
In the Brink of Danger!


I watched the match until it was concluded, It was Sera who claimed the Victory and Harry lost.

I saw the same way Harry is feeling right now, he didn't even shake hands with his opponent and heads directly at the backstage, To see what's going on, I followed him.

I was gonna approach him when he suddenly stood and ran his way out on the Arena and my intention to comfort him was not brought out. He ran fast not knowing where he was going so I followed him and had a talk with him.

I guess, He will feel better when there is someone he can lean on. We both lost but I am accepting the outcome and he is not. I will make sure I will be his friend. But as I finally reached him, he was at a bus stop, sitting and heads down. I approached him and he finally paid attention to me.

" What are you doing here?" he said.

" I just came here to cheer you up, I guess.. " I replied.

" Don't mind me, You're just gonna get in trouble." he said.

" What trouble??", I asked.

" Get lost already!". he said and he rode the bus.

I did not followed him and remain on the bus stop. I guess he can't be friends with anybody so I better leave. I headed back to the hotel where I'm staying, While on my way, there is a Black van stopped at my front and someone grab me at the back and cover my face, I felt nauseous and I passed out.

After that moment, I did not know what happen next, The next thing I know is I am on a dark warehouse. My hands are tied up, my mouth is covered by a tape and my bag was taken from me, That bag is where my pokemon are.

I wandered my eyes and saw some strange guys playing cards on the nearby table and on the left side there are lights, I saw a huge cage, size like a container van and right there are wild pokemon captured. I see in there eyes that they suffered abuse from those guys.

I tried to shout to get the attention of those guys but because of the tape I cannot produce a loud shout, I look at my feet and it is also tied up, I kicked a empty can and that caught the attention of the strangers.

I have been kidnapped, what am I going to do? Is this my last day? my parents would not see me again?? I should get out of this, but how?

Those questions went out of my mind and I was thinking what am I going to do to escape this warehouse. I don't even have my phone on me and my Pokemon, I am worried on them they might abuse them also.

Soon as they approached me they are laughing and started bullying me, Some even spit right in-front of me, I cannot recognize anyone of them they're face are being face painted. I'm guessing there on there mid-twenties. I can feel mixed emotions about myself, The nervousness, scared, and also angry on them.

" What a poor boy! HAHAHA", The one guy said.

" He's probably gonna end up crying for his pokemon". The other guy said.

" Let's just finish this one and tell boss, our reward is waiting."

" Any Last word, Newbie?". He removed the tape.

" Who are you? Why are you doing this?! Where are my Pokemon? " I said.

" HAHAHAHA, that's a lot of questions" Another guys approaches.

I cannot see his face clearly because he was hidden from the light but I know for sure he was the boss they are referring earlier.

" Hey boss, Are we gonna dispatch him?"

" Not yet, Let me just speak to him first before you we take away his pokemon." The boss said.

" Yes Boss"

" Bring me Harry here", the boss said.

They brought Harry and I saw his faced afraid and anxious. I wonder what's is his involvement here.

" Hey, Harry, Is this the one who defeated you?".

" What the heck brother!, I told he is not!" he answered.

The guys kicked him and he fell to the ground.

" I don't believe you, You always lie to me Harry" The Boss said.

He smirk at me and ordered his men to take me out on the Warehouse. But as soon as they lift me up, I purposely kick the other guy that made him stumble and fell to the ground.

" You don't wanna fight with me " the boss said.

" Do not take away my Pokemon or else you're gonna pay for your actions" I answered.

While the other guy is holding me tight, he approached me little by little and his face shows up. And then, he was hit on the back and felt unconscious, it was Harry's doing. He also attacked the other guy and untied me.

" Are you alright? I said do not approached me."

" Yes, but why?"

" This is my brother, He is a gang leader and he has lot of authority, he can do whatever he wants." he said.

" Why are you letting this to happen?".

" It's the only way for me to be accepted to this family" he answered.

" What? I can't understand. " I replied.

" You will not, Let's go". he said.

I ran towards the office where they left my bag and checked my pokemon and they are all in there, so I went to the cage and released those wild pokemon .

" Don't do that!" he said.

" Why not?" I answered assertively.

I still opened it and let them all out, until to the last pokemon, and I saw him dragging those guys in the office and lock them.

On the last cage is two Bagon feeling ill so I carried them and escape out of the property.

" Thanks " I said to him.

" It's not the right time to get complacent, Let's go to the nearest police station." he said.

"alright." I answered.

We ran fast until we reached the police station and reported the case and the police officers immediately dispatched and headed to the place alongside Harry who accompanied them, I went to the nearest Pokemon Center to bring the two Bagon and have them checked for medical attention.

Bagon is a bipedal, blue, reptilian Pokemon vaguely resembling a Pachypalosaurus. It possesses a large, round snout, triangular eyes, yellow, circular ears similar to reptiles, and a yellow lower jaw with two teeth protruding upwards. Three thick, gray ridges cover the top of its head and continue downwards to cover its neck as well. There is a triangular patch of yellow on its underside. It has stubby, digit-less arms and short legs with two toes on each foot.

Bagon lives in rough terrains with cliffs and rocks. It longs to fly and jumps off cliffs trying to be able to do so. Frustrated at its inability to fly, it leaps off cliffs and smashes its head against large rocks indiscriminately. This process of continually bashing its head causes it to become as hard as steel. Well-developed neck muscles support its hard head. This, combined with its powerful body, allows it to shatter rocks with its head. Bagon is known to be rather solitary, preferring not to form groups with others of its kind. It has been theorized that Bagon's habit of head-bashing and pure belief influences the cells needed to help it evolve.

