
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Cómic
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142 Chs

Chapter 25: Confirming the Reward and Punishment System

Nagato and Karen were stormed with the question: Could Byakuya himself be oblivious to the Uzumaki blood that pulsed beneath his skin? It seemed the only explanation for the shrouded lineage that gnawed at them.

"I'm going to tell Lord Byakuya."

Karen declared, a fierce determination replacing the tremor in her voice.

"He has the right to know. He might be a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, kin to us."

Before Karen could dash after Byakuya, Nagato's voice snagged her attention.

"Karen, do you truly believe Byakuya will simply accept this revelation? He's already on edge. We need to choose a more opportune moment, a time when he's receptive."

"But when will that moment arrive?"

Karen pressed, frustration evident in the furrow of her brow.

Nagato hesitated, unable to offer a definitive answer.

"Let's wait for now…"

 Nagato sighed, recalling his memories—his arrival in Rain Country as a child and his mother's hushed stories about the Land of Uzumaki. A powerful ninja clan, they had established a nation, only to be brought to its knees by a coalition of opposing forces. He hadn't even laid eyes on the ruins of the Land of Whirlpools in the aftermath.

Yet, Byakuya's words struck a chord. Akatsuki desperately needed strength, a shield against the ever-present threat from the outside world.

The Uzumakis were a stark reminder of that very need – a mighty clan brought low by a lack of sufficient power. If their true identities were exposed, could Akatsuki suffer a similar downfall?

Perhaps a new thought bloomed in Nagato's mind: It was time to truly delve into the power of the Rinnegan. He needed to unlock its full potential, not just for himself but also for the sake of Akatsuki's survival.


When Nagato and Karen were contemplating, Byakuya had already arrived at the Akatsuki office.

Pushing open the door, Yahiko moved his eyes away from the official documents and half-jokingly said, "Byakuya, you are finally here. Almost the entire base knows about the noise you made at the training ground just now."

Byakuya was not surprised that Yahiko knew about his training at the ground. If he couldn't manage even this level of control, it would be better for Nagato to take Yahiko's position in the Akatsuki organization.

Byakuya was more curious about what Yahiko wanted to discuss, so he asked, "Yahiko, did you ask me to come here for this? If you're worried about the base's safety, Nagato and I can find another place to spar next time."

"You are sparring with Nagato?" Yahiko's interest was piqued. "How did it go?"

"When Nagato-senpai doesn't use the Rinnegan, I have the upper hand. When he uses the Rinnegan, we are currently evenly matched."

"We are of the same strength?"

Yahiko was slightly stunned and then sighed.

"Byakuya, your strength has shown a remarkable increase recently. Were you deliberately concealing your true abilities before?"

Byakuya conceded with a curt nod.

"There's truth to that. However, I must confess to being rather disappointed with Nagato-senpai's current level of strength."

Seizing the opportunity presented by Yahiko's concern, Byakuya hoped to use it to advance his agenda. If he could convince Yahiko, nnfluencing Nagato would be a smoother transition.

"Why is that?"

Yahiko tapped his fingers on the table.

Yahiko knew that Byakuya had learned Konan's paper escape and often instigated Nagato to use the Rinnegan. He trusted Byakuya but sometimes wondered if Byakuya's sense of crisis was too serious. More than a year had passed since the organization's establishment, and apart from financial issues, the organization had never faced a military crisis.

In the end, the Akatsuki organization was just a small group active in some parts of the Rain Country. It didn't even have the qualifications to establish a small ninja village independently and wasn't worth the attention of the major players in the ninja world.

"The Rinnegan. If Nagato-senpai didn't have the Rinnegan, I wouldn't expect much from him. But since he has the Rinnegan, he must possess the strength to match its owner; otherwise, he will become a target.

Nagato-senpai is powerful now but cannot resist when he meets a real strong man."

A man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure... This is what Byakuya wanted to express to Yahiko.

