
me, Friend, women, teacher

Have you ever experienced racism? Well in this world there are to types of people racist and non-racist people if u want to know more start reading now.

Imane_Ouedraogog · Adolescente
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What is racism

In this world, there are two types of people, racist, and nonracist people. Racists are people that do what is called, racism, and racism is when a race does not like another race or thinks his or her race is superior to another race. For example, a white man thinks he is superior to a black man or, an Indian does not like a Chinese which leads to conflicts between the two races. I have experienced racism a couple of times before like three to 5 times I think because I traveled a lot and there is racism in every country.

I remember when I have in Europe (France) I was in school playing with friends then my teacher said a racist comment to my chinese friend like " do all asian wear glases because they have small eye or is it a fashion choice?

There was also this time when I came to Ghana I went to church then women called me "oh darling come please what's your name and where are you coming from" I said my name was Grace and I am coming from Burkina Faso then another woman was like " oh I lived in Burkina for 3 years''

Then she asked me my family name and my ethnicity I said my family name was Ouedraogo it's spelled Oue-dRa-Ogo and I was a Mossi an ethnic in Burkina Faso.

Then they said I can live now but when i was going i heard them making fun of Burkina Faso, Mossi people, and morréé I was so mad but I was in the house of the Lord so I could not insult how I want to. I was going to talk to them after church but they already left I was praying never to see them again it did not work maybe I did not have too much faith that was why, but that is not the point here, point is that u should be on the non-racist side, not the racist one for the better.