
May You Honor Your Soul

If you get a chance for the people you've wronged to forgive you, will you do everything in your power to do so? For Sequentia, she would wrong them all over again. Or could she?

SWMarthaAmbon · Fantasía
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13 Chs

People Of The Past

Chapter 6 - People Of The Past

[ One. Constance earns the ability of death magic. She uses that to protect her lover, Kidian Murdine and bestfriend, whatever her name was. In the end, I died that night. ]

[ Two. I was revived with a strange power. Start to live in Constance's body and met a family she would've never had because she is my homunculus and Kidian Murdine knew she was an orphan. ]

[ Three. The capital does not have mana nor have officially-stated mages. Mages are in small amounts even all over the world. ]

[ Four. The Eldritch Woods did not exist. But that same forest is now named Eldren Woods yet the essence is different. It produces life magic in the air not death magic which was the reason for the sinister forest's name. ]

[ Five. A mage who had reached the epitome of magic exists in the history of mages, Julius Ardine. He is of the previous monarch's line. However because of his traitorous acts against the 'master of this world', his family line was cursed to never bear a mage again. ]

"Dear, I think you should place the fifth one as the third, since Julius Ardine's acts were the reason for the capital's lack of magic practices..."

"Huh? It's fine I'm only jotting down ideas."

"But, my daughter, shouldn't you at least write it in order? If you recheck the next time you might forget."

"Err.. I think it's fine?"

"Connie, you should listen to them. They're the empire's leading scholars, they know what's best and what's most helpful."

Sequentia sighed scornfully.

"Why are you gathered in my room anyway?" 

Her white-grey eyes flashed a glare on the three people watching her write. "Don't you know how to give girls privacy?"

A handsome man with black hair and eyes chuckled, caressing his nape nervously. "Well that's... we just missed you, dear."

On the other hand, while the duke and father of Constance was reluctant to speak, the beautiful woman with blonde hair and brown eyes was frank. "While it's true we missed you because it's been two months since we've come home. But the real reason is, honey, the letter you've sent scared us."

Duke Robert Vansia sighed when Duchess Noreen Vansia said the reason frankly.

"Letter? Why?" Sequentia asked. She doesn't know what letter they're talking about but she knows she had to act like she knew.

Cade answered this time while sighing.

"You talked about wanting to change and that when we see the next time again, you'll definitely have changed."

Sequentia tilted her head subconsciously.

'What the fuck is up with that?'

"Also I would like to point out since nobody is saying anything but," Everyone's eyes quickly made their way to Noreen Vansia and flinched. Even Sequentia felt an overwhelming sense of pressure. "Why are you an orphan in the notes you made?"

The duchess sighed, her brown eyes seemed sharp. "I didn't realize you knew of his highness Kidian, but even if you like him and want to get closer. Wouldn't the best way to approach him is by being yourself?"

"...The underdogs receive more sympathy..."

"I mean I get that this is only a fan fiction of real life but logically it's easier to approach a royalty by being a ducal heiress than having no backing."

Sequentia sighed.

The only reason why she didn't bother stopping them in snooping at her writing was because she told them she was making a fan fiction of real people.

"...But people would like to see people of uncommon backgrounds get together."

"Who says that?" Noreen Vansia looked slightly frustrated.

Her white eyes observed her 'mother'. 

It had been a day and a half since she'd first seen her 'parents'. They immediately hugged their two children as soon as they got off the carriage yesterday and just as they did information regarding their lifestyle and background appeared like a memory.

Noreen Vansia was an orphan though noble at birth.

Her homeland, was in a country two kingdoms away from here. It was ransacked through and through by a surge of magic. There were no evidences of war or battle. Only a huge gaping hole.

[ An abyss with darkness that seems to pierce through you. ]

Still questioning her own daughter, Noreen saw Constance sigh. 

"It's... I found an inspiration from you and father."

"Really?" The duchess frowned, not believing it. "But when did you like Prince Kidian? You never go out."

Duke Robert Vansia chuckled at his wife's probing and placed a hand on her shoulder, comforting her. "It seems our recluse of a daughter had finally grew a pair of small wings. She must've seen Prince Kidian's picture from a newspaper on his first appearance last month. You know before we received her letter."

Sequentia smiled, scowling at the term 'recluse' for a moment.

Not before long lunch came and everyone enjoyed a bountiful meal just like yesterday.

After eating, Constance was given a time on her own as everyone went to do their duties. As for Cade, he visited a friend in the capital with a slight blush and their parents teased him for it. In the end he left with a box of imported chocolate.

The duke's mansion was located left of the capital's square. Once they get closer to the gate, the buzzling of the busy streets could be heard.

That's where Sequentia roamed about.

She wanted to get out. But she can't.

