
May the Black Light fall!

Quite a standard situation, our guy finds himself in the world of zombie apocalypse with some cheat's, where did it come from if no higher powers did not bestow it on this lucky guy?

Redsa_sss · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs

Chapter 2.

So my peaceful days went by, of course I didn't forget to check my abilities! The five of us were always socializing, Rei had been clinging to me a lot since that incident, but nothing too serious.

But then one day, after just one meeting, there was a big change in my peaceful life.....

It was a day off from school, and since I was at home, I went shopping at the market with my mother, and while she was chatting with an acquaintance at one of the stalls, I decided to take a short walk, since my mother could talk with her friends for a long time.

Running through different streets, I spread my arms like an airplane and started to pick up speed, when suddenly a woman appeared around the corner, I started to slow down, but it wasn't enough.


- Ow! - she screamed as I slammed her to the ground, digging into her rather large breasts!

"Nice bonus!" - I thought to myself happily.

- Oh my goodness! Baby, are you okay? - Her girlfriend immediately came over, grabbed me, pulled me off the "juicy" breast, laid me on the floor and began examining me.

Although... while she was examining me, I was already admiring her breasts, and I was lucky enough to get a few glimpses of her cleavage, and to witness that the color of her underwear was black!

"O great Qhorn! Is this my reward for worshipping you? Glory to the God of Blood!" - I shouted to myself.

- Hey! I'm the one who got hurt here, why are you paying more attention to this bully? - The dark-haired girl stood up in indignation.

And the blonde, having finished with me, immediately moved on to her friend, and I was already admiring the two beauties!

- Little one, do you want to apologize for knocking me down? - The dark-haired girl looked at me and demanded an apology.

And as I looked at them, admiring their beauty and sexuality, I had a thought... a very bad thought... at first I didn't realize it, but then I did! I could barely contain the emotion inside me! I'm so screwed!

- What are you waiting for? - the dark-haired girl asked, leaning forward a bit to give me a good look.

- Maybe he's in shock? But he didn't hurt his head, did he? - The blonde said thoughtfully, repeating her friend's actions.

- That..." I began, wide-eyed.

- That? - the girls repeated after me with a question in their eyes.

 - I couldn't stand it anymore!

- What? You little pervert! - Rika Minami said with a grin and reached out to grab me.

But in the next second, she was shocked to see that the boy easily escaped her grasp and went behind her back.

- Spies of the Empire! You cannot defeat this Chaosite, know your place! - I said imperiously, standing in a pompous pose with my arms crossed over my chest.

- Oh, we don't know our place yet? - Rika said, closing her eyes and kneading her fists.

The dark-haired girl swung at Shijera and tried to grab the little tyrant, but he dodged the girl's grasp again!

And if Rika was just playing around at first, she was getting serious, even using the grapples she had learned in the SAT (Special Assault Team), Japan's special police force.

"What kind of little monster is that!" - she thought to herself in shock as she still couldn't catch the five or six year old boy!

- Rika, he's just a kid! - Shizuka shouted worriedly when she saw the serious look on her friend's face.

Shijeru continued to dodge, amazed at how fast he was reacting and noticed that he was doing it easily!

Sensing an opportunity, he lured Rika closer to Shizuka and dodged the momentum of her grabbing him behind the girls' backs and swung with both palms....

*Slap* *Slap*

- Ouch!

- Kya!!!

The girls shouted, putting their hands on their asses that had just been spanked!

- Why did I get spanked? - Shizuka rubbed her bottom.

- Are you still a child? - Rika said amused as she looked at the little brat standing in front of her in a pompous pose with her arms crossed over her chest.

- Ha! I'll let you go today, minions of the Empire, but know this! You will never defeat this chaos... ....


- Ay-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya!!! - I screamed, grabbing my head where the blow had struck.

- Shijeru! Where were you? I was so worried! - Ai scolded her child, sat down on one knee and looked at the boy.

A second later, however, she noticed two pretty girls staring at her son with their hands covering their heels.

- Mommy! Ear! - I shouted as the worried mother turned angry and used the forbidden technique again.

- What did you do again? - Ai asked menacingly.

- Ouch! I didn't do anything! - I answered honestly.

- Rika said with amusement in her eyes and went over to Ai, who looked at the boy with a pout.

Shijeru looked at Rika with universal resentment, which only made him look even more amused.

- You little bully! - Ai looked at her son in shock and surprise.

- Mommy! My ear! You're going to rip your ear off! - I said in panic as my mother pulled my arm.

And the two Imperials snorted in satisfaction, feeling revenge for their earlier humiliation.

- Please forgive me! He's a good boy, he just likes to play tricks sometimes," Ai said with a smile, still holding Shijera's ear.

- Don't worry, we're not mad - Shizuka said with a smile.

- Yes, we're not mad - Rika smiled as well, looking at the boy.

With a quiet exhale, Ai let go of Shijera, causing him to rub his sore ear and mumble something about hurt dignity.

