
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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62 Chs

Kawasaki and Alice were going on their date

Before Kawasaki had some crush on Alice and later they went on a date with him and went somewhere else where they wanted to go with her as quiet alone time both at the dating place.

Alice: Sakura where are you taking me back from and are we going on some were date with each other

Kawasaki: yes Alice we are but I think you want to try to do something else while we are here in these quiet places of dating

Alice: Sure...what did you want us to do inside of these empty dark rooms that look like kind of more than a vampire room that you booked us over here Sakura

Once Kawasaki dragged Alice's hand and they were going inside both of them who are here inside the dark room somewhere else on the other vampire planet Kawasaki are want to do that vampire and human sex together with Alice's vampire huge cock right inside of her wet fucking pussy.

Kawasaki: Alice...can I touch your fucking vampire huge cock while you can play with my pussy with your finger to put inside while I make you cum much of your vampire sperm

Alice: well...It is the first time that I was having sex with a human pussy and how it was going to fix right at my huge cock

Kawasaki: just trust me on this Alice and you can take turns to make me want to cum and feel so damn fucking good with your vampire cum

In the meantime, Kawasaki and Alice were pulled their pant and she was pulled her skirt down with her human panties while Alice was putting inside her fucking pussy Alice was going to be rough sex on her pussy went Kawasaki was moaning every she had fun with Alice fucking vampire cock.

Kawasaki: Alice...Alice...please make me pregnant with your child as half vampire and another half human and I will be your bride as you are my vampire husband

Alice: Kawasaki Sakura I will marry you as my human beautiful wife so much as we are getting our child with you as long as you are become to take care of this child of ours

Kawasaki: yes...I do Alice and shall we continue the sex back to the Nogizaka Mansion inside the soundproof room we can go over that and let the member know that we are getting married to you, Alice

Meanwhile, Kawasaki and Alice arrived back inside the Nogizaka Mansion other of the Nogizaka were back there and saw that Kawasaki and Alice were wearing the same match wedding ring on both of their left finger, and the 5th gen members who seemed happy but not with Ogawa Aya with Inoue Nagi but both of are too jealous with Ichinose Miku who are not here with them but where is she were not here inside at the living room inside the mansion.

Kawasaki: uh...where is Ichinose?

Ogawa: she had something to do first while she said to us to wait here while she took something inside that room over there

Alice: wait...there room was it was Nanba Rei's room and why is she inside the room did she say anything about that room went she was going inside the room both of you

While Ichinose was coming out of the room she saw that some guests were inside the living room Inoue Ogawa who was seeing her was back from here and both of them were hugging each other as both two 5th gen members were with her.

Ogawa: Ichinose...shall we inside the second floor where there is the soundproof room

Nagi: yes Ichinose please and we can continue your guide us from your schedule inside the room

Ichinose: sure of course please take me there both of you *dragged her*

Right before Nagi and Ogawa are taken Ichinose back to the soundproof room on the second floor of the Mansion the first one is to have some sex with Ichinose Nagi went Ogawa were just kissing her lips while Ichinose was putting inside her wet fucking pussy until they are had much fun with her inside the soundproof room.

Ichinose: Aya...please kiss me onto my lips while I put my fucking huge futa cock right inside of her pussy

Ogawa: okay Ichinose please kiss me just like never before you had missed me that much

Nagi: Ichinose...please do cum that much until you had make me cum that overflow inside my belly

Once Ichinose was kissing onto Ogawa and later she went and fucked her pussy after that it was the turn the Kawasaki and Alice to have some vampire and human sex with each other while they were happy that they are have married him and with her much a family with both of them.

Kawasaki: Alice...I can feel that vampire baby is starting to grow inside my stomach

Alice: I can't wait for our child to give birth what do we call we were child which is was boy or a girl

Kawasaki: I think we should wait and see if it is okay honey *kiss*

9 months later Kawasaki and Alice are a newly married couple with each other while the 5th gen member congratulations to his wife who was standing beside her side forever.

Ichinose: congrats Kawasaki and of course you too Alice and make sure to take care of her safety and protect her and her baby too

Alice: of course, I will protect her baby and once Sakura has given birth we will give her or his name once she had giving birth

Nagi: well...I can't wait for you to have some first or second child to have some vampire and human baby with Alice cells

Later Kawasaki and Alice sat back inside the room where they could have some moments with each other while they were creating the room just for their ever first baby Kawasaki Sakura was patting her belly and letting the baby know that she would give the baby some human blood if the baby is hungry.