
Maxed Out in Another World

This is not your ordinary 'Hero Summoned' to another world type novel. This novel follows our MC Mikax after he is summoned to the world of Bedel. This is much like any typical medieval magical fantasy world except our MC refuses to follow the social norms or structure of the denizens who live here. Follow him as an unstoppable force meets a world full of very movable objects.

Zerosum89 · Fantasía
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70 Chs

Unstoppable force

Mikax sat on the throne with one leg draped over the side. No one had responded to his statement. The air seemed to hang heavy over everyone's heads as he relaxed and defied all logic that they knew.

"Since no one wants to start I'll ask the question from earlier, what benefits will the Azran Kingdom be offering me?" He glared at both the King and Rammir.

"Get down from the throne this instant!" The Arch-mage still hoped his words would have some power.

Taunting the Arch-mage Mikax began to get up before plopping back down. "Sorry boss, I'm just too comfortable here, you can always try and make me."

Rammir didn't need any further prompt as he stepped in front of the King and his sons. He began chanting a 5th-tier spell. Mikax of course knew this spell and that it had a 15-second cast time.

"Oh my, you have me shaking!" He gave a fake shiver as he held himself. "Kick him in the back of the knees."

What happened next left everyone stunned. The Crown Prince Vinn and Prince Itol had walked up and kicked Rammir right in the back of his knee caps causing him to fold backwards on himself like a lawn chair. As Rammir was trying to figure out what happened as he lay on the ground he finally noticed it.

The Princes were currently each wearing <Slave Bracelets> with a strange symbol and the initials 'TMT' on it. Turning his head back to Mikax he saw the man grin and lift his pant legs revealing empty ankles.

"How did you remove them!? I put them on myself no one else should be able to take them off but me!" Rammir shouted while looking back and forth hoping for it to be an illusion. It was then that everyone realized what Mikax had done.

When he slid the Princess towards the wall everyone had been so focused on that action that no one had seen him take off both <Slave Bracelets> and attach them to the Princes. They began to realize he had planned everything out up until this point and nothing was by accident. Each motion and step was to bring him to this outcome. Many stared at the swirling ball of gold coins that was now clearly placed strategically in the center of the room.

"I'll tell you but you won't like the answer. Plus, nobody here has answered my question. Maybe now that you see my bargaining chips we can talk about what the Azran Kingdom plans to offer me." Mikax finally put on a serious face and took slow deliberate steps down from the throne towards Rammir and the King.

Once he had crossed the space and was only a few feet away, he came to a stop. No one in the room dared to move a muscle.

Squatting down so he was eye to eye with the man on the floor Mikax decided to make his first demand. "Right now the thing I want more than anything is your head."

Rammir looked up to his King looking for some help but King Jearr didn't even acknowledge his existence.

"It's done. Take his life if it will appease you." The King declared while staring at his sons.

"Your Highness please we can figure a way to remove them. If he did it then it's possible!" Rammir began begging for his life but it had fallen on deaf ears.

"I'm sorry your highness you misunderstood me. I wasn't asking for permission. I am telling you what I plan to take." Casually Mikax removed his gun from his holster. Like almost all of his gear, it was a black so deep it seemed to absorb light itself. Everyone in the court was confused as to what type of tool this man from another world had chosen to use.

Slowly he placed the barrel against the man's head. Rammir had never felt so powerless in all his life, he could sense death was upon him, and not a single person in the room was willing to move a muscle to stop it.

"You attempted to kidnap my kid brother right in front of my eyes. You brought me to a faraway land with no apparent way back. You had the absolute balls to enslave me while I was unconscious. Then the audacity to assume I would help you of my own free will." As Mikax spoke a light slowly appeared inside the barrel as he channeled his magic power into it. Pulling the trigger a beam of light pierced the skull of Rammir as he fell limp onto the ground.

Everyone stared in shock. The strongest mage the Azran Kingdom had ever seen was completely incapacitated by a spell that had taken no more than 3 seconds to channel. They could tell he wasn't dead, as his body would randomly twitch.

Standing back up he looked into the King's eyes and saw fear. No longer was the king looking down on Mikax, he knew everyone's fates rested in the hands of this madman they had summoned from another world.

"What did you do to him?" The King asked. He had seen Rotnam and Rammir fight to a standstill countless times and neither was able to incapacitate the other. The fact that Mikax had done it without breaking a sweat showed how powerful the weapon and spell he cast just now were.

