he won't scare away the kids?" she mutters to herself.

"What did you say?" Yanqing utter.

Jinyi purposely avoids his eye contact and casually grabs a french fry. "Nothing," she nervously laughs.

"Stop eating. Didn't you say you were full?" he commented.

Gao Yuming really starts liking Jinyi a lot. She never sees her son this caring before. As a mother that cares about her son's future, Gao Yuming couldn't help but have thoughts about getting them together.

Soon the dinner is over.

"We should have dinner another time," Xu Haoran said to Gu Muyang.

"Of course. Next time, come over to my house." Both agreed happily and Jinyi is already starting to think of excuses for not going.

As they started walking to their parking spot, Jinyi felt a pain in her stomach. But she didn't think too much and thought it's just a pain that would go away.

Gu Muyang's car parked a little closer, so they stopped and said their goodbyes. As both families said their goodbyes, Jinyi felt that pain again. And this time it's more painful. She tries to move her body and take some deep breaths to see if it can ease the pain. But it quickly comes back before she can even relax.

"What's wrong?" Yanqing asked and noticed her face getting pale.

"Nothing," she says and puts her hand by her stomach. 'It must be the food,' she said to herself.

She had these conditions before where she ate too fast and had stomach pain after. Now she regretted doing that to herself earlier.

"Are you sure it's nothing?" Yanqing looks at her with concern.

"Okay, you're right. It's something." Jinyi finally gives in and tells him that her stomach is hurting.

"What's going on?" the parents finally notice with the sisters.

"Nothing serious. I think I just ate too much earlier and now my stomach is hurting," Jinyi explains, trying to not worry her parents.

Li Xiuying and Xu Haoran worriedly look at Jinyi. They know how their daughter likes to eat and sometimes overeat without thinking. "I didn't bring any medication with me. Is there a pharmacy nearby?" Li Xiuying asks while checking on Jinyi.

"I know there is one nearby. I'll go buy it," Yanqing stepped in.

Not only his parents look surprised but also the Xu family.

"Just let Yanqing go. He knows the area more than us," Gao Yuming looked over at Jinyi and insisted.

Li Xiuying nods and tells him what medicine he needs to buy.

Ruoxuan and Qianyu both whisper to Jinyi. "Are you sure there's nothing in between you guys?"

"Guys like him, will never be mine," Jinyi said weakly as the pain hit her again.

Soon, Yanqing came back with a bottle of water and the medication that Jinyi's mother told him to buy.

Li Xiuying quickly gives Jinyi a pill and opens the water for her to drink. Even though the medicine doesn't work right at the moment, they know that Jinyi should be fine after taking it.

Jinyi thanked Yanqing after feeling a lot better.

Yanqing smiles lightly, but it disappears shortly after, "if you want to thank me, then do something for me," he says.

Jinyi looks at him with suspicion, "what is it? I'm telling you, I don't do anything that's illegal!" she said it a little loud that both parents heard their conversation.

Yanqing didn't know what he exactly did or why he did it, but he hit her head slightly. "What are you thinking? I need a helper at the swimming center where I teach little kids how to swim."

"Oh, I thought it was something serious." Jinyi said with relief.

"But Jinyi doesn't even know how to swim," Qianyu cuts in between them and questions Yanqing as to what his plan is.

Yanqing exchanges looks and claims, "that's good. It's actually what I need."

Both of them looked at him surprisingly, "why would you need a helper that doesn't know how to swim?" Jinyi and Qianyu both question him.

Li Xiuying and Xu Haoran both look at them too and even have the same question in their head. 'What is he trying to do with their daughter?'

"Yanqing, what are you trying to do?" Gao Yuming asks her son.

"Mom, don't worry. There are some kids that are afraid to swim and I need a starter like Jinyi to demonstrate for them. I believe that once they learn from you, they won't be afraid anymore. Are you up for the challenge?" he expresses.

Jinyi looks at him like he's crazy. "Me? Aren't you a professional swimmer? You can't even teach little kids?" She questions him and his skills.

"Having skills is one thing,and teaching is another," he says.

Jinyi finally understands. Someone like him, with a tall and cold look, there is no child who isn't afraid of him. Jinyi quickly admits that inside her head.

"Fine. I agree, but I can't do this for free!" she adds.

"What do you want?" Yanqing asks as he slightly grits his teeth.

"I know that in your team there's this guy called Song Zeming? I want his contact information!" Jinyi says happily.