- Tell me, does Shijeru practice any martial arts? Does he have a mentor? - Rika asked interestedly as she remembered her mother saying the boy's name.

- Martial arts? No, of course not, Shijeru doesn't do anything like that," Ai shook her head negatively.

- Why do you ask? - She asked interestedly.

- Your boy has great skills and reflexes and if he's never been trained in it, he's a genius! - Rika looked at Shijera with a look of admiration in her eyes and Shijera proudly puffed out his chest.

- Really? - Ai asked hesitantly as she looked at her son.

- Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Rika Minami, I'm an officer of the Tokyo Police - Rika said and showed her badge.

- I'm Shizuka Morikawa, school nurse at Fujimi Academy, nice to meet you," the blonde bowed politely.

- Nice to meet you too, my name is Aya Maresato and I'm the mother of that bully Shijeru Maresato - she smiled and patted her son's head lightly, formally introducing him.

- Your boy and I have grown up together, I saw him as a great young man, would you like him to receive special training? I can guarantee he'd love to join the police force! And I'll have you know, a good position! - Rika tried to convince the young mother.

- I... of course I will be happy if you take my boy, but... - Aya was happy at first, but later she restrained her impulse and looked lovingly at her son.

- But I want my boy to choose his own future - she looked at Rika with regret.

- What do you think? - Rika looked at the boy without giving up.

I thought about it, on the one hand, it would be good to learn martial arts and on the other hand, I need to make connections....

While Shijeru weighed the pros and cons, Rika thought about how to convince the six-year-old and then remembered the moment of their "meeting", the "praise" and the moment of "how" the boy decided to punish her.

She blurted out a smile and looked at her friend, while Shizuka looked at Rika with incomprehension, who smiled in a rather perverted way that made the blonde feel uncomfortable.

Rika took a step forward, leaned over the boy's ear and whispered.

- If you study hard and show results, I'll let you and Shizuka touch me, and if you show special achievements, I'll give you a special gift from me," Rika whispered languidly, quickly pulling away and looking at the blushing Shijera with amusement.

- Ahem... I've thought about it and I think I don't mind," I agreed, blushing at Rika's unexpected offer.

- How wonderful! - Shizuka rejoiced, not realizing what she had just signed up for.

- Good choice - Rika nodded with a smile and only said "pervert" with her lips, but Shijeru understood perfectly and was not confused, proudly showing her chest without any embarrassment! It's true!

- Oh, my God! Shijeru! You're going to be an officer! How lucky we were to go shopping! - Ai said with tears of joy in her eyes, as if her son had already been promoted to officer.

- But first, of course, the young genius has to finish school and get a higher education, and then I'll make an agreement, for now just a light self-defense training, and then we'll see - brought down from heaven to earth by mother Shijeru dark-skinned girl with purple hair.

- Yes, yes, of course, oh, why don't you join us for dinner tonight? I'll introduce you to my husband and we can talk about everything? - Ai was quick to offer to "make connections.

- Of course, it's fine with us and it's our night off," Shizuka nodded.

After giving our home address in advance, we separated from the girls and my mom ran like a meteor through the stores with me in tow.

When we got home, my mom immediately started cooking and calling my dad, while I lay on the couch in the living room with the TV on, thinking about my own thoughts.

Rika Minami and Shizuka Morikawa are characters from an anime I watched in my past life, School of the Dead, set in the zombie apocalypse.

And how could I not recognize some of the main characters of that anime in kindergarten? Maybe because they're still children?

Shijeru also remembered that the Maresato family he was born into was also mentioned in the anime, but only the daughter, Alice, was mentioned.

"I hope my birth didn't overshadow her birth? I hope my future sister will be born" - I thought to myself, remembering that walking ball of positivity she was in the anime, and wanted to hug her.

But again, the zombie event takes place somewhere between high school and middle school, and Shijeru had no idea when it would happen.

He did remember that his mother Ai and father Imamura would die, which he definitely didn't want! They were good people and great parents!

"I will definitely save them and my future sister!" - I thought to myself while clenching my fists.

Rika's training will come in handy, I can ask her for a weapon and hide it in the house. I have strength, so I don't have to be afraid of zombies, I have enough strength to protect my family!

Shijeru continued to lie on the couch and remembered the story, but he didn't remember much, first the school, then the bus, then the apartment of the nurse's friend and then the Tagaki family mansion.

- Shijeru! Come and help me! - Mother called from the kitchen.

- I'm coming! I called back and ran into the kitchen.

In the evening, we met the guests and sat down at the table, my father met Rika and Shizuka, after a light dinner and a few shots of sake, we talked about my future, which Rika represented.

My parents were generally very happy, Rika also said that she wouldn't be able to train me very often since she might be out of town for work, and now I didn't need anything like that, just a set of exercises that Shizuka would supervise.

After I warmed up enough, Rika would take care of my physical training, and then the adults would just have fun chatting and I would be sent to bed since it was "kid time".

Damn you, Rika! That bastard will pay you back!

