
Master Of Flow

From the hood to the world of glory, homegrown LA boy Jace chooses to chase stardom after meeting his sole from another world. Now inhabiting the same body they must navigate the Rap scene and try their best not to fall from grace. Having left a life of crime his past still entangles his fate nipping at his heels at every step. Haunted by the deaths of his friends he hides a dangerous presence in him ready to erupt at any moment if pushed too far. Rex the amalgamation of another life with his only purpose to protect Jace his other self. Two sides of the same coin running along the same path, whether they make it or create their own destruction are yet to be seen. 

TrikoRex223 · Ciudad
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44 Chs

Chapter 40

The roar of semi-automatic weapons filled the air, bullets tearing through the night towards them. Glass shattered as the Cadillac's windows exploded, reacting quickly from the shock both Jace and Kid crawled to the back of the car taking cover. Dragon was already there taking cover the moment the first shot hit, already drawing his Glock ready to respond.

Jace's heart pounded in his chest as the gunfire echoed through the quiet street, the sound bouncing off the buildings and assaulting his ears. The acrid smell of gunpowder filled the air, mixing with the scent of burning rubber as the car's tyres screeched on the asphalt.

KID was next to him, crouching low and breathing heavily, his eyes wide with fear and shock. "Fuck!" Jace hissed, adrenaline surging through his veins. He could feel the cold pavement beneath his hands as he tried to get his bearings, his mind racing. They were sitting ducks out here and needed to defend themselves otherwise they'd be picked off.

Not even getting the chance to deal with the emotions of fear he was feeling Jace felt Rex taking over. Without hesitation, he popped the trunk surprising the two who were still slightly shocked by the sudden shooting. However, upon seeing their guns inside KID regained his composure as he took hold of his pistol. Not hesitating in the slightest Rex picked up his Heckler 23 and started firing at the blue Sedan that came to a stop 10 yards in front of their car.

Dragon and Kid weren't too far behind as both of them also opened fire on the car without hesitating. The muzzle flashes from their weapons illuminated the night as they returned fire, their shots ripping through the air towards the blue sedan. The deafening sounds of gunfire and breaking glass created a chaotic scene as the guys in the car were startled by the sudden fire.

It was too late for them to drive off though as they had already exited their car and were now pinned down by fire. "Keep low! Aim for the tyres!" Rex barked out through Jace's gritted teeth, his voice hardened by the adrenaline surge. He squeezed the trigger of his Heckler 23 aiming for one of the guys who stood up over the hood of the car aiming a mini-Uzi their way.

(bang, Bang, bang,)

Pulling the trigger he fired off 3 rounds in succession, the shots from the Heckler rang out, slicing through the night air. The guy with the Uzi didn't even get to pull the trigger as the bullets violently found their mark. He crumpled to the ground, his mini-Uzi clattering to the pavement as the blood pooled beneath him.

"Motherfucker" one of the attackers exclaimed in rage after seeing his friend hit the floor with blood spraying everywhere. Enraged by seeing his friend in that state he dropped his Glock and pulled out the Draco from the back seat.

Jace barely had time to register the shift in the attacker's arsenal before the deafening rattle sound of the Draco ripped through the chaos. The staccato of gunfire was overwhelming, bullets whizzing past and slamming into the Cadillac with the force of a sledgehammer.

His mad fire wasn't particularly aimed just trying to cause the amount of damage. Dozens of holes quickly appeared on the Cadillac pinning down the 3 behind it trying their best not to get hit. 

To them, it felt like the volley of bullets would never end. The breaking of Glass from the windshield, and the drumming of metal rang out particularly loud in their ears. Rex knew they had to do something if they wanted to survive but there was just to many bullets flying. 

It wasn't just the guy with the Draco who was firing as his two other partners started blasting their UZI, and swishes now that their target was pinned down. "Argh," Dragon exclaimed as his left shoulder got hit forcing him to drop his gun.

Blood got to gushing quickly spraying the face of KID and Jace. Due to the place he was hit he lost control of his body for a second almost falling out of cover trying to stem the bleeding.

Luckily kid was Quick to react and held onto him before that could happen. "Just hold on bro, don't die on me," KID stated slapping Dragon across the face forcing him to focus as he was quickly entering a fight or flight mode.

Rex knew shit was bad and he was thinking of millions of things trying to get them out of the situation. His thoughts were spiralling as no matter what idea popped into his head resulted in death. In the state he was in he was abele to analyse at a speed that would put an AI to shame.

'It's alright I'll handle the rest, cheers for getting us this far,' Jace told him taking back control of his body after having a chance to calm his emotions from the sudden shootout. 

His adrenaline-induced state mixed with Rex's senses made him feel like he was on a high trip. Everything seemed to move in slow-motion as bot of their best traits acted in symbioses. He gripped his gun pointed it in the general direction of the shooters and fired off a few rounds.

That calmed the adrenaline-filled shooters for a few seconds before they unloaded more bullets in his direction. Pulling his arm back to safety, he looked for an Idea and his gaze inadvertently looked to his left where KID was taking care of Dragon.

Betraying them and using them as bait never entered in his mid as his gaze locked onto the studio doors. He saw the wary figure of Tommy peaking out the door with Glock trying to assess the situation.

They made eye contact for a second and that was all the communication the needed. Taking KID's Glock much to the latter's surprise but before he could argue Jace turned with a John Wick like Swiftness.

Remaining low on one knee he was at the side of the car immediately spotting one of the guys who had pelted their car with a rain of bullets. He also spotted him but it was already to late as Jace squeezed the trigger of both guns putting a couple of holes in the guy.

The other 2 guys also noticed him and were about to open up fire on Jace trying to turn him into Swiss cheese. But before they could Tommy opened up fire on them hitting the closest guy in his arm and thigh sending him to the ground. The other guy managed to get a few shots of his with his Draco in Jace's direction.

He dogged one but another 2 grazed his left thigh and arm respectively. 5 pierced into his body 3 in his chest 1 in his thigh and the last in his abdomen. By co-incident, it was the crazy guy with the Draco who shot him so he was rather happy at getting revenge for his brother. Thus he couldn't stop a smile from forming as he watched Jace with bloodshot eyes fall to the ground, happy that he put up a score for his side. But the painful scream of his last partner as he dropped to the floor brought him back to reality.

Turning on a swivel he squeezed down his Draco aiming it at Tommy but he was met clicking of an empty chamber as he had ran out of bullets. Panicking he dropped it and drew his M&P trying to quickly shot but to his shock it jammed. Before he even knew what happened a volley of bullets penetrated his body from the front and back.

Jace despite being hit and bleeding like a fountain still found the strength to get his as he emptied the clip of his heckler into the back of the guy. Tommy was a different story as his shots were more precise placing them in vital spots. The guy was dead the moment he hit the cold concrete.





To Be Continued...