
Me and my watch

"You know this wasn't how I was expecting my day to be..." I said whilst walking around the class fucking with people's faces seeing if I'm the only one unfrozen.... hrrmmm it seems to be the case... well may as well get this out of the way. I take off my shirt my belly shaking as I do. next comes the pants then the undies. I look around the class and walk back to my starting postition actually no let me go to her... I walk towards shelly, then I slap my... palm right across the bitchs face. "get slapped bitch!"yeah I did think about going the hentai route, but it seems boring after a little while. Anyway not sure little man could do it". I plop in my seat and start thinking ******************************************************* found Pic on Google. open to suggestions

the_excalebars · Ciencia y ficción
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2 Chs

normal time


Here I am, junk laying out. Everyone around me frozen. Am I an exhibitionist? No... not really. it's just comfy. Alright enough with that. How did I get here??



That was a stinky shit. I mean yeah yeah I haven't shat in prolly like a.... day in a half. But anyways I had just finished my workout before the big old meany. so I'm in the shower now. Yes, it's the same bathroom. ...Yes, it amplified the smell. But honestly, this stinks

I uh pretty much skipped cleaning my whole body and just did the 3 scrub rule. I'm eating breakfast now. Dad's still not back. space time disruptions, he says, what the hell even is that. Kinda excuses is this man pulling. It's been like 4 weeks since i last saw him. Man left in suit and breafcase. awfully formal way to buy some milk, i dare say. I aint even hungry anymore... still gun eat.


welp... I'm ridin the school bus now and, well, these niggas is loud. Like Jesus Christ, will they shut up already. Thank God I can see the school from here.

... first day as a junior student. all dripped out.... drip so much I splash ya ass... drip so clean it's mean. finna Mr bean yo ass.... alright enough off topic shit but...

...Why are like a quarter of these people in pajamas? I mean the girls are OK in em. you know... never mind. but really? Alright, enough with the ranting. so... Where's my class? I mean, yeah, I've already been here for bout a year, but this school is pretty big.

"Hey, excuse me, can you tell where this guy, Mr. Johnson is at?"

"hmm?... Oh, that asshole, go to hall 6 ,big yellow door. It's pretty fuckin ugly you won't miss it."

"Hey apreciate you helping me out. You're the third person I've asked, all the others blew me off, so thank you. and can I get your name?"

"I'm katie, but I go by kate. You?" "I'm jerry."


"I'm playin, I'm playin."

"oh Jesus, man, dont do that. alright, for real now."

"I'm Tommy, but I like to call myself Damian... oh damn bells finna ring soon. so see ya cat."


I always thought whenever you meet someone you should make them feel good about themselves so they get a good impression of me. Not sure why I do it, but I know it's the correct choice.

"Alright, class, I'm Mr Johnson, your new algebra two math teacher starting this year. Don't be assholes and we'll get along. Alright, here's a little assignment, just to let me know where your at mentally. Alright no talking."

man I don't know any of this. Was this actually taught last year?. ah pencil. I'd say I'm not the clumsy type but I'm always dropin pens.

oh sick! Next to the pencil is a stopwatch. you know I've never seen these before. I snatch it before anyone else sees it. Oh what if someone dropped it, and its a family heirloom? I don't give two shits. mine. I can't open it. oh shit the button still works does that open it


Hrmmm it didn't work... ah well still cool to look at. Keepin that shit... awfully quiet. Are these guys holding their breath?

"pss bro.... you good..."

I start shakin man's shoulder, and uh he aint respondin. Got up and did the same to another person, then the next...

Damn, all these people are frozen or somthin. They're still warm so what's going on?