
After Aarohi regains consciousness.

After 5 hours, when Aarohi regains consciousness, Dr. Sharma comes to her and asks Aarohi how are you feeling now

Aarohi = Still have a little headache but feeling better than before.Thanku doctor.

Dr Sharma= no need to say thank you By the way tell me what happened to you What did you see that caused your health to deteriorate?

Aarohi =please don't talk to me about that now and never again There are some memories related to my past which I can't get away from myself even if I want to. That's why it's better if we don't talk about it.

Dr Sharma = it's okay if you don't want to talk Don't take even a bit of tension, just give rest to your mind.And of course whenever you feel you want to talk about anything you can come to me without any hesitation

Aarohi = Thank you Doctor for your understanding.

Dr Sharma = Okay, now you rest, I will tell everyone outside that you are completely fine now.Everyone will be worried.

Aarohi = ok.

Dr. Sharma comes out and tells everyone that Aarohi is absolutely fine now.Only then everyone can take a breath of peace.Then AG 35 asks the doctor, can I meet Arohi now? Doctor Sharma says that although Aarohi is fine now, but let her rest for some time.

AG 35 = Ok I'll see her later.

GD 30 = By the way doctor did you know what happened to Aarohi

Doctor sharma = I just came to know that maybe there are some memories of her past which she does not want to remember.And maybe she has seen something related to her past that made him feel bad. Although she didn't tell me anything about her past because she didn't want to talk about it.

IG 20 = In his thoughts, he wonders what was it that caused Aarohi so much trouble.

After some time Aarohi comes out of the room and says to IG 20 that I want to talk to you now.

IG 20 = He thinks in his thoughts whether she has heard everything.what i said to her when she was unconscious

He said slowly, yes, tell me what to talk about.

Aarohi = I have changed my mind, we will help you.We will do whatever we can and will save the lives of your people.Don't think that we are saying this out of fear for you. We are not doing this for you, neither because of fear of you, we will do this only for those innocent people.who are suffering from this disease .

After that Aarohi goes to her people Why did I say right, we should help them.Then they said that if you have taken this decision, then you must have taken some thought only.We all are with you.

Aarohi = Thank you to all of you for being proud.

IG 20 = Ok when you are ready to help us.So tell your conditions also, we also do not get any work done for free.

Aarohi = We didn't need anything in return, we didn't want anything that day, we don't want it today. All we want is that you should never back down from your words.When your people get well then send all of us back to our homes.Because we also have families who must be getting worried for us in the earth.And we all have to go back to our people.

IG 20 = ok as soon as you finish our work we will send you guys back that's my promise

Then Aarohi starts going with her other companions.

Then GD 30 says where are you all going now

Aarohi = Where we have already lived, where you keep us locked up.

GD 30 = Listen, IG 20 these people have now agreed to help us, so there is no need to keep them closed. Can't we keep them here with us?And Aarohi's health is also not good .

Aarohi = No, there is no need of it, I am completely fine and where we are, it is ok.

IG 20 = Ok these people can stay here. AG 35 Go and prepare the rooms for everyone.and Q 22 you also go for the help of AG 35 .

Then both go to get the rooms ready.

professor verma = Thanku

GD 30.= There is no question of thanks, you are also helping us, so we can do only this much.

After that Dr. Sharma tells IG 20 that We'll need some equipments to heal If you get it here then it's okay but if you don't get it then

IG 20 = Don't worry about that, we will provide all the equipments here. If we do not get what we will get from the earth.

Professor verma = How will you get from the earth. If someone comes to know about it then there will be trouble.

IG 20 = Don't take tension for about that We have already sent some of our people to earth.Those who are living among humans by changing their identity. When we need anything, we just have to contact them, then people will send all the things. No one needs to be go anywhere. Come with us now and see the sick people, after that tell us whatever you want, we will ask for it.

Dr Sharma = There is no need for that , Aarohi has come after seeing the patients. And seeing the condition of the patients, Aarohi has written some medicine which will give them some relief from the pain. And. There will be some change in their condition as well.

IG 20 =she is not even a doctor, so how can she tell about that If something goes wrong and the patients condition worsens, then

Aarohi = What do you think, I will give any medicine to anyone just like that. I know that I have not yet become a doctor completely but I am a medical student.And I am the topper of my college and I am topping since two years.And all the medicines that I have told are correct.If don't believe me then ask Dr Sharma or Professor Verma Both are very expert in this.

