
Mato Seihei no Harem Emperor

Wakura Yuuki, a man from real earth who suddenly wake up as child of 4 y/o after he finish reading Mato Seihei no Slave manga. a domestically crafty, athletic build, and laborious high school senior whose older sister was taken during a Mato event 5 years before; after waiting for 14 years of training and hardship, an event opens before him, and while being rescued from demons by Captain Kyouka of the Anti-Demon Corps, she confers him powers as her "slave" and turns him into a mighty beast mount that fight for its master. However, there is a surprising and twisted price to pay for being her "slave"… and it's not him who has to pay it. Based on "Mato Seihei no Slave" manga Tags: Alternative Universe, Massive Harem, Slave MC, Reverse Domination, Incest, MILF, Oyakodon, no-loli, Yuri, R-18, Slice of Life, Follow Canon Event, Base on Original Material, MC contain small Bleach element, Strong Willed MC Expected some OOC i dont own Mato Seihei no Slave, this is just FAN FICTION and i gain nothing but FUN

Gemini_Saga_0916 · Cómic
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11 Chs

Chapter 6 PROS AND A PRO -PART 1


After Kyouka and the girls welcomed Yuuki, Kyouka telling him to give the raw ingridients back to Shushu...

"Yuuki, give the raw ingridients back to Shushu, and Shushu put it back to the fridge...we will have an welcome party for Yuuki tonight....my treat" ordered Kyouka

"o~kaa~y" Shushu smiled and giving Yuuki mischivious smile then goes to put the items back in the refrigerator...

"ya~y Party!" Nei with both of her hands stretching up...

"hmph!" Himari with crossed arms giving Yuuki a bad look...

Yuuki teased Himari by giving her a wink, but it ended up making her amplify her bad look...

since the group cant really go out together and leaving the dorm empty, Kyouka ordered a delivery...


7th Unit Dorm - Dining Room

The foods already on the table with various kind of expensive looking courses that can make Yuuki wallet died and cant be reincarnated...

For some reason Yuuki seat is sandwhiched by Kyouka on the right and Himari on the left, while Nei the angelic loli and Shushu is in front of Yuuki respectively...

"for our new additional member and caretaker, to Wakura Yuuki...KAMPAI!" Kyouka stretch out her hand holding a smoothies...

"Kampai~!" Yuuki, Shushu, Nei, cheers while holding their respective drink except Himari...

then they began picking their foods on the table and converses with each others...

Yuuki despite hes mentally older than all of them hes actually quite shy with stranger due to his previous life, and that personality of him cant be changed by him till this day, so he acted awkard around them especially Shushu who actively teasing him...

Shushu and Nei who curious about boy and giving him various questions, Himari is just silent enjoy her meal and minding her own business, while Kyouka enjoying Yuuki presence and others....


all of the foods on the table is already gone to their stomachs, and only leaving the pitiful lonely plates...

"*yaw~n* Chief! Nie is sleepy...can i excuses first to go to sleep?" Nei the angelic loli yawned while covering her mouth with 1 of her hand like a graceful loli...

"sure, good night Nei-chan." replied Kyouka

"good night Chief, good night everyone." Nei stand up then bowing while slightly raising her skirt like an proper firm lady...

"good night Nei-chan" Shushu and Himari

"good night Nei-senpai" Yuuki

then Nei left the dining table...

"guess....i'll go to sleep too~" Shushu stand up but got stopped by Kyouka...

"Shushu...you remember tonight is your duty to watch right?" Kyouka giving Shushu friendly stare while smiling...

"ara!?....is that so? sorry Chief~ Teehee~" Shushu replied and acted innocent... but she's still left the place anyway...

"then Chief...excuses me...and you Wakura Yuuki dont forget to clean the dishes! hmph!" after acted like a legendary classic typical tsundere Himari also left the dining room, leaving only Yuuki and Kyouka...

"I hope you doesn't take it at heart...my Yuuki.." Kyouka place her left hand on Yuuki right tigh and gently rubbing it...

"no worries...i'm not that spiteful, Kyouka-chan" Yuuki giving her thumb up and smiled, making Kyouka also smiled...

