
Hoenn Amateurs

I started my day spending time with my Pokemon, feeding them, playing with them and especially learning their behavior. Mudkip is just starting to have trust in Torchic and Seedot, I hope they get well together. I looked on my Pokedex and searched at the Generation 3 Dex, I had checked the Pokemon that already registered on it. There I saw Mudkip, Torchic, and Seedot, also I saw the pokemon Chikorita in the Generation 2 Dex, I tried to remember where I scanned it, finally I remembered it!, It was Bethany's Chicky. I wish I could meet her again..

While scrolling on my phone, It suddenly rang up about some notification, I read it and there it said " Pokemon Battle League Detected Nearby".

"what?, It can detect Pokemon Battle League?"

" Wooh, Cool!".

So I pressed it to know the exact details of the notification, It said that an Amateur Battle League will be held at Moss Deep City Park and it will begin today. Then, I scrolled it down and then I saw a pre-registration button.

I did not hesitate to join the battle league so I signed up in the pre-registration and prepared myself for today's battle league. Today is also my last day of staying in this hotel so I began to pack my things and checked out later in the day.

After some hours of preparation, I headed to the hotel lobby and got checked out, I also called mom and dad to inform them that next week I will be going home. Professor Jack also texted me that he is staying longer in Kalos for his research and he cannot be able to watch, instead he informed me that I'll tell him my battle results once it ended.

I headed to the bus stop, There I also saw some young trainers like me going to the same location. While on the bus, I saw on the farthest seat a mysterious looking trainer, I approached and greeted him.

" Hi good day isn't it?" I stated.

" Yeah".

What a short reply, I did ask him his name but he did not respond to me so I am not able to befriend him and remained quiet the whole trip.

Fifteen minutes later, I am at the Moss Deep City Park. I went out to the bus and saw groups of Pokemon Trainers everywhere chatting, I approached one of them and asked for the Registration Area, They pointed me in the direction and headed straight away.

In the registration area, I met the trainer again, We were filing at the same time so I approached him again.

" Is this your first time joining a league?" I asked.

(It is also my first) on my mind.

" Yeah" he Replied.

After that he did not respond again, so for the second time he snubbed me again. What a Trainer! He's too rude.

" Welcome to the Annual Hoenn Amateurs, An event exclusively for newbie pokemon trainers held every year for the celebration of Hoenn Festival!" Emcee's announcement.

" Here are the prizes waiting for you if you become the champion, a pokemon egg, an exclusive medal, some cash and an experience on your battles, So trainers be ready as the tournament will start now" Emcee's announcement.

My first match will start in 16 minutes so I first had a talk with my pokemon and I called them out.

" Hey guys, We are having a good time today, We are having our first battle league as a team, I want you to show you your best and I will show my best too, Let's enjoy every battle today and whatever is the outcome, I will gladly applaud you guys. So Let's go!" I said with an encouraging voice.

Toorrr..chicccc... chicccc...

seeee..dot ..

Kipp .kipp... mudkipp..

I pulled out some energy giving foods and fed them while watching some early pairings.

After some time, Finally my name was called and my opponent for the game so we headed to the battlefield.

" Rules of the game, Only one pokemon can be used in battle, once the pokemon is down or unable to continue then, the battle will be finished, but first come at the middle and shake hands and bow to the audience." the Referee said.

" Good luck," my opponent said.

" you too," I said.

Now I feel some nervousness in my body, my hands are starting to feel cold, but I cannot show this weakness to my Pokemon so I head high and summon my first pokemon.

" Let's go Torchic!"


" Come out now!" my opponent.

Poochhh... Poooochyena ..

( A Poochyena, I scanned it on my dex )

Poochyena, as its name implies, is a quadrupedal Pokémon similar in appearance to hyenas and canines. Its body is primarily gray with a black face and throat, paws, and belly. Its eyes are red with yellow sclerae, and it has a red nose. Its lower jaw has two pointed teeth sticking out. The fur at the base of its tail is rumpled and shaggy. Poochyena has gray paw pads on its three-toed paws.

Poochyena has a great sense of smell allowing it to find and chase its prey with ease. It takes a bite at anything that moves and makes the hair on its tail bristle out to try to intimidate its foes. Known for its tenacious nature, it chases after prey until the victim becomes exhausted. If its prey strikes back, it may turn tail. It is omnivorous and will eat anything. This Pokémon lives in grasslands, savannas, and forests.

" Ready? " The referee asked.

" Yes". " Yeah" We Both said.

" Battle Begin!"

I did not order my Pokemon yet to attack first and instead order it to make a fighting stance.

He made his first order to attack..

" Poochyena use bite!"

rawr...pooochhhh ...

" Dodge it Torchic!"


Torchic tried to jump but still Poochyena was able to deal damge to my Pokemon.

" Torchic, Are you okay?".


" Use Peck!"

Chiccc..chicc..toorr.. chicc...

It manages to hit Poochyena but still not enough to pin it down so he counter attacks.