Professor verma = Aarohi is saying right, she has told about the condition of the patients.Accordingly, the medicines suggested by Aarohi are absolutely correct.I myself am shocked that Aarohi is just in her second year and she found out about the condition of the patients just by looking at them.However, patients will not be able to recover completely from these medicines. To reach the root cause of the disease completely, we have to first do blood test of the patients, only then we will be able to do anything further.

GD 30.= So it's okay, let's ask for medicines now.Aarohi mughe give me the list of medicines.

Aarohi = yes here you go and it also has some antiseptic creams that will heal their rashes quickly And if I need a medical kit too, ask for it too.

IG 20 = You give me this list, I would have asked for it.

GD 30 = Ok here you go

Then AG 35 and Q 22 both come and say that we have prepared everyone's room. You all go and have a look.

GD 30 = Now we all should rest, since then everyone must be very tired. Why IG 20 I said right no.

IG 20 = It's okay anyway, it will take time till tomorrow for the medicines and equipments to arrive, till then you guys should take rest. I am going now to contact the people sent by me so that I can ask for these things from them.

AG 35 = All of you come with me, I will show you your rooms.

everybody starts going with the AG 35 .

AG 35 shows everyone their room and says that all of you take rest inside the rooms and eat the tablets if you feel hungry.And there are bathrooms inside the rooms, so there is no need to worry, we have taken full care of your convenience.And if you need anything other than this, ring the bell, Gurdas will reach you in 5 minutes.

Everyone said thank you to AG 35 for all these facilities. But Aarohi says listen AG 35 you showed everyone their rooms but what about mine, you didn't even show me my room.

Is it not that I did not talk to your senior properly that day, at least because of that reason you are not going to keep me locked in the same room, are you?

Professor verma = Yes, where will Aarohi stay, where is her room.

Q 22 = You people don't worry, we will give room to Aarohi also, we will not lock her anywhere.

AG 35 = He is right in saying that there is a special room for Aarohi, which keeping in mind your health, Senior Group 20 has got it prepared by itself.All of you go and rest, I go to drop Aarohi to her room.

After that everyone goes to their rooms after saying goodbye to Aarohi.

After everyone leaves, Aarohi tells AG 35 that you have seen the room, how is it.

AG 35 Why are you so worried about the room, you do not trust our seniors.

Aarohi = No, it is not like that, I think maybe he wants to take revenge on me, so he must have done something somewhere in the room, which will scare me.

Q 22 = Don't worry we've seen the room and it's nothing like you're thinking You will know yourself if you see.

That's why AG 35 says we have reached. Listen Aarohi, this is your room and the right side of your room is mine and Q22's room.And on the left side of the room is the room of G 20 and GD 30.That's why don't take tension, if there is any problem, I am in the room next to you.you come to me

Aarohi = Oh everything is fine but why is the room of mr alien near my room.And you all live here together.Listen, I don't want to stay here, shift my room to the same one where Dr. Sharma and everyone else's.

No Arohi, it should not be like this now, you have to stay here and don't take tension, I am there.

Now you go inside and take rest otherwise you will get sick again.

Aarohi = aawww ok going

AG 35 = Ok Byee see you later.

Aarohi opens the door of the room fearfully and says Oh God, now I don't know what he would have done to take revenge on me. Somewhere he must have put a snake or a cockroach in the room.Today you have gone Aarohi.What is the need that messes up everyone whenever you see it? Oh God just save me this time.

After going inside the room, Aarohi sees that the room was very well decorated.Everything was in the right place in the room Aarohi says that Mr. Alien, you have prepared the room very well. I am impressed Then her eys goes towards the window. She goes towards the window and opens the window.as soon as she open the window she says What is that view of spring when seen from this window.And this fresh air which is coming from window.How nice

and when she turns behind and she sees that the same tablets were kept at one place on the table.

Everything else is fine, but I don't want these tablatas. It is not heresy at all for me to eat this.

What kind of food is this and how do the people here even eat it I should never eat this but it is compulsion that I have to eat I wish I could get food here like my earth, it would be fun I am missing my food here a lot.No problem Arohi, it's a matter of few days, after that everything will be fine

IG 20 was listening to all the things of Aarohi because The room of both of them was very close and Aarohi was talking loudly which was heard by IG 20 . He was laughing listening to Aarohi's childish words.He said this girl is crazy i have never seen such a girl

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