

After her pack is attacked leaving her the only survivor Audrey Moonlight has become a rouge knowing that rouge wolves are killed on site and her being the only wolf with white fur Audrey knows shes needs to run and run far away what will happen when she runs into the bloodstone pack and meet there ruthless alpha . Terror Bloodstone Is The only red wolf and purple eyed wolf in the world and he has Become the alpha of the bloodstone Pack after his fathers untimely death he has Become ruthless and despises Rogue wolves what will Happen when he stumbles upon a Rogue That he just can't seem to shake nor Kill. PSA: the book will contain some Spanish speaking because of the characters ethnicity’s

NightmareAudrey · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 12- The anger within

"What happened to you, baby?! Jacob!, Jasmine! somebody come quick please!" I yell out I'm shaking I can barely breathe. "They aren't coming baby the girls are in my secret study where you should be and the whole pack is outside fighting." He says to me barely able to catch his breath. "I can mind link them to come baby." I remind him that we are all a part of the same pack." No mi corazon it is too dangerous". he says to me before passing out. "Baby, baby please wake up!" I say yelling at Terror scared out of my mind. "Whoever the pack healer is I need them here now!" I mind link, Jacob.

"Why what's going on?" Jacob asks concerned about why I need the pack healer. "Terror is in bad shape he needs to be healed NOW!" I say yelling in my head at the tip-top of my lungs."The pack healer is on the way to your room now" Jacob's mind links me back. "And you are you okay? you better come back in one piece for my best friend." I say checking on his condition as well. "I'm fine we are almost done here," Jacob says reassuring his condition. "Jasmine and Quiana are safe as well," I say to let him know the girls are okay.

"Hello Audrey I am Marta the pack healer I am going to need to see the patient so i can start the healing process." the pack healer says to me im trembling im shaking I dont know what comes over me i just lay my hands over the cuts and bruises and start crying next thing i know i am blacked out. When i wake up everyone is standing in front of me including terror I am also bandaged up across my chest and torso. "Audrey, Audrey are you okay baby?!" Terror says to me obviously concerned. "Yes i am why are you in such a panic baby?" I say confused by what is going on. "Baby you didnt know you were healer?" he says to me obviously confused by my not knowing i can heal people.

"No I did not know that at all" I say surprised by this new found gift that I have bestowed upon me. "You healed me baby you didnt feel a thing?" Terror says confused by how I could not feel any of the pain. In walked a lady with the aura of witch. "Audrey this is lucinda she is the pack witch" Terror says to me i didnt know that witches were allowed in packs. "She is not only a healer she also a shield and part moon goddess and you terror are a guardian and part bloodmoon god.

Say what now part moon goddess and part bloodmoon god?! i would have never guess but that explains why our bond is so strong for one another. "This is why you can not mate with any other either than your soulmate it will cause turmoil in the pack."  The pack witch says to us reassuring us that we are bound to one another no matter what the cause.

 "There is one more thing i should let you know." Lucinda says with a look of concern. "What is it lucinda tell us please." Terror ask i can tell he is worried with the outcome. "There has been some talk amongst the coven it is believed that both of your parents are still very much alive and trying to contact the both of you.