I went to kindergarten, played with my friends, and went to Shizuka's sometimes to do some exercises, even though I didn't really need them with my physical strength. But what can you do, conzperationsssss.

Time passed and now I'm nine years old and sparring with Rika.

- Not bad, kid! - the girl shouted happily as I dodged her kick.

- Get ready! This Chaosite is coming! - I shouted and ran defiantly towards her.

Rika grinned and prepared to grab the boy and throw him over her shoulder, but he surprised her!

As soon as she grabbed him and started to throw him over her shoulder, the boy twisted in her grip, his legs wrapped around her neck, and spun sideways, sending them both flying to the ground.

Rika was still confused as she fell to the mat, which Shijeru took advantage of by jumping onto her back, wrapping his arm around her neck and locking her in a grapple. With one hand, Rika tried to remove her opponent's arm, but he was too strong!

With the other, she tried to elbow him in the kidneys, but Shijeru blocked her blow with his free hand, and after a few more seconds of wrestling, Rika began to hit him in the arm, saying that she would "give up".

- And today, the forces of Chaos are victorious! - Shijeru shouted happily, and Shizuka, who was sitting on the sidelines with a smile on her face, began to applaud happily.

- Haha... how is it that such a skinny body has so much strength? - Rika coughed and stared at Shijera in disbelief.

- Heretics don't understand! Join the forces of chaos and they will give you strength! - I said in a mysterious tone, going over to Rika and offering her my hand.

- No thanks, I'm fine the way I am," the girl grinned, pushing the boy's hand away and standing up abruptly, falling on top of him with her arms around his neck.

- Shi-je-ru, take me to Shizuka! - The girl sang in a whimsical tone, hugging the boy's neck even tighter.

- Why does that Chaosite have to carry you? I won! - I said indignantly and looked at the girl.

- I'm sore all over! And it's your fault! ~ Carry me! Rika continued to whine.

- No! This bastard won't move! - I stomped my foot, puffed up my cheeks, closed my eyes and turned away from Rika.

Rika narrowed her eyes and moved closer to the boy's ear - If you bring him to me, I'll let you feel my tits - she whispered and bit my earlobe as an incentive.

Shijeru took the girl like a princess, from which she pretended to scream and wiggled her legs, and took her to Shizuka and laid her gently on the bedspread.

- Well done! You can rest now! - The girl said, opening the mini-fridge, taking out a can of beer and starting to drink.

- What about our agreement? - I asked uncomprehendingly, watching the girl sip from the can without stopping.

- Kyhyyyyyyyyyyy! Agreement? What agreement? Shizuka, did I promise anything? - Rika asked with a shout of joy, staring at the boy incomprehensively before shifting her gaze to her friend.

- You! You! - My lungs filled with air and my eyes watered with indignation.

- WAAAAAAA!!! Shizuka! Rika is hurting me! - I jumped into the blonde's arms and started to complain, and the blonde, not understanding, started to comfort me by stroking my head.

- Rika is just joking with you, there's no need to cry," Shizuka said with a smile as she continued to stroke my head, not noticing that I had already sunk into her big tits!

Drowning in Shizuka's bottomless breasts, I found my comfort! And my hands slipped under her bra as if by "accident".

- Ahem?!

Shizuka immediately felt the boy's hands, but continued to comfort him, as if she told herself it was an accident and he was still a child.

- Okay, we took a break and that's enough! It's time to move! - Rika said, quickly getting up from her seat and walking over to her friend, grabbing the little pervert and lifting him off the ground, pulling him away from her evil deeds.

- Hey! This Chaosite won't do anything! You tricked that Chaosite! - I said reluctantly, crossing my arms over my chest and making a hurt face as I was carried by the scruff of my neck to the training ground.

- What do you mean, tricked? - Rika asked smiling as she helped the boy to his feet and leaned over to him.

- You mean you didn't touch Shizuka's tits? - Rika asked in a whisper with amusement in her voice and a smile on her face.

We both turned to her and she was looking at her breasts with something on her mind, but when she felt our gaze, she looked at us and smiled and waved her hand.

- That doesn't count! You promised to give me yours! - I argued like a Jew fighting over a box of gold.

- Did I say anything about mine? - she asked in response, patting me on the head and walking over to the exercise machines.

At first I wanted to object, but then I remembered that what she promised me was "titty rubbing", but there were no names!

Seeing Shijeru trying to find the right argument, Rika laughed.

- Ha ha ha ha ha! That's it Shijeru, this will be another lesson for you, listen to what you are told! - Rika grinned as she sat down on one of the simulators.

- Don't sulk, don't sulk, we'll have another sparring session later, if you win again, I'll let you scratch your ...

But before Rika could finish.

- Shijeru! Your father's on the phone! - Shizuka shouted, waving her cell phone at them.

Shijeru snorted at Rika, which made her smile, and ran over to Shizuka, took the phone out of her hands and answered it.

- Yes dad,' I answered and immediately heard a worried voice.

- Mom's in labor!!! - I shouted in surprise.