
Mated to the Ancient Alphas Son

Finding out that you are the Son of the very first Lycan created can be a bit.. Overwhelming! Especially when you never knew that they existed! Manny is newly home from the Marines and is just looking to settle down. When one day he has a chance encounter with Keya. A tiny touch from this girl is enough for him to want to make her Wifey. Keya has had some intense run-ins with several boys and isn't looking to be in another overwhelming relationship. She meets Manny while at Papa's restaurant and didn't think much about it when she gave him a hug to thank him, but boy, was she wrong! Secrets from Manny's past will have him doubting his family. And finding out the truth will send him to an unknown location shrouded in secrecy. Can he really be a Lycan? Do they actually exist? And if so, is he the offspring of the one and only Ancient Alpha, the Alpha that all other Alphas must obey?! And what about Keya? What does her background hold? Join them on their journey to love, truth, and self-discovery in a world where things are not always what they seem. Warning: this book contains near Rape, Violence, Harsh Language, and Dark Content. And human, mystical creature relations.

Lioness_Keya · Fantasía
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63 Chs

Promise Ring

Manny☆ & Keya♡ POV


Oh God what.. what do I do? What do I say? 'Girl say NO! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! WHAT IF HE'S NOT OUR MATE? Then we would have been unfaithful! Rukeya PLEASE don't do this PLEASE?!' Ja'el keeps yelling at me and I can't think straight! He's staring at me expectantly.. And there are nosey ass people staring at us, looking excited waiting for my answer.. What is my answer? 'NO! Your answer is NO! Please just wait until your birthday, then we'll both know for sure, promise me that you'll wait until your birthday, Rukeya pleeeease!' She begs me continually, and it's causing me to have a major headache, ooooh man! I'm sweating profusely, breathing all crazy and my heart's beating a mile a minute! With one hand on my chest and the other on my head because, I feel dizzy, sooo damn dizzy and before I black out I hear, "MAMI?!"


She's hyperventilating and goes cockeyed before they roll to the back of her head and she falls, "MAMI?!" I yell and catch her before she hits the floor! Damn I didn't think she would pass out when I asked her! I'm still holding the ring box as I stroke her cheek. Her mouth is partially open, eyes closed. "She'll be fine, our Mate is strong." Kane says, "I know, I just didn't know that asking her, she would be this overwhelmed." I cradled her to my chest seeing a pair of Black Nikes stand behind her. I growl glaring up at the guy they belong to. He put up his hands in surrender taking a step back from us.

"I don't mean any harm, but.. are y'all wolves?" He asks quietly looking cautiously at us. I frown, "Yeah why?" He smiles looking relieved and extends his hand for me to shake. "I'm Beta Javier of the Cedar Falls Pack, Chicago Branch, this is my little brother Shawn. Say 'Hi' Shawn." I look down and see this small shy boy behind him poke his head out saying, "Hi." I smile, getting to my feet and shake Javiers hand, saying to the both of them, "Hello I'm Manny and this is My Keya." They smile, "Is she your Mate?" Javier asks, I nod, "Yes, but she doesn't know it yet. Not until her birthday in November." He looks like he understands asking,

"Oh, she's not of age yet?" I shook my head and frowned slightly. He pats me on my shoulder saying, "Hang in there bro at least it's only a few months and not years, like I had to wait!" He chuckles shaking his head. "Oh Shit I wouldn't make it!" I chuckle knowing full well I couldn't last years. I'm going crazy with waiting just a few months! I then ask, "Hey, how did you know we were wolves?" I was curious about that. He grins, "Both of y'all exude Alpha power and you're built like a damn tank! Plus you growled at me. What pack are y'all from? Who's your Alpha?" He questions, I frown there's that question again. "Look honestly we just found out that we are wolves, from our wolves. We don't have a pack or an.. Alpha."

He frowned and glared taking a defensive stance, like he was about to attack us! WTH? "Are you Rogues!?" I got defensive too asking, "What's a Rogue?" He looks shocked, I'm so done with these damn questions. "Look, we honestly didn't even know that werewolves were real until I turned into one a few nights ago! Keya hasn't turned yet but her wolf told her that she will on her birthday." I sighed, I'm exhausted with all this shit happening and just wanna go home with her and chill. But I promised her that I would take her to see her family.

Javier dropped his defensive stance saying, "I'm sorry man, it's just bizarre that you didn't know.." He looks apologetic, "And a Rogue is a wild stray wolf basically. They don't have any leader or pack and don't want one. They cause chaos wherever they go and are vicious killers. Ripping people who get in their way to shreds literally! They stank too." And lil Shawn exclaims, "Yeah they smell like garbage truck juice!" We looked at him and burst into laughter, Keya began stirring. I really wish she'd wake up, I stroke her cheek. Javier suggests, "Blow on her, it works on my Mate." I was about to when Shawn asks, "Are you gonna marry her?" His little hazel green eyes are hopeful, I smile feeling real warm suddenly. Damn I can't wait till she has a son for me.. I nod and say,

"Yes, I'm going to Marry her." He looks even more hopeful asking, "And Mark & Mate her too?" I nod again more enthusiastically. Javier says, "Yes because that's what you're supposed to do when you find your Mate lil Bro. Which is why I'm here getting mine a ring." "Congrats man!" I tell him and I see Shawn gawking at Keya, I smirk asking, "You like what you see, lil man?" He nods drooling a bit, I chuckle. Javier grins and says quietly, "I think Shawn's into black girls." I laugh saying, "The darker the Berry, the sweeter the Juice! And that's some real talk right there." Javier nods approvingly saying, "True that!" "What's that mean?" Shawn asks with his little face scrunched up, I tell him, "The darker the female, the sweeter she taste!" Javier chuckles, "Yep!" Shawn's little eyes go wide with excitement. He asks, "They taste good? Does she taste good? She's really cute!" He's cheeks redden as he says this. We chuckle even harder at his bold question.