Mikax shrugged, "Really nothing much. I simply used a 7th tier spell Mind Bomb to make him a vegetable for the rest of his days. If he wasn't so weak it wouldn't have had any effect on him. I guess it sucks to suck."

The 7th tier spell Mind Bomb was mental nuclear warfare when used against anyone under level 175. It left nothing in the minds of those who had been unlucky enough to fall under it. In E2, a player would lay there until someone or something came along to kill them so they could respawn, even then it would take weeks for the player to get back to normal. Among Magic assassins, it was like a game of hide and seek as they would usually hide the bodies so their friends or guild mates wouldn't be able to undo the damage they caused easily. However, here in Bedel, the effects would be permanent.

"7th tier?!" The King couldn't believe what he just heard. In the 500 years of his kingdom, no one could cast anything higher than the 5th tier by themselves. To summon Mikax it had taken an 8th tier spell and over 500 mages of 3rd tier or higher, yet the man before him cast 7th tier without so much as a bead of sweat on his head. Not to mention he had cast it in mere seconds.

What the King didn't know was that the gun Mikax had used to cast the spell was taken from the corpse of a God. This made him able to reduce the channeling of any 6th tier or lower spells to less than 1 second, 7th tier spell to 3 seconds, and a single target 8th tier spell to 15 seconds. The mana cost was the same but he would be able to unleash deadly barrages of spells much quicker than most.

"So, Your Highness King Jearr, let me get down to business. You have 1 year to figure out how to send me back to my world." He re-holstered his gun as he spoke. "If in 1 year the demons have not overrun your Kingdom and you and your family are still alive and you haven't found a way to send me back, like we discussed earlier your daughter will be mine."

"No, you…" before the King could utter another word Mikax had drawn one of his daggers and placed the flat part of the blade against his lips.

"Shhhh…I have already told you these are demands." Mikax then walked over towards his two sons who still hadn't moved since kicking the now vegetable Rammir in the back of the legs. "In two years if you are all still alive I will order your youngest son to execute your oldest."

The room was as silent as a graveyard at midnight. Who was this man who was willing to use the lives of another's children as bargaining chips? Not only use their lives but use them to do the deed as well.

"Finally, if after 3 years I am still in this god-forsaken land, I will come and turn your youngest into a doorstop much like our friend, Mr. high and mighty arch-mage here." Mikax took a few steps toward Rammir's mindless husk and kicked him in the ribs. The man didn't even flinch as everyone heard the clear sound of breaking bones.

"Lastly, dearest King, if you have failed to find a way home for me after 4 years I will wipe the Azran Kingdom from the history books. Down to the last man, woman, and child." Walking back to the throne Mikax removed a scroll from one of his pouches.

"I don't care if you send people to kill me or even if you put a bounty on my head. Just remember that I hold grudges and am very good at exacting my revenge." Mikax sat down on the throne once again.

"Before I leave I want to make sure you are all aware of how very real my expectations are and how very capable I am of carrying them out." With the hand that was not holding the scroll, he pointed at the spinning orb of coins that had been slowly picking up speed. "That is non-tier wind magic. For those of you who don't know that means I simply am using my mana to force wind to fluctuate how I want. It normally carries no combat power."

Mikax turned his hand and placed his thumb against his pointer finger. *Snap*


The orb exploded with a force that no one had ever seen before. The gold coins flew in all directions. Screams of pain and terror could be heard all around as several bodies hit the ground never to rise again. Those lucky enough to survive had serious wounds as the coins acted like shrapnel piercing their bodies.

The King and his sons were somehow spared from being targeted. Mikax had done this intentionally so that his yearly threats held the weight that he wanted them to.

In the corner, Rotnam stood with ragged breaths as he was bleeding from his side in several spots. He had used the majority of the shield Mikax had given him to protect the Princess. The impact he felt had made his hands go numb. He had fought many men and beasts and very rarely did this occur, the fact that it did with mere coins showed how much force the wind orb had exploded with. He leaned against the wall behind him and slid to the ground, the shield falling into his lap. He then noticed the solid gold coins were now a thin sheets of gold flattening itself from the impact.

When the people who were still alive looked towards the perpetrator, another wave of surprise had washed over them. On the throne now sat an hourglass with the sand passing upward instead of downward. Those present could only guess that it would fully run its course in 1 year. Mikax was no where to be found.