
First of Many!

After learning some basic skills of proper throwing a Pokeball, We return back to the spot where there is a lot of Pokemon. We saw a lot of them chilling so I finally caught my first Pokemon.

I summoned Torchic to help me out.


" Let's go Bud, and let's catch my First Pokemon."

"chicc.. Toorchicccc"

While Bethany is doing some stuff on her bag, I went to the same spot earlier where I saw a group of Seedot. Seeing those, I realize this is a great chance to get one of mine. I choose the one sitting on the tree trunk.

" Let's Go Torchic, Use quick attack!"


Torchic dashes like a sprinter and hit Seedot, but that Pokemon does not give up easily and uses Harden to deny the attack.

"Torchic use Peck!"

"Torrr... Chicccc...."

Seedot is not an easy Pokemon to deal with, It uses roll-out that hit my Torchic. It is not time to give up now!

"Torchic we can do this! Use Quick attack and peck."

"Chiiccc, Torchicccc"

After a tight battle finally that Seedot loses its energy and is ready to catch so I prepare my Pokeball and with what Bethany said I threw it approximating the distance and the quality. After a moment of silence and finally, I caught my first-ever Pokemon. Hope that Bethany witnesses it, and I realize that she is right there far back watching me.

"Nice Max! " She offers an up here.

" Yes!" "Thanks for the basic Bethany!!" I replied and take an up here.

I summoned out my newly catch Pokemon, Seedot.

Seedot is a small, brown Pokémon that resembles an acorn. A beige, mask-like pattern covers its large black eyes, and it has two beige feet. It has a gray "cap" with a short stem on top of its head. The stem is used to hang from tree branches in its forest home. While hanging, this Pokémon absorbs moisture and nutrients from the tree until it becomes too heavy and falls to the ground. The more it drinks, the glossier its body becomes. Additionally, Seedot polishes itself with leaves once daily. If it remains still, it can be mistaken for a nut and startles others by moving suddenly. Pidgey is a natural predators of Seedot.

"It seems you've got a quite large size Seedot," Bethany praised.

" Really?," I answered.

"Its size is not the normal one, you can check it by scanning your Seedot by using your Pokedex," She said.

"Let me see..."

Dex: Dex scanning ...Your Seedot is quite huge.

"The best thing to determine its actual size and weight, bring it to the nearest Pokemon Center'. She said.

"Can you accompany me there?" I said.

" I can't Max, I am required to come back to the exhibit". she replied.

We decided to return to the event where I meet with Professor Jack and told the story of how I met Bethany and how I catch my first Pokemon, I also told him that my first Pokemon is quite large and we need it to see the Pokemon Center for proper measurements.

" Come out Torchic," I summoned out my starter.

Professor Jack was happy for me after I caught my first Pokemon and he said he will accompany me heading to the Pokemon Center, But before we leave I formally introduce Bethany to Professor.

"Please to meet you, Bethany," Professor said while offering a handshake.

"Glad to meet you professor," Bethany said and made a handshake.

We said goodbye to Bethany as we go to the Pokemon Center. I hope that I will be able to meet her again.

At the Pokemon center, I meet the duty nurse; Nurse Reesa.

" Nurse, could you please take a physical exam of my Pokemon?"

"Of course, Let me handle it for a couple of minutes." the nurse said.

While waiting for the results, I and the professor talk about the things we might do in the future, as he elaborated that he might be leaving and going to Kalos Region for the reason that he is needed for a conference meeting there, I wanted to join him but I was unable to fetch my Kalos Region Pass in order to book a flight to Kalos Region so I might stay here for another day.

"Mr. John Maxim Evencourt?" I heard my name sound in the speakers so I immediately went to the counter.

" Mr. Evencourt, Here is your Pokemon, and here is the result of the examination."

" Just call me Max, Nurse? " I replied.

" Nurse Reesa," she said.

"Thank you!" I said.

"You're always welcome" She replied.

I went to our seat and show the result to Professor Jack, He said that according to the result, My Pokemon is a male; 1.8 kilograms in weight and 16 inches tall which means it is quite large of its species.

Well, I am happy about that result, I showed it to Seedot itself and told him that I will be taking good care of him. My Torchic is also happy for finally having a new friend, a new member of our growing family.

Before we leave the Pokemon Center, I fed my both Pokemon and let them play for a while to develop their socialization. I chat with professor Jack about something to remember while I'm traveling by myself. He said all the things to do before going on travel and the important papers to produce when entering another city. I scanned also my Trainer Id to the counter as a requirement for their record and for future record purposes.

As we headed back to the apartment, Professor finally separated from us and rode on the bus going to the airport. We said goodbye to my mentor and hope him the best in his travel.