
Mated to Alphas

Alisha had lost her parents when she was fourteen years old in a brutal attack orchestrated by Alpha Thomas. She swore on her parents grave that she was going to make Alpha Thomas pay. In the meantime, she needed to first comprehend that she had not one but two virile wolves claiming that she was their mate.Was that even possible?Could she actually have TWO mates? Mitchell, the younger twin with the deepest blue eyes that reminded you of a clear summer's day at the beach where you just wanted to laze in the glorious sun. His wavy long hair beckons someone to run their fingers through his hair.Alisha fingers itched to run her fingers between the strands of his silky hair While Markian, the older twin had the hue of the forest green radiating in his eyes which reminded her of the trees with its glimmering leaves after heavy rain.His short black hair which curled around his ears made Alisha wish that she could to do more than just kiss him. Both Markian and Mitchell were in line to take over as Alpha of Starfall. Would that become a problem for the new mates? When Alisha gets caught by Alpha Thomas's men, would the twins be able to get her back or forever lose her?Would Alpha Thomas be able to break their bond?

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35 Chs

Chap 35: A Luna's wish is your command

Mitchell's POV

Its been a week since Alisha had regained consciousness. It had taken her a whole week from hobbling around her room to walking slowly downstairs to eat with her mates. It was completely exhausting but she kept insisting that she wanted to join the family for dinner. Alisha wouldn't accept that she didn't have Heera to help her with the wolf's accelerated healing. She knew that Heera would come back....sooner or later.

Markian and Mitchell had hardly left her side even when she insisted that they should see to pack business instead of babysitting her. Alisha huffed in displeasure when Luna Melody and Alpha Xander didn't back her up and allowed the twins to stay with their mate and take care of her. They fed her meals and fluffed her pillow until she couldn't take it anymore. Enough was enough!

Mitchell and Markian were driving Alisha crazy. They didn't allow her to do anything. They carried her to the bathroom, then they carried her downstairs to the kitchen to have her meals...they even fought over who got to bathe her!

"Stop it! I can't stand it anymore! I am pregnant...I AM NOT AN INVALID! I already lost my wolf....don't make me lose my mates!!! I will KILL THE NEXT WOLF WHO CARRIES ME UP THESE STAIRS!!" Alisha screamed in fury as she stamped her foot loudly on the kitchen floor and rushed out of the house."Leave me alone! I don't want to see either of your faces anywhere near me today! Do you understand?"Alisha glared as she stood in the doorway. Both Markian and Mitchell nodded guiltily as they knew that both of them deserved the wrath of Alisha. The two future Alphas gulped uncomfortably. They realised that they were probably mollycoddling Alisha too much....but they could not help themselves. They had missed her so much while she was in a coma. They refused to even let Alisha out of their sight in fear that someone would kidnap her again

Alisha huffed and slammed the door shut behind her as she stomped away from the packhouse."Well! At least we know that her voice is okay...my ears are still ringing" Alpha Xander mumbled as he saw his daughter-in-law race away like the hounds of Hell were after her. He turned to look at his sons who were looking very guilty and his wife who looked like she was going to explode

"Well! What are you boys waiting for?? Warn your elite squad to keep an eye on their Luna. I am not losing her again!!!" hissed Luna Melody as she threw the rag she was holding onto the table. She turned to her sons and said slowly" You are both going to fix this! I will not have my grandkids harmed just because both of you do not know when to stop hovering and give the poor girl some space!" she growled angrily as she got up and left the kitchen.

"Well, boys! Welcome to the rest of your lives! All you have to know is ...Your mate is always....and I mean Always Right! No matter what else you forget in your life.....If you remember just that one thing...You will be alright!"Alpha Xander grumbled as he stood up and followed his wife knowing that he was going to have to pacify his mate before he could even think about having his breakfast this morning. He turned around looking wistfully at the stacks of pancakes that had been laid on the table. Alpha Xander knew that he wouldn't be able to eat peacefully knowing that his wife was angry. He growled in frustration as he shook his head and hurried out of the kitchen to look for his wife

Markian's eyes clouded over as he quickly informed his elite squad to find and protect their Luna. Mitchell looked on as Markian slowly relaxed his stance. His eyes cleared up as the link was cut." Reagan and Marcus are on it. They saw her running into the forest so the both of them started following her, just in case." he explained to Mitchell.

Reagan's POV

Nearly seven months had passed since Debra had sacrificed her life during the kidnapping of their Luna. She had become closer to Samuel as both of them cried for the senseless murder of

Samuel's mate and Reagen's best friend. As soon as they came back from rescuing Luna Alisha, Samuel had withdrawn into himself. Reagan knew that she had to do something before

Samuel's wolf decided that he couldn't go without his mate. Why was it so hard for Samuel to see her as more than his pal....his buddy! She fumed at the fact that she was so in love with a wolf that didn't even know she existed outside of being "one of the guys".