Yanqing's face darkens, "Zeming? Why do you want his phone number?"

Jinyi faintly smiles with a little blush on her face, "of course it's because of how talented and handsome he is."

Both Jinyi's sister shakes her head but admits that's their sister.

"That's impossible. I won't give you his phone number!" Yanqing says and doesn't give another chance for Jinyi to say.

"Give me your phone," Yanqing snap and Jinyi happily gives it to him thinking that he changed his mind.

"Here's my wechat and my phone number. I'll text you about the information tomorrow. I'll see you then," he said and then said his goodbye to Liu Xiuying, Xu Haoran, and her siblings.

Gao Yuming looks at her son worriedly. 'How will her son ever find a girl with that attitude?' She thought to herself. Gu Muyang thought about the same too. 'Need to find time to pass some skills over to him on how to chase girls.'

Jinyi looks down at her phone confusingly. "Did I even agree to help him?"

Both of her sisters shrugged their shoulders and got into the car.

"I think it's a good thing. Since you have nothing to do for now, why not learn how to swim?" her mother spoke up. "That's right. I think it's nice to learn how to swim and plus it's better than coming to my company to work right?" her father adds on.

Jinyi can't believe even her parents agree to this. Now she wished that she had never eaten the medicine that he had brought back and just died in pain.

The next morning, Jinyi got woken up by an endless phone call. She finally picks it up out of frustration.

"Hello!" she yells out a little while eyes are still half closed.

"Xu Jinyi, look at what time it is already. Don't forget what you promised me yesterday," Yanqing says.

"Gu Yanqing! What promise did I make! I don't remember saying yes to this!" Jinyi says and almost ends the phone call.

Yanqing breathes in. "Okay fine. If you come, I'll think about giving you Zeming's contact information."

Jinyi suddenly eye's wide open and sat up, "What did you say?"

Yanqing knew it. "You don't Zeming's contact anymore?" he grumbled.

Jinyi quickly comforted him, "I'm coming. Give me twenty minutes," and ends the phone call.

She quickly looks through her closet but there's no swimsuit. "Urgg, I don't even swim. How do I even have a swimsuit!" Jinyi quickly goes to Ruoxuan's room and searches through her closet. But all her swimsuits are too exposed for her. Not the type she likes.

"What are you looking for?" A knock came through the door and it was her mom.

"I'm trying to find a swimsuit but I don't have one. And the one Ruoxuan has is too much for me," she stresses.

Li Xiuying looks and nods. "It is too much and you're teaching little kids. Ahh, I have the one just for you." She quickly went to her bedroom and Jinyi followed from behind.

"Mom, what are you searching your closet for?" Jinyi questions because she knows that her mom's swimsuit won't fit her too.

"Just wait--- Here, I found it," her mom holds it out to her. It's a one piece swimsuit but not like the one her sister has.

"Wow mom, this is what I need! Where did you get this?" Jinyi takes it from her mom and checks it out.

Li Xiuying smiles. "This swimsuit was back in college when I first went to the beach with your father. Can't believe I still have it. Go try it on and see how it fits," she says to Jinyi.

Jinyi nodded and went to the bathroom to change.

The swimsuit fits perfectly like it was meant for her. "How perfect," her mom says.

Jinyi rushes to the swimming center that Yanqing sent her to last night. She enters the swimming pool where there are like 10 kids that are all sitting quietly looking at Yanqing.

Jinyi suddenly got goosebumps with this type of atmosphere. It's like when she's back in high school and the way the teacher gives lessons.

Yanqing noticed someone behind him and turned around.

"You came. Quickly go change in the changing room. We're all waiting for you," he says coldly.

Jinyi swallows and nods. In less than five minutes, she came back and was assigned a seat too.

For some reason Jinyi doesn't really regret coming anymore. This is because she saw how fit Yanqing is.

Yesterday night, she couldn't really tell since he was wearing a long sleeve. But now she gets to see his muscles. Her eyes wander to his chest and a little more down, and wonders if he has abs and if so, how many?"

Yanqing noticed her stare. "Where are you looking?" He made a small splash in front of him.

His voice brought back Jinyi's attention. She looked him into the eyes and felt a little embarrassed. "Haha, nothing. I was just wondering how you could be so talented," she says.

"Oh really? I thought yesterday you said that Song Zeming is the one that's talented. Isn't that so?" he says as he emphasizes the last part.

Jinyi didn't know what to say anymore. This is so embarrassing.

Yanqing's students watch them as if they're watching something interesting.