
Matched to My Monster

Luana, Ana for short, fits in well enough with her people and family. The problem she does not want to stay on Trident. She wants to explore the cosmos to find inspiration for her art. A career path none of her family agrees with. Her dreams of having an loving family while she pursues her passion push her to Prime Brides. She always did find aliens more attractive.

Tala_Kellie · Ciencia y ficción
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14 Chs

Erebus 6

The Pristess smiled before turning to Fytin. "Fytin Almitdo, do you stand as witness to this Woman and Stelnubis Male's vows of committing to be legally married in accordance to Human and Galactic laws?"

"I do," Fytin smiled.

"By the power vested in me by the Clerical University and the United Planets Directive, I pronounce you Husband and Wife. Erebusiôn'sint Hetaliaion, you may now kiss your bride."

Ana's eyes grew a bit wider as her body tensed. I was pleasantly surprised to find it was anticipation and not fear. I found I liked it. That she liked being mine. That she wanted to be kissed by me. My ego preferred this reaction to fear it seemed. Likely only because she was to be my mate.

Her hands shook in my hold. As I bent down she lifted up. I was surprised by how much taller she could make herself. Even so she was tiny compared to a Stelnubis. To my surprise she kissed me gently. Not at all what I had expected given her eagerness so far. I felt almost cheated by the seeming lie. That she would show such timid behavior.

I broke the kiss with a slight frown. Her gaze flicked towards the Priestess and Fytin before looking back at me. Her eyes flicked between mine. It was quite common for those with only one set of eyes to be confused which set to focus on. I would have found it funny under different circumstances. She looked worried. She was unsure what to do and it showed.

A look of stubborn female pride overtook her face. She pulled her hands from mine and took hold of my shoulder. She pulled me down to her again. The part of me that was dominant balked at the movement but I did not resist her. I let her claim my mouth and this time she did claim me. Her body pressed against mine and I reacted. I would be hard pressed to find any male willing to fight their female when this was her goal.

My dominant right hand went to her nape and fisted the hair there. The other cupped her chin. My secondary arms went around her back while the last two lifted her.

Her shocked gasp was silenced by my invading tongues. I took her gasp for the opportunity it was. She did not fight me. Instead her arms wrapped around me as her head tilted to further deepen our kiss.

Sweet Henkvil! She tasted absolutely divine. I wondered if every part of her would taste so good. I pulled back from the kiss as a fire lit inside me. I had no desire to frighten my new mate with a twin bulge. Fytin had supposedly explained to her. Even so I expected her to be traumatized by our first night together. I was going to spare her as long as I could.

I held her for a bit. Made note of the desire there. I was pleased to see that she had some desire for me as I put her down. Fytin clapped with enthusiasm, the Priestess gave a polite, slow clap. For her it seemed to be just another day. Just another couple.

The Cupion gave me a knowing smile that conveyed his thoughts. Smug bastard. We were directed to press our thump prints to the screen to complete the registration. The Pristess looked over the prints and nodded. Then she politely excused herself.

Fytin hung back. "Let me remind you both that you have to consummate the marriage tonight. Normally you would also have to do a Stelnubis wedding today as well. Although Ana has forgone much of what would be expected of a wedding for her own people. "

"Fytin," Ana said. "I said it's fine and I meant it."

"Alright. Still if this does work out..."

"Then Erebus and myself can discuss it then," she smiled slightly. That stroked my ego. Even as it upset me. My mate should have had the best of everything.

"I understand your culture requires it take place on your home world Erebus."

"Yes," I said. "We will be heading there as soon as we leave here. Should take us a day and a half. Maybe two."

"Perfect!" Fytin's crest lifted. "Not long at all then. As always you two are to give this match a fair try for the next six months. Should it fail you only have to contact me and then we will cover Ana's relocation. Erebus, you are not required to do the full claiming during the trial for that reason. The Binding will do until you both are sure."

I ground my teeth, "I will not fail. There is no reason for this match to." I had never allowed myself to fail. I was not about to start now.

The look on the Cupion's face was enough. Even so as he went to say something Ana snapped out in clear warning. "Fytin."

The male looked thoroughly admonished. It surprised me. It was a voice that took mother's years to prefect. Was she raised around lots of children?

I could not love her yet. I did not know her to love her. All I knew was she had some kind of obsession with me. She was mine now. I would tear any male apart for daring to take her from me. Even just wanting her would be enough for me to do it.

"I am sure we will not fail," she said. Her voice was much more timid now. So at odds with the tone she had used on him just moments before. That she was so timid with me gave me hope. Perhaps she was demure. I could have been wrong about Humans. It might simply be that they were only timid with their mates.

That made my temper settle down significantly. She had not balked at my claim. Instead it seemed to please her enough to stand up to Fytin. I was confused by the change in my mate. My female. She was bold in her fascination of me. She admonished Fytin. Yet, both her movements and actions had been passive.

Her complexity intrigued me.

"Considing I have never failed in a pairing, I have no doubt this marriage will succeed." His eyes took on a mocking edge as they looked at me. He winked toward my mate. She rolled her eyes at him but smiled. "If either of you need anything feel free to reach out."

"Thank you, Fytin. Thank you for making a dream come ture."

Dream? I did not think I was what she referred to. I could think of anyone who would consider me a dream.

His expression softened. It was a look that was purely parental. Which I found odd. He reached out and Ana took his hand. Had the circumstances been different I was sure my instinctual possessiveness would have made me break every bone in his hand. The way the two interacted was more like family than anything else. It was odd to me but I had been told Humans could form familial bonds even with those who shared no such connections with them.

"Thank you, young one for reminding me why I do this. Never lose yourself. May your light grow ever brighter. Never let anyone force you into silence. Never let someone dim you because you have such happiness. Even after everything you still flourish. Never lose that. I wish you all the best child."

Her eyes took on a sheen of unshed tears. She nodded slightly with a smile. He smiled back as they released hands. His own head bowing in goodbye before he left.

I found myself frowning slightly. Was it me he was worried about? Worried I would be the one to dim her 'light'. What could have prompted such words from him? It was very out of character for him to do so. Ana certainly did not come off as the type to have a lack of confidence. She seemed to suffer from a bit too much confidence like myself. So he had to be referring to someone or something specific. But what was that? I suppose in some ways they were faltering. In many ways actually.

Thoroughly confused I turned to look at Ana. She continued to look after the Cupin until he was a spot in the distance. After which she turned to me. Her look was wary. Almost timid now but with the slightest edge of expectancy. Why? I did not know. Then again I could not say I knew her that well so I may have been wrong. I was so used to Human hunters that showed very little emotion on their faces. At least in comparison. Ana reminded me of a child. She could have been young for a Human adult. It was common knowledge that Humans matured physically much earlier than most races. Fytin had said she was early in her adulthood as well. Although he had not said exactly how old she was.

I made a mental note to ask in the future. "Let me show you to my ship, Ana," I said. "We have a long journey ahead of us to Clovis." My tone one again sully and disgruntled. With time Ana would come to realize that was how I always sounded.