
Unlucky Yandere

Luck pertaining to success or failure,but what would you do if you don't have luck.

Aliyah a very obsessive female who can't express her love because she rarely interacts with other guys.

She met her love of her this March 12 2020 at a park named Blue Bay.

The scenery was quite pleasant surrounded by crowd in the green grass she saw a young man struggling with his acting for his part in their stageplay.


She was astonished on how persistent and serious he is on his acting.

She tried walking towards him to talk to him but then she slipped.

Due to her face getting dirtied by the ground she ran to the nearest restroom nad tried to fix her self.

She then smacks her face and said this.

"That's really embarassing i hope he didn't saw me slipping, sheeshh." she then fixed her hair ,face and cleaned her clothes.

"I can do this, all i have to do is just walk there courageously then ask his info and contact number." She hurriedly rushed out of the restroom and tried to get closed to him.

As she is reaching for her pockets she realized that her phone is missing.

"Shoot!,where's my phone how am i even gonna save his contact when i don't have my phone,i didn't even bring a pen and a paper why am i so unlucky."She frowned due to her unluckiness

She searched for her phone hours and hours and finally,She found her phone in the ground where she slipped.

" Finally with this i can exchange contacts with him."She tried to find the guy whom she likes but he is nowhere to be found.

She rushes to the exit only to see his back getting into a jeepney which is headed to pasay.

As she is running close to the jeepney,it started to run because it is alreadyfull of people.

Her face full of sweat tried to find another jeepney going to pasay.

She waited and finally found one but the jeepney her crush is riding is nowhere to be seen.

she got out of the jeepney when she reaches pasay.

She went around in circles in pasay to see if she would bump into him.

Unfortunately she never did bump into him.

She persisted on trying to find and went there everyday trying to search for him but she never did find a trace of him.

Not even his social media's are found.