
I will head out tomorrow.

According to Information they say that a country hacked into America's weapon base and launched all nuclear missiles onto every other country.

But the culprit never caught.

As of other countries...

Their government's issued bunkers to the civilian's before missiles hit the country. But bunkers are limited and can't take so many people's inside them. Rich or poor , woman or man on that day no discrimination was made.

The once who reached the bunker first got place inside.

Missiles exploded on this world like hundred's of meteoroids fall from the space.

Mother Earth cried on that day.

Every connection between Human civilization's got broken.

The people above earth who are unable to reach a bunker died.

Either by explosion or by nuclear waves.

But some people above the earth survived.

The ratio was 100000:1 but some of them survived.

But they are not in very good conditions some got skin disease someone's skin was burned alive.

But they say if here is a devil then there is also a god.

The nuclear power that got spreaded through the environment got absorbed by the insects and cold blooded animal's like snakes and spider's. But there size got increased by 10x now a beetle is as big as a helecopter and an colony of ant's can be as big as a whole city. But ant's live underground we don't have much danger from them the danger we had was that we can't go outside of those bunkers big lizard's,snakes and spider's are always on hunt out there.

Now government contacts through radio waves and radio's.

But we had bigger problems like electricity. We made use of solar panels in bunkers. We throwed out the panel's outside of the bunker's with wires connected to them. Problem solved. But ant's sometime's cuts the wires of solar panel's. But the real problem was food and water.

Human's formed groups who goes out and collects water from the river's. But returning numbers always decreases and as for food people's started to breed animal's inside bunker's

Everything is not same anymore and human's now have fear in their heart's. But i believe that we human's are not made to be live like livestock. One day i will go out and make a home up there again.

I was 16 when everything happened. My mother got killled by a giant snake and father got eaten by an giant scorpion then i got picked up by two families and brought into a bunker two year's passed in peace. But yesterday my shelter got destroyed by lizards. Everyone got killed except me because i was hidden inside a closet.

A scene can be seen where a teenage boy was writing a diary inside a broken bunker....

"Tomorrow i will headout in search for closest shelter whose name is bunker-A09"

"This is my story. I am max. I will face dangers and make a adventurous story out of my life. Because i don't want to die in vain"

"Good night dear diary"