
Me and my watch

"You know this wasn't how I was expecting my day to be..." I said whilst walking around the class fucking with people's faces seeing if I'm the only one unfrozen.... hrrmmm it seems to be the case... well may as well get this out of the way. I take off my shirt my belly shaking as I do. next comes the pants then the undies. I look around the class and walk back to my starting postition actually no let me go to her... I walk towards shelly, then I slap my... palm right across the bitchs face. "get slapped bitch!"yeah I did think about going the hentai route, but it seems boring after a little while. Anyway not sure little man could do it". I plop in my seat and start thinking ******************************************************* found Pic on Google. open to suggestions

the_excalebars · Ciencia y ficción
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2 Chs

everything to gain nothing to lose

so... It's been a little bit. After my little episode earlier, my pants are back on, and class is continuing like normal. I thought about doing "yaknow" but it didn't seem like the best choice given the circumstances. i paused time again just so I could think, nice, but back to the topic at hand.

what the fuck is going on?

I mean yeah its pretty simple to understand, but isn't this going against the natural order or something?! Just one click of a button, and I have control of all the lives near me. EVERYTHING IS UNDER MY CONTROL! ....sorry enough of that.


...Did it star-?

"DID ANY OF YOU ACTUALY PASS GEOMETRY!??? JESUS CRIST DO THE ASSIGNMENT ON YOUR OWN! * Exhale if you have any questions, I'll be in the back"

damn dude just blew up and most of these of people are sitting there snickering. Why is this funny to these people? Honestly all it does is show the lack of respect.


I'm on my way home, time paused so I don't have to deal with traffic... I don't even have a car ...tsk assholes almost ran me over yesterday. nice watch.


damn it's moody in here

"aye Maa! where are you?"

I'm wandering around and oh she's probly in her room. I open the door and.... eh???

ohhhh like that shit? I'm back nigga

the_excalebarscreators' thoughts