
Becoming a Pokémon Trainer

Two years ago since that day happen still it reminisce that bad memory in this river, Two weeks ago I've just turn 14 years old, and today is the day that I've got my Pokémon Trainer License. I know that is kinda late age to become a trainer since 10 years old is the best age.

I am Maxim Vigo, from Cerulean City and I want to become a Pokémon Enforcer!

Dad explains me all before becoming an enforcer I must become a Pokémon trainer first in order to understand all things related to Pokémon, from evolution, breeding, catching, and all stuff. Once I had that in mine, I will be enrolling to the Academy of Pokémon Enforcers.

" Hey honey, let's go now" Mom approach me.

"Ahhhhhh, sorry mom hehehehe.. I just remember something on this river"

"It's alright son, come on. Dad is waiting there. Hurry up!"

"Okay mom". I replied and smiled at her.

I went back to house and prepare my stuff for a week and head out, It's my first day to become a trainer and we are going to Professor Jack in the city.

After 30 minutes of trip, we finally arrived in the Cerulean City Laboratory where they would issue my badge and will choose a starter. on our way to the Lab I saw a lot of young teens also on their first day of becoming a trainer, I saw a lot of Pokémon too; It makes me feel excited. While waiting for my turn, I saw an invitation from the Hoenn Region's Burgh Laboratory Advertisement and saw on the TV monitor the starter Pokémon; Torchic, Mudkip and Treecko. I started to like those three, I would love to have one of them as my starter and so I save the address and contact information of the Burgh Laboratory.

After a couple of minutes of waiting, Dad called me and it is time to become a Pokémon trainer. At first, I filled up the form that needed my information, they'd scanned my fingerprints, took a picture of mine, and dad sign the waiver consent.

Dad introduce me to Professor Harvey Jack, a well-known Pokémon researcher in our city.

Professor Jack, is a tall man, with a slight lean physique, having long blond hair and wearing a eyeglass.

"Good morning, Maxim .." Greetings from the professor.

"Good morning too sir."

"Professor, he is my first-born child" Dad said.

"Ohhh I see..." Professor smiled and looked at me.

"It Seems that you have a successor on your researcher studies my friend" Professor said.

" aaahhhh.. well.. I cannot tell that yet." Dad answered.

"ohhh why? o why?" he asked.

"He's like an adventurer, he likes to become an Enforcer someday" Dad said.

"Ohhhh,, that's Interesting! " He answered.

"Here Maxim," he gave me a smartphone.

"That smartphone will be your communication device."

And he summon a Rotom and it entered to the smartphone. I was amazed

Rotom is a Pokémon that has a body of plasma and is shaped like a lightning rod. There is a whitish blue aura of electricity around it that forms lightning bolt-shaped appendages. It has teeth, and its unique, blue eyes have a dividing line across them. As seen in the anime, Rotom will often pull pranks on unsuspecting people. Rotom has the ability to time travel. Rotom has the ability to enter and control appliances. Starting in Platinum, it also has five extra forms, each based on a household appliance, which can be accessed by possessing specific appliances. The possessed appliances are based on a microwave oven (Heat Rotom), washing machine (Wash Rotom), refrigerator (Frost Rotom), electric fan (Fan Rotom), and a lawnmower (Mow Rotom). When Rotom changes form, its eyes and electric aura change colors, and its aura appendages take on different shapes: red with oven mitts as Heat Rotom, blue with clothespins as Wash Rotom, purple with lightning bolts as Frost Rotom, yellow with air curls as Fan Rotom, and green with a ripped strip as Mow Rotom. According to the Rotom Catalog, Rotom in its base form is actually possessing a light bulb

"Now that smartphone has all also become a pokedex, and it is store with all the data you needed relating to Pokémon." He discussed.

I feel amazed and just nodded and smiled at it.

"then next here, " Professor show us to the corner and summons three Pokémon, namely; Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander.

"Which of them you would like to be your starter?" professor asked.

"Hey, son choose Squirtle! It is a water type" Dad said.

"I suggest get that Bulbasaur honey It's cute!" mom said.

It's time to choose my starter but I am stock with those three Hoenn Region starters, I know that these three is also cool, but I will stick to my decision.

"Dad, Mom, honestly.. I don't want to choose on them..." Hesitantly saying.

"Why ?? son?" Dad asked.

"Eeehhhhh .. see dad ... I just saw an advertisement earlier in the Hoenn Region. I saw those three starters, Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip. They're cool, I want one of them be my starter." I said.

" Ohhh so you've seen already Professor Burgh invitation..." Professor said.

"Yeah...." I replied shortly.

" Do you really want them? " Mom asked.

"yes" I replied.