"thats good..then Yuuki...after you clean the dishes i'll wait you on my room..." Kyouka got closer to Yuuki right ear...

"i'm gonna give you for tonight reward..." Kyouka whispers provocatively...

"eh? wasn't your ability-" Yuuki got interupted due to Kyouka placed her finger on his lips...

"you don't need to worry about that...my Yuuki...i don't really mind doing it with you.." Kyouka pull back her finger and giving Yuuki a peck on his right cheek...

"hmm~, okay then..." Yuuki noded, he doesn't really understand but SEGS!

"good, then i'll go first Yuuki." after Kyouka stand up and turn her body, suddenly her left hand is grabbed by Yuuki..

"wait Kyouka, i still doesn't know where your room.." confessed Yuuki embarassed...

"ah right...i haven't show you my room or the building...Yuuki give me your phone" Kyouka stretch out her left hand, and immediately Yuuki give her his phone...

not long after that, Kyouka give Yuuki back his phone...

"call me when you done do the dishes, then i'll go first, see you later Yuuki" without waiting Yuuki reply, Kyouka left the scene a bit rushed...

Yuuki looked at the new contact on his phone screen...

'Kyoka my beloved master,hmmm" Yuuki quite surprised at the Kyouka contact on his phone...

'...well i guess she's quite something too heh~' Yuuki chukles seeing the name that Kyouka create, without wasting his time Yuuki began to clean the dining table....


After Yuuki done washing the dishes making them clean, shiny and good as new, he dryed his hands then Yuuki notified Kyouka that hes done washing...

Yuuki doesn't wait long until Kyouka appear with a pink tanktop braless causing visible nipple mark on the tanktop, and a black short pant flexing Kyouka long smooth legs...

while Yuuki enjoying Kyouka fresh look, Kyouka grab Yuuki hand then guiding Yuuki to her room...

after both of them enter Kyouka bedroom, well you guys know the drill...


Next Day - Public High Shcool Kaminoge - Tokyo

Male Student A and Male Student B is walking through the school corridor talking about Yuuki...

"Dude, is Yuuki seriously going to work in Mato?" Male Student B asking to the Male Student B...

"As their caretaker if i'm not wrong, i heard he got thrown in Mato, and then he got scouted." explained Male Student A...

"Ma~n, that guy is sure something else." Male Student B a bit worry to Yuuki...

"Hey you two...where's the Principal's office?" suddenly the two bois is interrupted by the sudden voice of a woman...

when the bois looked at the source of the voice...

they see a beautiful well-endowed young woman who has silver hair which extends up to her thighs, her hair has bangs on the side of her forehead, in the center while two chunks reach her shoulders and pink eyes where her eyes appear slit.

Dressed with Anti-Demon Corps uniform, consisting of a navy blue militia tunic, cap that has red highlights, white gloves, a short skirt, thigh-high boots. Additionally, she has unique accessories on her ears that resemble flat, blue, curved horns that stick up from her hair.

the two single-bois is stupified looking at the silver-haired beauty standing with valor...

"hmm?...do you guys hear me?" asked again by the silver-haired beauty...

"AH..sorry-sorry! can i help you miss?" Male Student B mesmerized by her...

"Where's the Principal's office?...I have business regarding Wakura Yuuki." she explained again...

"AH, it should be right over there!!" Male Student A pointing to certain direction excited..

"Thanks." the Silver-Haired Beauty nodded and giving them her thanks then turn arround...

"uh...excuse me miss..you are?..." asked by the Male Student B timidly...

Kyouka looked back at the bois...

"Uzen Kyouka...i'm Yuuki Master." answered Kyouka with taunting smile...

the two bois taken aback hearing Kyouka statement, then Kyouka leaving them continue her business...

"I'm not jealous, but...I'm no longer that worried for Yuuki." Male Student B while annoyed...

"I'm actually irritated by Him. not that I'm Jealous or anything" Male Student A is definitely envious of Yuuki...


to think that additional scene almost take an 1 chapter lmao

Gemini_Saga_0916creators' thoughts