Reagan kicked a fallen log and smirked when the log splintered into smithereens. She looked at Marcus, her partner during today's guarding route. Samuel was at the training grounds with the other elite guards doing some circuit training. She was so angry at her continued feelings for Samuel that she just refused to go for the training today

Marcus eyed Reagan warily."Are you alright, Re?" he asked with trepidation. The last thing he wanted is for Reagan to turn her anger on him. She was smaller in size compared to most of the elite squad guards but she packed a mean punch. He knew this by personal experience as one of the criteria to join the elite squad was that you had to fight them one on one and win before Markian and Mitchell would even consider adding anyone to the squad. Marcus had so far fought with three of the elite squad members, winning only once and that too by default as he had just pinned Daniel to the floor when the lunch bell had rung. Daniel had stopped fighting immediately saying that they would continue after lunch. Marcus considered the match ,his win, even though Daniel had technically only stopped rather than lost the fight. Marcus knew that to apply to become a part of the elite squad, he would need to fight Daniel again as well as the other five wolves in the squad.

"Reagan...you want to talk about what's going on?"Marcus said cautiously. Reagan turned around and glared at him."Why don't you just.....Shhh! Alpha orders!" she tensed as her eyes clouded over. The alphas had a special group mind-link with the elite squad which made it easier for them to communicate with each other.

"I see her ...Don't worry Alpha Markian. We will not let anything happen to Luna Alisha" she said with determination as she signalled Marcus to follow her

"Luna! Luna Alisha! Please slow down. Marcus has twisted his foot so he will not be able to chase after you"Reagan turned towards Marcus and silently telling him to fake a limp...

"Uhh! Yes ....yes Luna Alisha, please slow down. I think my ankle is hurt!" said Marcus blushing as he crouched down while holding his left ankle.

Alisha, who was running into the forest stopped abruptly. She turned to look at Marcus with concern and quickly retraced her steps to go towards Reagan and Marcus instead of rushing off into the woods as she had planned.

"Tell me what happened, Reagan?"Alisha asked as she caught hold of Marcus and lead him to a small stump where he could sit comfortably. Her Luna persona shone through at the moment someone in her pack was injured.

"Ohh...Uhm...It's nothing Luna! A simple sprain...not to worry!" stammered Marcus clearly taken aback by the care he was being shown by his Luna. He couldn't continue his lie and ducked his head down in shame. Reagan realising that their ruse was up, cleared her throat and knelt in front of her Luna with her right fist to her heart

"Nothing is wrong with Marcus Luna...I didn't want you to run into the woods so I lied and made you turn back. It is not safe there alone, Luna. I apologise for deceiving you, Luna...I accept any punishment you see fit" she said bending her head to the side in submission

"Oh stop it, Reagan! I saw you and Marcus walking the perimeter just now. I knew his ankle was just fine before you yelled to get my attention. It was my mates, wasn't it? They told you to bring me back, didn't they? You had better tell them not to show their faces to me now...I will scream so loud that their ears will fall off" growled Alisha.

Reagan's face turned red with guilt as Alisha stared at her, daring Reagan to prove her wrong.She looked away knowing that her Luna could see through any of her excuses.

"Thank the goddess for that! I actually forgot which ankle I was supposed to limp on" chimed in Marcus smiling boyishly his dimples creating deep grooves on his smooth cheeks. Alisha turned to see him shift awkwardly on both feet.

"This is why you will fail at subterfuge, Marcus...Why is your memory so short???!!" scolded Reagan as she glared at him grumbling under her breath.

"You hurt me, Reagan... Luna! Tell Reagan to take that back! She knows I have to join the elite squad! That is my life's dream...I have to!"Marcus complained bitterly holding his hand to his heart like one of those damsels in distress in children's storybooks.

"Stop it both of you! I know what you are trying to do! And...yes...It's working! So you can both stop this act. I am not going to venture into the forest...but you can tell your Alphas that I am not coming back home now either...I need some breathing space!" grumbled Alisha as she flopped on the grass looking forlornly at the forest edge.

Reagan and Marcus looked at each other before sitting down beside her. Marcus leaned back to lie down as he chewed a blade of grass in his mouth and shut his eyes.

After keeping quiet for nearly ten whole minutes Reagan leaned over to talk to Alisha

"Luna...if I may?? It's the men of this pack! They are so obtuse that an elephant could walk by, give them a kick on their heads and they still wouldn't understand why their heads suddenly hurt!"Reagan said pulling a clump of grass from the ground and throwing it on Marcus's face

"Hei! Watch it!! Who are you calling obtuse? Its just the men in the elite squad you know. They probably been hit too many times during training that they are well....oblivious to whats happening! No disrespect to my Alphas but...It was only a matter of time before Luna Alisha blew her top over both the Alphas hovering.We even had a bet on how many more days you would last before giving them a earful....aaaaand don't get me started on Samuel.I mean, everyone knows that Reagan is head over heels in love with him except our own Beta Samuel himself" said Marcus as he swept the clumps of earth off his chest and face

Alisha stared wide-eyed as Reagan's whole face fired up with a blush. Reagan gasped and spluttered with indignation, unable to come up with anything smart to deny what Marcus had said.