" Poochyena quick attack!"

" Torchic waits for him to come close".

" Wait,.. Waittt.... Now! use ember! "


Torchic made a direct hit but still Poochyena charges to it and a small explosion sounded and as the smoke dispersed I saw my Torchic left standing and his Pokemon was weakened, trying to stand up so I took advantage.

" Torchic use Peck to finish it! "

Tooooorrrr.... Chicccc....

" Dodge it Poochyena!" He said.

There's nothing he can do with that Torchic manages to hit Poochyena and faints.

" Poochyena is unable to battle which means Max and his Torchic wins! " Announcer said.

I heard a loud cheer on the crowd and I bow as an appreciation.

" Yes!!!!! I won! " I said while hugging Torchic.

" Congratulations, Well done." My opponent offers a hand shake and I gladly accept it.

The first battle ended and we bow to the crowd and on the officiating referee. I headed to the bench and analyzed my battle results.

I watched the match of the trainer who snubbed me, he is a incredible! He destroys his oppnent with his Treecko. I think the tactic I will use to him when we faced each other.

Then I heard my name again, This time my opponent looks lively, he greeted me and I greeted him also.

In the match I use Seedot and he matches me with his Lotad.

Lotad is a small, blue Pokémon with six stubby legs. It has large eyes and a wide, yellow mouth similar to a bill. A large leaf that resembles a lily pad covers its back. This large leaf allows Lotad to float across ponds, and it will sometimes ferry smaller Pokémon on its back in this manner. However, the leaf will wilt if Lotad becomes dehydrated. Its size and weight prevent Lotad from living on land, but, on rare occasions, it travels on land in search of clean water.

" Seedot we can do this! " I said.

seeeddooooot ...

" Let's go with Bullet seed!" I ordered it.


" Lotad use water gun! " he ordered his pokemon.

" Time to do our trick Lotad!" he said.

" Use Leech Seed!" He said.

" Seedot dodge it! " But I was unable to dodge it that his attack affected my Pokemon.

" Now use Mega Drain! " He said.

I left standing speechless as his pokemon is draining my Seedot energy, and with the effect of Leech seed seedot cannot regain his strength. I see that as a well executed combination attack, If I did not do something I will be definitely losing this.

" What an Impressive display of combination technique!" the announcer said.

The Crowd cheers....

" What I am going to do, Think Max, Think!"

" Seedot, Hold on, Use Take Down!"


It's attack manages to hit it but the effect of his attack still affecting my Pokemon.

" Use Mega Drain again. " he said.

It absorbs again the energy and starting to weaken my Seedot, I must think a possible way to overcome his attacks.

" Seedot use Dig! " I came up with an idea to use Dig as it may be extinguished the effects of his attacks.

" What is that? a coward move?". He said in a mean manner.

" It's my tactic! " I just simply replied.

" Use Mega Drain again!".

Now finally it did not affected my Pokemon so I made my perfect move to knock his pokemon out of the battle.

" Seedot, now charge and use take down."

Seedot digs up and shows up to where lotad is standing and rattled at the same time, It perfectly landed the take down and hit Lotad so hard.

" We re not finish yet! " I said as the crowd cheers.

" Bullet seed! "


" Dodge it and use Water gun" . but his command was late that my Pokemon launches its attack and landed to his pokemon.

" Lotad is down, Which means Max wins! " The announcer proclaims and the crowd cheers.

I went to shake hands and thanks my adversary for the good battle.

" You are a great trainer, I was amazed with your tactics, Thank you for the match." I said.

" You too are good tactician, Goodluck on your next fight." he replied.

I went to the back stage and fed my seedot some energy restoring food.

" You did a good job in their buddy!" I said while petting Seedot.

seeeddooooot... seeeddooooot..

While resting I was disturb with a loud cheer from the crowd as the tainer I am watching decimated another opponent.

I wonder what fight will take place if I come to face him.

A couple of minutes later, I heard my name was called so I went to the Arena.

" Now it is time for the Amateurs Quarter Finals and It will be Maxim Vigo of Cerulean City, Kanto Region versus Harry Raymond from Sinnoh Region.

Now I know, Harry Raymond is your name. I promise that I will give you a good fight. I headed to the battlefield and greeted him.

" Pleased to meet to you Harry", I greeted and offers a handshake.

" Let's finish this fast," and we had a handshake.

" The two versatile newcomers in this competition has finally faced each other, Who you bet to win? Is it Max or Harry?" The announcer said.

The crowd cheers and I heard separate chants of my name and his name.

" Ready for battle?" The Referee said.

We both nodded and summons our Pokemon, I summon Mudkip and he summons Treecko.

The crowd roars again and the excitement could be felt throughout the venue. I ran my eyes in the crowd and saw some familiar faces like Steven Stone, Erika of Pallet Town and Morty of Johto Region.

" Treecko launch and use some leaf blade." he commanded.

" Prepare for counter Mudkip, Use Water Gun!"