
Meeting the Mafia Monster

Fabien Nightshade is a monster .He's huge ,dark,powerful and ....tentacled.He's almost as terrifying as the nightmares that he inflicts on his victims.He's also my new undercover assignment.I'm supposed to gather evidence to bring down the mafia monster. Seducing Fabien and pretending to want to marry him is the only way to do that . Now,I've got a week to get the job done before the arranged marriage happens and I become the beast's bride and Fabien has made it very clear how much he wants me.The thing he wants to do to me when I'm fully his are dirty,depraved and involved a lot of tentacles .The scary part of is ,I'm starting to think that I'd enjoy it ....All of it

Saintnessa · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Chapter 38


When we're alone, she speaks first.

"There's something I'd like to say..."

"You'll get your chance, I promise. But first, I need you to know I wasn't lying to you about what'd happen if you stay. You know I have to protect my family. I can't let outsiders harm these people. Even you."

Lola reaches out, and I can't bring myself to step away. Her fingers brush across my chest, seeking out my skin beneath my shirt. The familiar electricity is still there when we touch. If anything, it's even more powerful.A part of me cries out to have more. More of the pleasure only she can give me. And more of the power.

"I'd never hurt this family, Fabien. I want you to know that. I want you to know I love you. I made a mistake and trusted the wrong people, and the people I thought were the bad guys turned out not to be so bad. The people I thought were the good guys turned out to be pretty shitty.