There were also quite a lot of things to mind, to think, process and analyze. She could almost feel her brain explode at the mere thought of starting.

However there was one thing she needed to do in the capital.

No. There were two now.

More like three?

'Well the errands go first but if I see that person then there's no problem with getting to know them a second time.'

Besides the Train Marina ribbon cutting ceremony in three days, there was one thing she was curious about.

"Welcome to the <Magic Library>. This area is specially limited to outsiders. You are?"

A hooded woman who looked like she'd rather be a reader than the librarian raised their brow at Sequentia. She didn't frown nor did she smile. But the way she held her book and the stinging gaze made Sequentia think that the woman wanted nothing to do with her.

But the white haired lady and past Great Witch did not back down.

Why would she?

'My closest aide... your loyalty in the previous self had been outstanding however even with that merit, I can't let you show such disrespect.'

Sequentia who knew best how to handle Morticia, her right hand woman before, glared at her and flicked her finger.


Morticia became curious at what Sequentia did and lowered her book.

Sequentia flicked her finger again, this time smiling. "Ah, the book that I wanted to read had come for me. See?" She pointed to the right side of the library.

Morticia snapped her head in amazement at her words, trying to find a flying book somewhere. 

Unable to see the book she grinned and looked back, "You're a mage- huh?"

However Sequentia was gone.


"Ehehehe! Still foolish..."

A tiny bit away and officially inside the magic library, Morticia saw the white-haired lady laughing at her with such an annoying face.

"Huh?" She was still confused.

But it didn't take long.

"REEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!" Morticia screeched in her speech, making an inhumane sound across the library. In annoyance she forgot her manners and immediately raced towards the intruder.

'Still, really foolish... and short-tempered.'

Sequentia ducked down the shelves, hidden properly out of sight from the raging Morticia and kept quiet.

 Her white-grey eyes looking in the distance, fond and serious.

'Morticia. One of my first magic experiments.'

Besides creating the homunculi Constance, Sequentia did not dabble on the creation of such beings as they caused a huge amount of magic. So she turned to experimenting other things.

One of which was humanification or to make it seem kinder, turning an animal into a human companion.

Morticia was a bat.

At first Sequentia thought that it was someone with Morticia's face only. Because she was originally a bat, wouldn't she still be a bat without her interference? Plus there was no Eldritch Woods that enhances black mages power. So she probably didn't accidentally turn into a person, did she?

Thus Sequentia thought that this person might actually be Morticia but purely human.


'She'd mad with rage that her instincts avoid white and green shelves.'

Besides the bats echolocation, Morticia didn't like the colors white and green.

With these evidences, she can safely assume that Morticia was essentially a bat.

However it wasn't the time for that.

As Sequentia focused on finding the book she needed in the magic history section, she remembered the crazy story in her memories.

<Country of Roa>

Her 'mother', Noreen Vansia, came from such place. But that whole country is now a bottomless darkness.

'Surely this place hold the records of anything related to magic, no? Even analysis on strange events.'

Unfortunately even as an hour passed, even as Morticia calmed down and sat back down reading her book as if nothing happened, she could not find it.

"Hey. What are you trying to find?"

Sequentia was too preoccupied in scanning books that she didn't even hear the librarian sneak up and finally find her. 

Morticia sighed and brushed her black hair back, grey eyes glaring at her. "This area is off-limits but I never said I wouldn't let you borrow. Everyone is allowed to acquire books but not enter. Do you know how priceless these few magic books here are?"

The Vansia heiress clicked her tongue inward.

'Ah, what a true nerd of magic. A comrade.'

"I was just messing with you."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, nevermind." Sequentia grinned and decided to tell her. "Do you have books about Roa- Um, there are people on your desk..." 

Even before she finished speaking, as if hearing their quiet steps, Morticia looked towards the librarian's desk.

There were about five cloaked people.

Based on the shape of their bodies, four were men and one was female..

"It's those scholars again.." Morticia excused herself with a groan and approached the people.

Sequentia watched but there was nothing weird about them. 

It seemed they asked for a private room and was led to the second floor to which she didn't even notice until now. Two people was right behind Morticia.

Two familiar people but their names didn't come up.


One of the two, as if sensing her gaze, looked back at her.

A man with black hair and green eyes, his gaze was weak and flinched at Sequentia's intense gaze.

However the one next to him, the sole lady within the group turned to her and even smiled. Her brown eyes seemed to shine under her blonde fringes.

This time, the shock was bigger compared to seeing the guy's face.

For some reason, the spineless man was Kidian Murdine and next to him was a girl with a different colored hair and eyes yet the face...

'It was eerily mine.'

Chapter 6 - End

People Of The Past - are the same... except for holy **** is that my face?!