As I observed on those Bagon, they are on the brink of life and death, They're breathing are not right, there colors are not the usual skin color and their eyes we're dilated.

They we're rushed to the emergency room for intensive treatment and as I waited, Harry showed up to the Center and told me what happen.

" My apologies for what my brother done earlier". he said.

" It's okay". I answered.

" It's not my choice to bring you into that situation, They thought you were the one who defeated me". he said.

" So it's all they're planning to do if you lost a match?" I said blatantly.

" No, He is forcing me to win, I must win so that my Pokemon will not end up in the black market." he said calmly.

" That's not right." I replied.

" I'm sorry, very sorry for what happen, He's getting to my nerves, that man making me mad all the time."

I can see his frustration towards his older brother, He said that they arrested those two conspirators but not unable to find his brother once they arrived at the scene.

" Are those Bagon alright? " he asked.

" I hope they get well soon, but I am sure they will." I said.

" Honestly, The other Bagon is my Pokemon and the other is his friend." he said that made me surprised.

" What a shame that your brother done that to your pokemon." I said.

" He is doing that for unknown reasons, he is capturing wild pokemon and sold them to other collectors, and he also steal others pokemon and traded them to black markets." he explained.

" That's way worse than I thought, but how come he would do that?" I asked.

" Actually, my family was a well- recognized people of our town, but our parents had this weird task that we must become top trainers and that started everything, My parents would be happy if my brother won contest and a big opposite when he lost, They will destroy his feeling and his personality, that led him to do that. I am also being the next target by my father so I left out town. " he said.

" I'm so sorry for that". I said

Now I know his story and what is really going on, we chat more about his pokemon and I also shared my story.

After some hours of waiting finally they called my name at the lobby, we went to it and they said that the Bagons are now gone better.

" You're Pokemon are now fully recovered, They suffered poison from a Arbok venom but we are able to reverse the effect, good thing you bring them to us earlier or else they might not recover anymore." the nurse said.

" Thank you, nurse for helping us, My deepest gratitude for lending us help." I said.

" Thank you nurse for helping". Harry said.

" You're very welcome" the nurse said.

She handed to us those Bagons and we went to the cafeteria where we spend time to share stories on our pokemon dream.

Harry said that he wants to become a Pokemon Champion someday and wanted to participate the World Coronation Series. I shared also my dream to become a Pokemon Trainer and Breeder as well as a Pokemon Ranger, to protect them from harm of evil humans who benefiting on them for money.

" Hey Harry can you show me all your Pokemon? " I asked.

" Yes, Of course" he replied.

He summons out all his pokemon, he got his Talented Treecko, his Toarkoal, a Marshtomp and his Bagon. I also summon out my Pokemon namely; Torchic, Seedot, and Mudkip.

Marshtomp is an amphibious, bipedal Pokémon. Its body is primarily light-blue with a lighter shade of blue for its underside and an orange belly. Marshtomp's head has an angular black fin, orange eyes, and orange gills on the ends of both cheeks. It has long arms with three-fingered hands. Its feet have three small toes, and it has two black fins for tails. This Pokémon has a thin, sticky film enveloping its body that enables it to live on land. Its body weakens if its skin dries out, so it plays in the mud on beaches when the tide is low to replenish fluids. It is capable of moving faster through mud than water. With its sturdy legs, it has a good footing in mud that allows it to overwhelm struggling opponents. In Generation III, Muddy Water was its signature move. Marshtomp lives in swamps and other wetlands.

" Ohh.. I see that Mudkip will evolve into Marshtomp, Look, Mudkip you will look like him soon." I said.

mudddkiipppp .. kipppp..

"Marshtomp is my first ever pokemon caught" he said.

I greeted them all and introduced myself to them, and also we introduced our Pokemon to each other. This time I feel some happiness and confidence in his actions and not the stubborn and timid guy.

" Hey Max, From now on we are buddies!". he said an offered a fist bomb.

I gladly accept it " Yeah buddy".

After a while before the night falls, A police woman approach us.

" Excuse me, Boys I have something to tell you".

" Yes ma'am." We both answered.

" Harry, your brother is at large so we are taking precautionary measure, Here's my calling card and if happens that you would find him contact us immediately." she said.

" Yes ma'am" Harry replied and received the calling card.

The night comes and I said farewell to him and he thank me again, I also thanked him and fist bomb, and before we separate ways he offered me something.

" Hey bud," He said.

" Yeah, what?" I replied.

" What if you take this Bagon with you?". he offered.

" Are you serious buddy? that's not mine." I insisted.

" I'm serious, take him with you, he's not been caught yet to a Ball". he said.

" Hahahaha.. You're kidding. Probably your brother caught it on a pokeball." I replied.

He insisted and carried Bagon towards me and handed it to me.

" Take care of him, He and mine are nest mates, they're brothers, so please take him. I know that you are gonna take care of him." he said.

With that he said, I did not hesitate to agree to take care of Bagon. I looked at that Bagon's eye and it stares me with a feeling of security.

" Do you want to be part of my team? ". I asked it.


So I bring out a pokeball and catch it, It impress me because it was caught easily and without motion.

" Thank you buddy!" i said gladly.

" No, Thank you !" He said.

" I'll promise to take good care of this pokemon and we will become better than you! " I said.

" My team will be stronger than you and beat you again! " He said.

" I'll comeback stronger." i said while walking away.

" Hey let's meet tomorrow at the bus stop " hey said.

" Okay buddy". I replied.

After a long day finally things went at the right way, I threw my body in the soft couch and sleep, I didn't even have the time to go on bed because of tiredness. Tomorrow is another adventure and found a new buddy to be with, To conquer, and to discover.