"Yes, My Keya taste like the sweetest mangoes you'll ever eat." "Whoa! Cool!" Shawn says. "Yeah it's exciting right? Don't worry lil man one day you'll have your own sweetness too!" He grins really wide hearing that and I ruffle his hair. "How old are you?" "I'm 8!" He says proudly, I tell him, "Well you have about 8 more years before you can find her, tito. Remember to always treat her like a princess, k?" He nods earnestly, Javier asks curiously, "So you've never been to any Pack functions or anything?" I look at him completely confused, "What's a pack?" He's totally stunned,

"A Pack is a group of werewolves. We basically are like a family that protects and cares for each other. And we have a hierarchy, ranked members based on your blood and strength. So Alpha CJ is our current leader because he is the strongest and has Alpha blood. His father, Alpha Alonzo was the previous Alpha. And then there are the Betas like me who are second in command. There are many of us Betas throughout the territory because we own so much land. Many smaller Packs wanted to join us so they'd be better protected from Rogues and other species trying to wipe them out! There are also Gammas or third in command and Deltas or forth in command. The lowest ranked members are our Omegas. They aren't as strong as the rest of us, but they're still treated with respect. We all are deadly loyal to our Alpha though, he's word is law!" He explained, it kinda reminds me of the ranking system in the Marines.. hold on, "Did you say Alpha CJ? A friend gave me his card today. So I could contact him directly."

"Oh that's great! Well, hey are y'all doing anything later on this evening? I'd love to invite you over to see how our Pack operates. Since it seems that you've never been around other wolves before." He asks, I tell him, "Hold that thought." He nods, I really need to wake her up now because I want her to make her own decision. So taking his advice I blow on her gently.. Her eyes squint then open slowly..


(While I was passed out.)

I was sitting in the grass of that forest where I had first met Ja'el. She was sitting there also, looking regal and majestic. There's a cool breeze blowing, it was making her gorgeous fur ripple. The sunshine gleaming on her whitish silver fur creating a cascading mirage of holographic pinks, reds, yellows and orange. I smile seeing how beautiful she is and can't believe that I will turn into her one day. But when I met her eyes my smile fades, I frown my head tilting to the side. "What's wrong?" She looks sad and mad, her eyes are the opposite of mine. Dark navy blue outlined with brown. She began talking to me telepathically again but her emotions show on her face.

"You were going to say, 'YES!' weren't you?" I can feel her emotions through her words like they were my own, it's really weird. "I don't know what I was gonna say honestly.." I didn't, all I know is that this relationship is moving so fast. "He needs to wait until we know for sure. Look my Mother the Moon Goddess has given all of her children a life soulmate. She created a perfect individual for each of us. They are called a soulmate because they are the other half of our soul. We are totally incomplete without them. We belong to them as they belong to us!" She says and I feel her sincerity. "I understand that totally Ja'el, but.. I can't imagine myself without Manny now. He has woven hisself into me. I am His and he is Mine. I don't wanna be away from him but I'm not ready to marry him either." "Oh thanks be to the Goddess above!" She fell down in the grass all dramatically with the back of her large paw on her forehead lol, drama queen.

She sat up, crossing her paws in front of her saying, "Just promise me you'll wait until our birthday please? !" "I'll wait and when our birthday comes, whether or not he is our Mate; I'll tell him, Yes!" She gasps, "Rukeya seriously?!" "Yes seriously!" She huffed, "Even after all I just told you about Mates?" I rolled my eyes, "Yes, Ja'el, I'm starting to believe that he is our Mate. Why would Kane lie about something so important?" She growls exasperated rolling her eyes, "You're right it wouldn't make sense for him to lie! Well for both our sake, I pray that he is our Mate." I sigh, "Me too, I would hate that he bought me all this stuff and has my name tattooed on him and I belong to someone else. That's really trifling. But what's got me worried is this info I'm gonna hear from my family about me not being 100% Human!" She puts her head down in between her paws, sorta cupping her face. Her breathing moving the grass back and forth.

"Yeah, I'm interested in that too! I mean I knew we were special because my Mother told me so. But I never knew we were part Angel! That's incredible!" I laid down on my back looking into the sky through the canopy of palm trees. "I wanna know which of my ancestors had sex with an Angel and what the hell that felt like!" I giggled daydreaming about it. I felt someone blew on me.. WTH! "It's Manny, we'll talk later." I felt her smile as I opened my eyes to see my Papi. "Papi?" He grins, "Hey Princess, you good?" I nod smiling, he looks so damn handsome! "I'm sorry I overwhelmed you and you don't have to make a decision right away, k?" He was cupping my face, I grab his hand and kiss his palm. His chest rumbles, I'm loving that sound more and more. "Ask me again on my birthday and my answer will be, Yes!" I whisper to him, his eyebrows rose and his eyes turned a dazzling diamond blue. Panting he says, "Really no take backs?!" I giggled, "No take backs, I Am Yours, Papi!" He places the ring on my finger and holds me up and kissed me for a long ass time..