"Marcus!Did you all really bet against your Alphas?!Who won?But wait...Reagan loves Samuel!Is that true, Reagan? Are you Samuel's second chance mate?"Alisha cried out loudly as she scrambled to her feet. She grasping Reagan's hands and peered into her eyes so that she could see if Reagan was trying to fool her again. She knew that Samuel had lost his mate, Debra in her kidnapping. She had been beside herself with grief knowing that Debra had died while trying to delay Sean so that her mates could reach her. She had felt the emptiness in her heart while she was in Thomas's dungeon. She just hadn't realised who is it exactly until she woke up from her coma as the wolfbane they were injecting her with had dulled her senses. Alisha looked at Reagan expectantly "Why haven't asked him, Reagan? You know that to become his second chance, he will need to mark you first, right?" Alisha demanded as her eyes clouded with confusion.

"I...I just...I just can't Luna Alisha! Sam doesn't know that I love him. He is still in love with Debra...He has never seen me as anything more than a friend" she whimpered brokenly as her eyes filled up with tears. Alisha turned towards Marcus silently telling him to leave them alone. She knew that Reagan wouldn't want anyone seeing her like this so Alisha simply sat down  beside her ,patting Reagan back as she let Reagan cry for a little while more.

After a few minutes, Reagan's tears stopped flowing and she began blushing as she realised that she has broken down in front of her future Luna

"I am sorry Luna! I didn't mean to trouble you with my problems" she said hurriedly trying to stand up.

Reagan took a step behind as her future Luna tried vainly to stand up."Oh for the Goddess's sake! Why are you apologising! If Samuel is anything like my mates....you will probably need to use a hammer to his head before he realises that you are his second chance!! I am sure he hasn't even kissed you yet, has he? We can't let that continue, can we? Come on Reagan ....we have work to do!" said Alisha with a determined look in her eyes.

"What have you got up that sleeve of yours, Luna? Please don't do anything...I wouldn't be able to look Sam in the eyes if he found out how much I love him...Until today, I thought only Luna Melody knew my secret but after what Marcus said...I am scared" Reagan's voice broke as she held back more of her tears.

Alisha grinned happily."Don't worry Reagan.It is going to be a piece of cake since we will have Luna Melody on our side. Samuel will not know what hit him...I promise you.We will make sure that he falls for you"she said as the wheels in her head began turning.

Reagan knew that she was fighting a losing battle with her Luna as she was practically dragged back to the packhouse.Reagan dragged her feet as she knew that she was not going to like what was about to happen.She knew by the belligerent look in Luna Alisha's eyes, She whispered a prayer to the Moon Goddess to be merciful towards Samuel and herself.

Alisha threw open the front door of the pack house making the wooden edge rattle." Sam! Samuel!!! Where are you?Can everyone please come to the front of the packhouse now!"Alisha shouted from the bottom of the staircase.Many heads popped out from all the rooms downstairs but Alisha could not find the one that she was looking for.

Markian walked towards her cautiously as he was unsure of her current mood . He looked upward and smiled as he saw his twin slowly making his his way to Alisha just as cautiously as well.

"Are you alright ,Alisha? Why are you hollering for Samuel and the rest of us?"Mitchell called out as he reached her.His face clouding with confusion as he took in all the faces that were anxiously waiting for some explanation as to why they had been summoned to the foyer.

Alisha looked towards Luna Melody who had come out of the kitchen as well. She mindlinked the Luna explaining her plan quickly. Melody's eyes crinkled with merriment as she nodded in agreement.

"I am sorry to disturb all of you but it has come to my notice that a gross injustice has occured...and I for one will not stand for this and I aim to rectify this matter this instant"announce Alisha seeing that she had the attention of the pack.

"It seems that as I laid unconscious, there has been a gross neglect of everything else in this pack.I want to present you this wolf....You all know her.I don't need to introduce her...but I will.You remember Reagan, dont you?

Alisha smiled to see all the wolves nodding their heads while still staring at her in expectation.Alisha turned to look at Luna Melody as she didn't see Samuel in the crowd.

"Go on Alisha...Samuel just entered the kitchen and is making his way through the melee of wolves in front of you"Luna Melody mindlinked Alisha quickly

"So as you know, I just woke up from my comatose state last week and I have been trying my level best to learn how to become your Luna. As such , it is my duty to bring to notice a fact that has been overlooked by many in this pack" Alisha continued after seeing that Luna Melody was right about Samuel's presence.

Reagan saw Samuel and she began to blush as she was sure that Luna Alisha and Luna Melody were surely going to embarrass her with what ever they had planned . She turned and faced Luna Alisha realising that she was not going to escape her predicament so she straightened her spine and decided to accepted whatever that was about to happen.