"Okay Maxim, So you will accompany me in Hoenn Region" Professor said and smiled at me.

"Really????" I getting excited.

"Yes" Professor replied.

" Yeah !!!" I jumped for joy and hug my mom and dad tight.

Then we went to the nearby Poke'stop to buy some items and buy some food.

Poke'stop we're placed that designated to be a rest area or chill area for Pokémon trainers which they can buy some items and some food and acessories they needed. The store also has a Pokémon machine in which it is like a computer where you can contact someone through video chatting. Lastly, they offered delivery services in which you can send spare items or Pokémon that you caught to your designated Laboratory.

Dad bought me 100 pokeballs, 20 full heal items, 20 antidote, 20 potions, 20 luring potions and some accessories including some gloves, hat, and a pair of shoe. He also bought some raspberries and some nanab berries. while, mom is currently advising me and giving me instructions before they leave.

"Son goodluck for tommorow, be at time " Dad told me.

"Hey Max, always remember what I said, do not be careless when you are out in the wild, always text us or call us, always eat your food at right time and always sleep at time, understand ?" mom said.

"alright mom, dad" i replied.

I hugged them before they leave, Now I am on my own journey to become a Pokémon trainer. A new chapter of my life had just begun today, so many future challenges that I will face in order to achieve a dream..

I went back to the Laboratory for further instruction by Professor Jack.

" You can stay here Maxim, I had a room for you" he offered.

He showed me to the room; It's quite a broad room with a captivating ambiance.

" This is the room you will stay tonight" professor said.

"wow ! it is huge!"

" yeah,, It is room intended for visitors. hehehe" He replied.

" Thank you professor" I said.

" Welcome Maxim, Dinner will be ready at 7pm later, okay"

"Okay Professor, Thanks" I nodded.

Then he close the door, I sat down on the bed and open my smartphone and called mom immediately.

"Hello mom"

"Ohhh honey, How are you there?" mom asked.

"I'm okay, I am on Professor's Lab., and he give me a room to stay."

" Aaaahhh I see,.. "

"Are you home??" I asked.

"Not yet, Honey, We're on the grocery store buying some stuff for home and some food too."

"Take care mom, babye!"

"bye honey."

After that, I lay down and imagining what's gonna happen tomorrow, what will be my starter.. Treecko.. Torchic.. Mudkip... hmmmmmmmmm.....

I remember my phone has a pokedex so I open it and search about them.

Torchic is a small, chick Pokémon with stubby, downy, yellow wings. Its body is covered with orange feathers. There is an orange and yellow crest on its head that resembles a flame. Its two thin legs and short beak are a light brownish yellow, and the feet have three toes in front and one in the back. A male Torchic will have a small black speck on its rear that is not present in females.

Somewhere in its belly, this Pokémon has a place where it keeps a flame. This internal flame causes Torchic to feel warm if hugged. When attacked, it will shoot fireballs of 1,800 °F (1,000 °C) at its foes, leaving them scorched black. It dislikes darkness, as it cannot see its surroundings. Torchic will follow its Trainer with unsteady steps. While Torchic is rarely found in the wild, it is known to inhabit grasslands.

Treecko is a small, green, bipedal reptilian Pokémon. It has yellow eyes with long, narrow pupils. Treecko's hands and feet each have three digits covered with tiny spikes. These spikes allow it to scale vertical walls with ease. Its stomach and throat are red. It also has a line across its stomach resembling a pouch. Treecko has a large, dark green tail with two separate lobes that it uses to sense humidity. This ability allows it to predict the next day's weather.

Treecko is rarely found in the wild and is more common in captivity. However, when in the wild, Treecko lives inside overgrown forests. It makes its home in tall trees and will attack anyone that comes near its nest. Because of its territorial nature, it is known to be the protector of the forest's trees. Treecko is known for its calm and collected personality. It will never panic under any circumstances, even when faced with a bigger foe.

Mudkip is a small, amphibious, quadrupedal Pokémon. It has a blue body with a light-blue underside. Mudkip has a large head with a blue fin on top and a light-blue tail fin. It has black, beady eyes and orange, star-shaped gills on its cheeks. By using the fin on its head, Mudkip can detect changes in air and water currents as well as bodies of water. Its fin can also point in a certain direction, as seen in the anime. Mudkip is capable of moving or crushing boulders larger than itself. Its large tail fin provides powerful acceleration to propel it through the water.

According to its Pokémon Ranger browser entry, Mudkip is a very docile Pokémon. Mudkip is more commonly found in captivity, though it can be found in swamps and other wetlands. In the wild, it sleeps by burying itself in the soil at the water's edge.

Wow,, all of them we're amazing, I am getting confuse on what's gonna be my starter... It will be a tough decision to make tomorrow..