
chapter 1.

It was a sunny day i was driving my supra and racing with some weirdos because they said my supra can never beat their lambo .

As we were halfway they slowed their lambo because the of the curve road but for some reason my break were not working and i used hand break and my car turn upside down going directly down the hill , both me and car got crushed on a rock and thats how i died .

I know its very pathetic way to die but atleast i didn't die from heart attack and being virgin it was worth it .

i woke up in a place which looked like something i haven't seen , there were magnificent clouds just above my head and when i look down i realised i was on cloud aswell just as i was thinking a man with beard appeared in front of me and said .


??? : Hello kid congratulations you were selected as the first person to reincarnate in a anime world , you make think who is this old man showing you fantasies in a heavenly place like this so i will answer you " I am the M.O.D " .

MC : First of all i m pretty sure i ain't the first person to reincarnate in anime world and second i dont think you are M.O.D based on your physical appearance.

M.O.D : what the hell kid ! do you think every mod is fat and if you don't believe me i can reincarnate you in earth and you can lose your oportunity.

MC : sorry Mr.M.O.D i was expecting you would be a Admin based on your majestic aura .

M.O.D : Wow you really know how to sugar coat words now enough of chit chat i dont have much time just spin the 3 roulette behind you and start your journey .

MC : ' as i turn around i noticed 3 wheels that were not their before but magically appeared when M.O.D said and then i spun my first wheel .'

' after 5 second it stopped and the arrow landed on mha '

M.O.D : so your world is of quirks i see

MC : ' without saying anything i spinned my second wheel and same as first wheel it stopped after 5 seconds it landed its arrow on logia '.

M.O.D : you will know which logia it is when your age 4 and manifest your quirk .

MC : so can i not know it before hand ?

M.O.D: NO !

MC : ' instead of arguing with the douchebag of a M.O.D i went straight to spin my last wheel and just like the rest it spinned for 5 seconds finally stopping on a thing called ken .'

M.O.D : So to clear your doubt you will reincarnate in quirk world same time as midorya and his U.A classmates with logia quirk and ken sub-quirk .

MC : ' before i could ask anything he teleported me to nothingness '