
Means to love

.... MEANS TO LOVE .... Authoress judith ... GENRE - Romance, thriller, family drama, suspense and youth... Setting - Mexico city romance... Synopsis Fernanda is a tough girl, she prefers doing things in boys terms. She dresses like a boy, behaves like a boy and only make friends with boys. She chose to be that way because she didn't want to be intimidated outside by others. Fernanda lost their mother when they were little in a flying bullet which was planned by a syndicate and drug dealer. Fernanda has an extended family, the Dante family where all her uncles and their wives and children all lived together. She was the only girl in the Dante generation so she was loved and showered with so much love and attention. Fernanda had brother cousins and elder brothers to look after her. She would have been a princess in the perfect world her family built for her but she fell into a trap of love. Fernanda fell for the son of her mother's murderer without even knowing... What do you think Fernanda will do if she finds out her true love Jeromino is somewhat connected to her mother's death? Fernanda faced so many obstacles as she fight for justice for her mother.. She bore a child on the process and she had no idea who the father was? Stay tuned for episode one

Judith_Valentine · Fantasía
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34 Chs

chapter 32

🌷☀️🥀.... MEANS


LOVE ....🥀🌷☀️

Authoress FG....

CHAPTER 31 & 32 °°°


The party began already my steps" Marisol said softly and Jeromino peeked the back of her hand.

"I will be right back" Jeromino said then left the room.

Fernanda began to treat her bruises without uttering a word.

"Say something mummy, I'm sorry mummy for not being careful"

"You know so well that Amanda did that deliberately but why did you cover up for her? Why did you lie to Jeromino?" Fernanda scolded.

"I'm sorry mummy but today is her birthday and I don't want her to get scolded on her birthday. She's at fault but I'm pretty sure she would apologize to me" Marisol said slowly.

"I've told you so many times not to ever let your guard down. You can't trust people like that Marisol, please you can't be like your mummy" Fernanda uttered as tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"Don't cry mummy, I'm sorry. I will be careful from now onwards. I will be extra careful so please can you stop crying now" Marisol said as she began to cry as well.

"I will be right back, let me go get you some iceberg from the fridge" Fernanda said then stood up from the bed.

"Don't go anywhere" Fernanda instructed then went out to the kitchen.

She got to the kitchen and Valentina was there already like she was waiting for her.

"You and your daughter sure do know how to play pity party. Just a little fall and you made such a fuss" Valentina said sarcastically.

"I don't think you have any right to say anything to me except for an apology for what your daughter did to my daughter" Fernanda said angrily.

"You would never get an apology from me. Amanda and Marisol are same age so why didn't Marisol fight back. Is she that weak? You've raised a weakling as a daughter" Valentina sneered and a thunderous slap landed on her cheeks, she saw stars and before she would get back her sight, she was on the floor already.

"How dare you lay your hand on me?" Valentina vibrated and Fernanda was about kicking her but held back herself, only the breeze of her kick blew Valentina's face and Valentina froze.

Fernanda took some ice putting them in an icebag then she went back to Jeromino's room.

"Marisol! I'm back" Fernanda said and