Yahiko fell into contemplation, his mind replaying the scene from years ago, before they met Jiraiya as their teacher.

A relentless downpour lashed the ground as he, Konan, and Nagato, desperate for guidance, stood before the legendary Sannin. A cold glint flickered in Orochimaru's eyes as he advocated for their elimination.

Thankfully, Jiraiya, their eventual savior, stepped forward and offered them a chance to learn under his wing.

A shiver ran down Yahiko's spine when he recalled that memory. The chilling thought of Orochimaru discovering Nagato's Rinnegan back then sent a jolt of fear through him. Their lives could have taken a nightmarish turn, perhaps ending abruptly right there.

While they had undoubtedly honed their skills to Jonin-level, a nagging insecurity stormed at him. The immense power wielded by the Sannin still felt like an insurmountable obstacle. Perhaps Byakuya wasn't entirely off-base.

Maybe the comfort and relative peace of recent years had lulled them into a false sense of security, eroding their edge.

"Byakuya, I apologize for taking up your time. I'll speak to Nagato, emphasizing the importance of controlled development to avoid harming himself while harnessing the Rinnegan's power."

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Yahiko spoke with a hint of regret.

Byakuya offered a curt nod, a flicker of satisfaction crossing his features. Yahiko's agreement paved the way for him to directly influence Nagato.

"However, before you leave. There's another matter that requires your expertise."

Yahiko interjected, a new thought striking him.

"What can I do for you?" Byakuya inquired, his voice laced with a hint of forced courtesy.

"I've been working on a reward and punishment system for the organization, drawing inspiration from Konohagakure's model."

Yahiko explained, retrieving a document from his drawer.

"I'd appreciate your insights on it."

Byakuya took the document, his expression unreadable as he skimmed through it.

"It seems alright at first glance."

"No specific feedback? I've revised this thing countless times, but some sections still feel unbalanced. I can't quite pinpoint the problem. I have no doubt, Byakuya, that you could craft an impeccable system with your expertise."

Yahiko's disappointment was clear.

Byakuya felt a bead of sweat roll down his temple. The pressure was unexpectedly intense, far more nerve-wracking than facing the leader of Kusagakure itself.

Back in his previous life, he was a diligent worker, not a strategic mastermind. While he possessed theoretical knowledge of reward and punishment structures, he lacked the practical experience to translate it into a real-world system for Akatsuki.

After Yahiko confessed his anxieties about the reward and punishment system, a lengthy silence descended upon the Akatsuki office. Byakuya, his brow furrowed in concentration, finally lifted his head. His expression was solemn as he spoke.

"Yahiko, on the surface, your plan appears sound. A well-defined system of rewards and punishments is essential for any organization, and borrowing from established models like Konohagakure's is a logical starting point."

A glint of hope ignited in Yahiko's eyes. Byakuya's acknowledgment of the plan's merits was a welcome change from the noncommittal response he'd initially received.

Byakuya continued, his tone turning more pointed.

"However, the true test lies in implementation. No matter how meticulously crafted, theoretical frameworks can often reveal unforeseen shortcomings when put into practice. Here's what I propose: why not introduce this as a trial version for a set period?"

Yahiko leaned forward, his interest piqued by Byakuya's suggestion.

"A trial version? You mean...?"

"Exactly. Run the system for a few weeks, observe its effectiveness, and identify any areas requiring adjustments. Remember, Yahiko, true problem-solving hinges on seeking truth from facts. Only through real-world application can we identify and rectify flaws in the system."

Byakuya confirmed with a nod.

Yahiko repeated the last part of Byakuya's sentence under his breath, a genuine smile spreading across his face.

"Seeking truth from facts..." he murmured, the weight of Byakuya's words settling in.

"Byakuya, you've made a valuable point. Just for this insight alone, your presence here today has been invaluable."

Relief and a newfound sense of direction washed over Yahiko. He now had a clear path forward – a trial period to test the system and gather data before permanent implementation.



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