

I woke up with the best feeling right now, I cannot stop smiling, I am really a Pokemon trainer!

Yesss!!!!! (While opening the window to feel the cold morning breeze)

"Good morning! Max." Professor Jack said.

"Good morning Professor! it feels great today!" I said excitedly.

"I guess you had a good sleep." He said

"Well, I am a Pokemon Trainer now!" "Hope this day I'll catch my first Pokemon too," I answered.

" You might wanna come with me at Moss Deep City," he said.

" I wanna come, professor!" I replied.

"It's the capital of the Hoenn Region, and I think there will be a lot of Pokemon, maybe you might catch your first Pokemon there," he explained.

" I can't wait, Let's go" I rush to pack my things.

Going to Moss Deep is way too far on foot, so we took the subway to make it in time.

After 45 minutes, We finally landed in Moss Deep City, the hometown of great Steven Stone, Hoenn Region Champion.

" Hey, Professor, In what particular place we are going?" I asked.

"We're going to Devion Tower to attend a Pokemon exhibit," he replied.

"Oh, I see. " I said.

" Well then, Let's go," he said.

While we are walking we saw a lot of people, a lot of Pokemon trainers, and a lot of skyscrapers. This city is truly the center of all transactions in the region. In the nearby I saw a huge Park where Pokemon trainers are used to training, I observe that it was properly maintained. I was so amazed in this city, I can live here!

" There it is! Devion Tower. " "Let's go inside Max," Professor said.

Once we entered, The personnel of the building were very accommodating they show us the way and give us some souvenir items. While walking in the hallway I saw a girl whom I think is a newbie trainer just like me since I can see all my actions are just like hers.

I approached her,

"Hi, I'm Maxim or Max from Cruize Island in Cerulean City," I said

"Hi, My name is Bethany, I'm from Viridian City," she replied.

" May I know, if you are a new Pokemon trainer?" I asked.

" Ahhh, Yes, actually just started a month ago," she answered.

" Oohh, wow nice! So you caught a lot? " I asked.

" ahm Yes, I mean, I caught three Pokemon already, A wurmple, A Marill and a Skitty." She replied.

" wow, that's a lot, What is your Starter Pokemon?" I asked.

" My starter is Chiky." She said.

"Chiky? you mean Torchic?" I said in a confusing manner.

" No it's a Chikorita, Chiky is her nickname, " She said then she summoned out her starter.

"Chi.. Chikoritaaaaa..."

Chikorita is a small, pale-green, quadrupedal Pokémon with dark-green buds around its neck. Its head is large in proportion to the rest of its body, and it has big red eyes. Chikorita has four short legs with a single nailed toe on each and a stubby tail. On top of its head is a large, green leaf that is usually longer than its body. A soothing aroma wafts from the leaf, which can calm battling Pokémon. The leaf is also used to sense temperature and humidity. Chikorita actively seeks out and enjoys the sun's warmth.

Chikorita can be found in grasslands. However, due to its status as a starter Pokémon, a wild Chikorita is hard to come by and it is generally found under the ownership of Trainers. Chikorita has a docile nature.

I scanned it into my Pokedex ...

While Professor is busy listening to the speakers in the exhibit, I went to Bethany and talk to her a lot about her experiences in being a Pokemon trainer.

" When did you start? " She asked.

" Just yesterday... " I replied while gently rubbing my head.

"You're a newbie too. Let me guess you did not catch your first Pokemon?" she added.

" Yeah, That's why I'm asking because I don't know if I can catch one or if I ever could catch one," I replied.

" You want to go outside and hunt for one?" she said.

" Sure, Let's go!" "But first let me check something," I said.

I went to Professor and told him that I'm gonna go outside and said that I will hunt my first Pokemon. I also check my bag for the Pokeballs I have, and I have fifteen.

I went outside and met with Bethany to go for a hunt near the park, she said Parks is the best spot in urban areas to catch a wild Pokemon.

"Hey, Bethany! " I waved at her.

" Come on! Let's Go!" She said.

On our way to the park, I realize that I don't know the proper way of throwing a Pokeball, I had a bad feeling this, I might end up losing all my stacks. I'm shy to ask Bethany the proper way of throwing one...

My mind is starting to get uneasy, I cannot do this if I can't do the proper way of throwing.

"Hey Max, Look at those a Zigzagoon, and a lot of Wurmple." She said.

" Try catching one!" she said.

Now I feel nervous, my hands are shaking, I am starting to sweat a lot. I am hesitating to throw a Pokeball.

"Hey, this is a good opportunity! Go!" She said.

" I can't," "I don't know how to throw a Pokeball," I said.

" Oh come on, It's just simple. just aim at the Pokemon and that's it." She said.

" Okay" I throw the first one, aiming for that Wurmple, But the quality of the throw was not enough to reach the Pokemon. I tried it again and again, until I lose seven Pokeballs, The closest was when I caught that Wurmple but suddenly went out and ran away.

" That's okay Max, Let me teach you what I learn from my mentor," Bethany said and pat my shoulder.

" Thanks, Bethany," I answered.

Bethany picks up some small rocks and shows it to me what she learn, she said that before throwing the Pokeball, determine the distance of your target on how far or near it is to you. She added that when you determine the distance, and combine it with the strength of the throw, it will make a good quality throw based on it. She showed me the steps, She throws a rock at its target at approximately half a meter distance, then she begins slowly moving her way to the target and she is hitting the spot over and over. Then she added, If you are from the target make yourself closer but not totally close and you might scare off the Pokemon or might endanger yourself. After it, I tried her technique, at first it is quite difficult since you have to aim and estimate the way you throw the rock, I find it hard but as I continue to try I finally hit the target. In Ten tries, I manages to hit the target six times, not bad for a newbie.

"Good job Max" She applauded me.

"Thank you, Bethany" I replied.

Then she shows something, she throws a rock and arches her hand and the rock travels a curve path sideways and somewhat hit the target. I was so amazed by that throw. She said that it is called Curveball Throw, a throw used by experienced trainers who have undergone long training in Throwing.

" You can learn it soon as you grow as a Great Trainer." She said.

"How could you do that curveball, you said that only experienced and well-trained trainers could do that". I said.

"Maybe, I'm just a fast learner, hehe..." she replied.

" I would do that too, not now but soon," I said.

" Yeah, But first you must catch your first Pokemon," she said.

"Right, come on then," I replied.