
Meant to be but will never be

Growing up for Tammy was never easy because everything she had she had to work hard for it.which was never an easy thing to do considering she had school as well to deal with and an uncle to bribe to be her guardian so she won't be shifted to foster care.what happens years later when she faces the hard battle of her life being married to a stranger and it's not even a drunken night at Vegas, nope she got married in her dreams and woke up with a gigantic ring that was stuck on her finger. Dean was raised in a group home with about 10 other teenagers but one stood out Laura his childhood sweetheart they knew each other since they were twelve, started dating when they were fourteen and she fell pregnant when she was 17 and died in a freak accident were nobody got even a scratch but she was unrecognizable since that day Dean sweared off love. what happens when he wake up day after a wedding dream and has a wedding band stuck on his finger.

mangi_0707 · Ciudad
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7 Chs

chapter six


The moment the door opened I felt myself been drawn to it, and I thought it was because of the disrespect the person was showing by being more than forty five minutes late but it was not because even though she looked innocent with her head bowed and eyes cast to the floor the something about her that stirs things in me I didn't want to acknowledge and I put on my work persona ready to scold her even though my Heart was pounding inside without no particular reason

" It was nice if you to finally grace us without your presence nurse?" I said waiting for an excuse or apology coming from her, but eye raised her head to say something to me, but when she did I was more than shocked, I stood still forgetting to let air in my lungs, month opened ready to say something but I couldn't I didn't know where to start, I knew who she was immediately, she may had no makeup onsbd hair in a neat bun, but I could point out the strange that haunted by dreams anywhere it was Tammy ty woman I married in my dream, the reason I was there 

She stood there shocked as I was, and she was also had a dry month although her eyes were full of questions, and I think relief was she revealed, then her eyes were full of turmoil but before I can even speak James nudged me by his shoulder, and he whispered to me with a teasing tone

"close your mouth your mouth a fly may come inside and people are watching" he said smiling leaving my side and that's when both our trance ended as she rushed to the back of the meeting m, and me I masked my emotional turmoil and went back to what I was saying without acknowledging her disrespect big not answering my question

"As I was saying I will not tolerate incompetence, I want people who work with me to be punctual, vigilant and passionate about their work, I want you to do the jobs you were assigned to do and do them well or just get out" all the while my eyes never shifted from the woman haunting my dreams "I work double shifts most of the time. I can't and won't stand laziness, 'ow' and miss Bennett( remembering her last name from our "vows") next time you're late don't bother coming to my meetings and all of you meeting is over, you can all return to your patients except for you miss Bennett we need to talk, now! I growled without meaning to, I don't know where the anger was coming from but I was mad at her now, and mostly I hoped she had answers to provide

As people left the room only Tammy and Melissa lingered behind but all Tammy wanted to do was run out of the room, Dean dominating nature scared and stirred things that were left untouched since birth and she was hoping for it to stay that way for longer, and for that reason only she was afraid to be close to him until the jerk accompanied by one of his co worker or friend because he was too comfortable to be just a colleague opened his mouth

" you witch, tell me how to reverse this marriage you forced upon me or I swear to the gods you won't see tomorrow" said Dean glaring at Tammy he was also amazed how his attitude chances he didn't mean for it come out that way he didn't know what came to him but he couldn't take the hurt and anger she saw swimming in Tammy hazel eyes

" Do you think I'm desperate enough to have an idiot like you as a husband? For your information I'm not and who to say you didn't do this? Only a wizard will accuse someone just to hide his own shame" said Tammy glaring at Dean who was furious and the wanted to teach her a lesson she won't forget, no one has ever disrespected him like that before and he won't let Mrs Bennett he the first

" yes I do, you sure seem desperate that why you made a spectacular entrance, so I can see, what did you think will happen I will fall in love with you instantly and confess in front of everyone? But you were wrong witch bi will never love an ugly duckling like you" his words were harsh he felt then as they left his mouth but he couldn't stop them they just flew out on their own immediately he felt guilty as her eyes became teary, and Dean could see she fought them, and held her head high

" it's Dr Bennett to you jerk, I don't know who you think you're but I won't let any one not even my superior at work disrespect me like that, maybe that's what you used to do where you came from but not here, and not from me, I maybe ugly duckling as you put it, but you're the monster in the inside, and for that you just lost not only mine but my friend respect" ,are said turning to leave the stupid doctor with a heavy heart, and Dean stood there not knowing what do it, he didn't mean a word he said Tammy was beautiful but that's not what came out if his mouth but he promised himself to apologize the next they bumped into each other!