
The Campbells

There were twenty-five werewolf packs that were officially recognized and registered under the Shifters Governing Council in North America. The rest that is not registered are referred to as mini packs, which was just a fancy name given to them by the Governing Council because they were too small and didn't meet the requirements that qualified them to be registered as a real pack.

In actual fact, these mini-packs were seen as the dregs of society. They were looked down on and considered irrelevant by every werewolf that matters in the shifters' society.

Devlin's pack, The Eclipse Moon, used to be among such packs. His whole pack was so small, all pack members lived inside the pack house and four other cottages built on an acre of land.

Two weeks after his parents' death when he was twenty-one. As the new Alpha of his pack, he challenged to duel, fifty Alphas from other mini packs around his land one at a time and he won all fifty duels. Even though he earned himself the name ruthless devil because of those duels, he was still merciful to the defeated Alphas.

Duels to challenge an Alpha's position was a fight to the death but he spared the defeated Alphas' lives. He merged all their mini packs into one and became their Alpha. All the defeated Alphas that accepted defeat had no cause to hide their heads in shame as they were made The Eclipse Moon council of elders which was also a prestige position in the shifter's world

None of the known registered twenty-five werewolf packs saw it coming, not even the Governing Council, when the Eclipse Moon pack came from nowhere to be the tenth largest pack the day the pack was officially registered. That was five years ago. Two years after, The Eclipse Moon had grown to be the fourth largest pack and Devlin had become a force to reckon with in the shifter's world.

Dylan Campbell, the Wolf-King and Alpha of the Red Moon pack which was the oldest and biggest pack in North America couldn't pretend not to care anymore. Devlin had become a thorn in his side and a constant source of worry for him. He was afraid that the young Alpha that is growing at such a speed might one day challenge his position as the Wolf King.

No wonder Regina was happy when Devlin promised he would call and take her out on a date. 'Mission accomplished!' she thought triumphantly to herself as she happily sashayed out of the hotel elevator that brought her down from Devlin's penthouse.

Her short, tight satin dress exaggerated the sexy movement of her hips, drawing people's attention to her as she walked out of the lobby...

'Yeah, take a good look at your future Luna. You all will soon know who I am and bow to me.' She thought to herself with satisfaction

While waiting outside the hotel lobby for her car to be brought forward by the valet, she impatiently tapped her feet and grumbled under her breath. No employee, human, or shifter in her father's establishment dares to keep her waiting. These ones are lagging and she would show them how it's supposed to be when she becomes Luna.

''Stupid human!" She snapped as she snatched her keys away from the valet when he finally arrived. "Maybe you should start looking for another job because when I'm Luna, such incompetence wouldn't be tolerated." She said, looking down her nose at the human valet before getting into her car.

Regina was vain and loved being the center of attention. That was why she had to let herself be known to Devlin's staff that she would be the future Luna and queen of The Eclipse Moon pack and Diaz-King Conglomerate.

She told herself she was helping her father subjugate the devil alpha under their Red Moon pack but deep down in the most secret place of her heart she knew she wanted the position of the Eclipse Moon Luna more than anything she has ever wanted in her life.

Regina was already mated. Her mate Lucas, who was her brother's best friend, was also handsome and hardworking. She had always suspected Lucas was her mate because of the passion that was always simmering whenever they were near each other which led to them having sex on several occasions.

When she was eighteen and she finally confirmed he was her mate, she outrightly rejected him. Lucas was going to be her brother's Beta. Mate bond or not, Regina had no intention of spending the rest of her life with a Beta that her father attached to her irresponsible elder brother to help keep him in line, clean his snot and wipe his ass.

What was the Moon goddess thinking, mating her with an errand boy!? She, Regina only deserves an Alpha. Just like her name implies, she was a Queen, and what better person to be her mate than a King like Devlin, the devil alpha?

Even though her father wasn't privy to her plans to be Devlin's Luna, Regina was sure he would be proud of what she has achieved so far with Devlin. Why wouldn't he be when she now has the biggest problem of his life almost under control?

When the Gammas on guard saw her car approaching from afar, the heavily guarded, massive gate of the vast hectares of land that housed her father's pack swung in and opened wide for her. She arrived at the family mansion eager to break her good news to her father but was met with a disaster instead.

The mansion's huge and impressive living room looked as if a cyclone had just passed through the place. The massive mahogany dining table where the family usually have their meals together was now overturned, household items were smashed and strewn all over the place and amidst the debris, an Omega lay dead, her neck twisted in an odd angle.

Her father, whom she guessed was responsible for the disaster, looked crazed with bulging red eyes, shouting and frothing at the mouth like a rabid rogue...

"This has gone on long enough! Summon the elders and the head of every division in the pack to a meeting immediately. The sooner this son of a bitch is dead, the better for everyone!" Dylan spat out to his beta before marching out of the room.

Regina wondered what happened that triggered another crazy episode of her father's which was becoming recurrent. Except for her father's Beta and her mother, every other person in the room looked scared, especially her cowardly elder brother, Ryan.

'What a pathetic future Alpha!' Regina thought, looking with disgust towards her brother before she gingerly made her way through the littered debris toward where her mother was.

Her mother, Luna Marjorie bent and picked a newspaper from the floor, intently reading the content when Regina arrived at her side. Regina who was curious about the content of the newspaper that grabbed her mother's attention under such circumstances, checked what her mother was reading and a picture of Devlin stared back at her

It was the business section of the newspaper. Reading along, she saw that the Diaz-King conglomerate had successfully acquired and now owned the biggest basketball club in the world. Regina knew what Devlin's new acquisition would mean to her father who was already going ballistic over the growth of the Eclipse Moon pack

"This was what made him lose his mind?" Regina asked her mother

"Your father is right! This devil alpha or whatever it is they call him is growing out of hand and need to be taken care of as soon as possible, otherwise he would one day want to challenge your father's position as the Wolf-King" Luna Marjorie answered coldly while still reading the paper

When she was done reading, She calmly folded the newspaper and dropped it on the floor where she picked it from.

"Clean these mess up!" She commanded toward the other omegas who were still cowering in a corner and walked towards the stairs that leads to their bedroom upstairs.

Regina looked at the dead omega with her eyes that were wide opened and frozen in terror. She was mated to one of the pack's executives and they recently had their mating ritual on the last full moon. This omega was not like the others that they could easily hush up and sweep under the carpet, did her father even realize that? She wondered

"Mom, do you know who this omega was mated to?" Regina called after her mother, stopping her mid-strides.

Luna Marjorie turned back to look at her daughter

"Of course. What's your point?" She asked icily

"She's mated to the newly appointed Gamma chief, mother. This is a disaster waiting to happen. We won't be able to easily sweep this under the carpet!"

Luna Marjorie laughed. Even her laughter was cold and unfeeling.

"Everybody has their price, Regina. Besides the Omega is fated to die today, there's no way around it. Nothing that you or me or even her mate could do to stop her death."

Regina narrowed her eyes at her mother. She didn't understand what she meant by 'The Omega is fated to die.'

Marjorie rolled her eyes in exasperation at her daughter before she started to explain...

"Nothing in this life happened by chance, Regina dear, everything is fated." She said with a serene smile as she walked back to Regina.

"Your father didn't kill her, Devlin did! And that newspaper, the bearer of bad news, sealed her fate.

She died because she served your father's breakfast with the morning newspaper which made his anger for Devlin be directed at her. So what if she forgot to place the paper on the breakfast table right beside the alpha's plate like it has been done for decades? Would she have escaped death?...

The answer is no, she wouldn't. She would have still ended up being killed for lagging in her duties. Can you now see that she's fated to die either way?