
Tree City!

Another day to begin a new journey, I woke up with a smile and took a bath. After I fetch my things, I cook my breakfast and feed my Pokemon, I also introduced Bagon to his new mates and they responded happily by sharing their food with it.

I am happy to see that they are all doing well and sharing, I see no room for envy. I am thankful that they chose me as their Trainer and I will do my best to make them stronger and the best of anybody.

I checked my phone and saw some emails from my parents, so I told them the outcome of my first Pokemon battle. I told them I lost but at least I learned vital information about some battle techniques and some valuable lessons about friendship, However, I did not tell them about the kidnapping incident that happened.

After I finished preparing my stuff, I went to the bus stop, our meeting palace for the next journey.

I arrived at the bus stop and saw Harry was already there, so I hurriedly walk to catch up.

" Good morning Max" he greeted.

" Good morning too Harry" I answered.

" Where are we going today?" I asked.

" Ahhhhm... we will go to Fortree City and catch some Pokemon". he said.

" Okay let's go!" I replied

We waited for the bus going to Fortree City and as it arrived we immediately rode.

On our way to the city, we talked about certain topics such as the styles of training our Pokemon, methods we used in catching Pokemon, and battle tactics.

We arrived at the site and I saw no city. There are a lot of trees, They're everywhere. The abundance of trees made home to some forest-dwelling Pokemon as I can see.

" Is this Foretree City? Where are the tall buildings?". I asked.

" Follow me, I'll show you.." Harry replied.

We followed a grass path while walking I saw a lot of Pokemon chilling on the trees and bushes. We also walk across a flooded area where we saw a huge river.

I take the opportunity to catch another Pokemon so I went to the river and look for it.

I saw a Barboach swimming in the shallow water and also some Magikarp.

Barboach is a small, serpentine Pokémon that resembles a loach. The main body is a soft gray with a jagged black line running its length. Its eyes are very small, and it has a round, blue nose. It has several blue barbels that are used as a superb radar in murky water and can be used for taste as well. These whiskers are left exposed when it hides in the mud to wait for prey. There are two rounded, blue pectoral fins and a single dorsal fin, all of which have black spots. Its tail fin is also rounded and blue but possesses no spots.

A slimy film covers its body, which protects Barboach from bacteria and allows it to easily escape from predators like Bird Pokémon. Barboach remains in its aquatic environment to prevent itself from drying out and becoming weak. Barboach can use its whiskers to detect the location of its prey and to detect both smell and flavor similar to a human.

I thought that this Pokemon will be easy to catch and I underestimated it, For six times in a row, I threw a Pokeball and couldn't catch any of them, they keep swimming away once I throw the Ball. This is harder than I think.

I give up chasing those school of Barboach in the river and instead, I looked at the nearby bushes and notices something on it. I see a silhouette of a creature lurking from there and looking at us, so I cross the river and follow the trails towards the bushes, as I got closer the creature disappeared. That Pokemon is interested in me or might want to befriend me.

" Hey Max, what are doing there? Let's Go!" Harry shouted.

"Coming right up!" I answered.

We traverse the trails and finally reached the city, I can't believe what I am seeing right now, this city is built right on the top of the trees. There are a lot of treehouses everywhere, In any direction my eyes looked its all treehouses.

" Wow! This is amazing! " I said in a surprising way.

" This is what I am talking about, An eye-catching and scenic view.", Harry answered.

" I cannot believe this is real! It's so amazing". I replied.

" Come let's go in there.", He replied.

We entered the city and wander my eyes all around, There are a lot of beautiful things in there, It's just nature at its best. The Pokemons we saw was primarily Grass-type, and, Bug-type and minor species of Flying-type, Fairy-type, and Normal type.

We ended up going to one of the city's cafes and as we entered I saw a Familiar face... It's Bethany, I immediately approached her and she recognized me too.

" Hey Bethany, We met again! Nice to see you! " I greeted her.

" Hey Max, How are you?? Nice seeing you too." she answered.

I also Introduced Harry to her.

" Bethany, I'd like you to meet Harry, He's my companion from this journey". I said.

" Hi Harry, Glad to meet you" she said while she waved her hand.

" Hi! Glad to meet you too. " He replied with a short greeting.

" Can we share a table with you?" I asked.

" Sure, Make yourself comfortable." she answered.

We talked a lot about our pokemon since the last time we met I am just starting to become a trainer, I showed her my Pokemon so far.

I summon out my Pokemon; Torchic, Mudkip, Seedot and Bagon while I am amazed by her current Pokemon namely; Chikorita, Buneary, Jumpluff, Skitty, Flaafy, and Budew.

" Wow! you got a whole team of your Pokemon They were all cool!" I said.

" Thanks, You got decent Pokemon too", she answered.

" Thanks, I am actually taking some of them to fighting techniques." I said.

" Really?, That's good Max, How about you Harry?" She said.

" Ahhmm,, I also got four Pokemon". he said and showed his Pokemon.

Harry showed his Toarkoal, Treecko, Bagon and Swinub.

" Your Team is quite unique, Its is diverse and can do multi-type battles" Bethany said to Harry.

" Yeah . I already plan to have a strong team to become a great trainer" he answered.

" Yeah, I agree on you Bethany, I will be working to improve my team types too". I said.

" That's good however, do not rely on that technique always because you can have same type of Pokemon but they differ on move types". she added.

" That's a good point" Harry said.

" I can work on all that ideas!" I answered.

We continue chatting about things about Pokemon, Pokemon Battles, Typing, and also we opened up the topic about Raids and Gym Battles.

" Come let's wander around, The city has a lot to offer, you can catch additional Pokemon to your Team!" Bethany said.

" Yeah, Let's Go! " I answered.

" I'll go somewhere else, I'll see you in the same cafe later". Harry said.

" Where? " I asked.

" I'll just meet a family friend and I might go once I'm done with talking with him, Maybe I come later". He said.

" Okay Bye!" We said.

We went to the Hanging Gradens located deep in the tree city. I'm thinking, to catch a Pokemon which have different typing with mine. Then I saw this Tailow, it is just chilling on the tree branch so I hurriedly walk towards it and prepare to catch it.

I remember what Bethany taught me about proper throwing a Pokeball, since the more you throw in a great way, the more chances of that Pokemon to be caught. So, I throw my Pokeball with a curving motion leaning my body and the Pokeball perfectly hit my target and caught, Few seconds passed and I caught it.

" You have learned something, That's a perfect curve ball throw." She praises.

" I remember what you taught me." i replied.

" Yes! I caught a Tailow!" I shouted.

Taillow is a small bird Pokémon with dark blue feathers. A red marking with pointed tips stretches from its chest to its forehead, and it has a white underside. It has narrow brown eyes and a short yellow beak. It has elongated wingtips and black feet with yellow talons. Each foot has three toes facing forward and one backward. Two sharply pointed feathers form its tail.

Taillow is very gutsy and will stand up to powerful opponents without backing down. During the cold season, this Pokémon will fly over 180 miles (300 kilometers) per day to search for areas that have warm climates. It typically hunts Wurmple, but flocks have also been shown eating crops in the anime. When it is hungry, it will weaken and cry loudly.

" Good job Max! " Bethany said.

" Thank you" I replied.

We wander to the beautiful spots in the garden to look for a Shroomish, A Pokemon she desired to catch but after almost an afternoon of looking, we are unlucky that no one appeared. So we instead, train our Pokemon and tomorrow we will resume hunting for it.