
Master Of Flow

From the hood to the world of glory, homegrown LA boy Jace chooses to chase stardom after meeting his sole from another world. Now inhabiting the same body they must navigate the Rap scene and try their best not to fall from grace. Having left a life of crime his past still entangles his fate nipping at his heels at every step. Haunted by the deaths of his friends he hides a dangerous presence in him ready to erupt at any moment if pushed too far. Rex the amalgamation of another life with his only purpose to protect Jace his other self. Two sides of the same coin running along the same path, whether they make it or create their own destruction are yet to be seen. 

TrikoRex223 · Ciudad
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44 Chs

Chapter 35 6ix9ine

The two figures watched as the Cadillac SUVs came to a halt, the scent of burnt rubber lingering in the air. The tension was palpable, the quiet hum of the city around them contrasting sharply with the focused silence in the parking lot.

From the first SUV, three men stepped out, each exuding an air of authority. They were dressed messily as if they watched some bank robbery movie and decided to copy their fit. The bulges under their jackets and their tall built statures were the only things keeping their serious demeanour.

The leader, a tall man with a neatly trimmed beard, stepped forward, his eyes scanning the area before settling on the two masked figures. He wore a black durag that conveniently acted as a cigarette holder or other little things. "Fox this time?" He absentmindedly asked as he spawned a cigarette from his durag and lit it. 

Despite the tension of their deal he wasn't fazed and didn't seem to feel non of it. He was quite nonchalant in his demeanour having spent all his life in the trenches always ready for shit to hit the fan. At this moment he had 7 different plans just in case he would have to uproot his operation and head to a different city.

Before Jace could answer Rex suddenly took over surprising him but he just let him be. {Yeah, felt right for the occasion since I'm getting rid of a couple of rodents,} Rex replied in an equally nonchalant tone but I could tell he was on edge. Now that he was in the driver's seat I could better interact with his senses and boy were they a trip.

It felt like the one time he was high after smoking a little too much seed and started hallucinating. Everything became much more vivid and his sensory intake became more haywire. Now however he was feeling a fraction of what Rex felt but it was clearer allowing him to focus it. 

Following a reddish amber aura that seemed to indicate a level of danger I followed it to one of the guys Leon had brought with him. With Rex conversing with Leon, I checked out the dude who didn't raise alarms. Taking a closer look at him he seemed more nervous than anyone here which was suspicious of someone in the life.

He was sweating a little too much and his hand tapped his waist every so often as if he was expecting something to go off. This increased my curiosity as I followed the orange light which converged on his chest taking the shape of wires. Now I wasn't a genius but everyone knows that you don't wear a wire unless you're ready to die.

Rex seemed to have noticed this before I could even clock it and stopped me from incriminating myself. Seeing that I finally caught on he brought the conversation back to business acting as if nothing happened. 

{Aight let's get to it, It's way past his bedtime,} he stated with a light chuckle, before leading Leon to the side of the van and sliding it open. Once the doors were open it revealed boxes filled with different sneakers from various brands. 

"I didn't believe it when you told me you could get me a pair of retro Jordans Em's I didn't believe it," Leon stated with a hearty smile on his face as he picked up a pair holding them up in the light. His words completely baffled the rest of his guys who had been expecting something else. 

{They are in mint condition too, my boy has been keeping them safer than the Monalisa.} Rex responded before going on to pull out the certification that proved the shoes were real. Tommy had a bunch of these and has been keeping them whenever he buys new shoes. 

Since we were going to make a deal we decided we needed a diversion just in case shit hit the fan. Since Leon also wanted the shoes made things easier since other than getting booked for weapons possession we were not doing anything illegal. 

Not hesitating after scanning the certification Leon pulled out 10 bands handing it to us without hesitation. "This one for the collection," he stated with a smile as he handed the box to one of his guys telling them to be careful. 

He continued picking out other sneakers that he liked and more so for his guys. That's when his burner phone buzzed with a text message. [There is a car key in the box, the package is in a white Ford van on the far corner of the ground level.] Upon reading the text he simply closed his phone and continued checking out other shoes not at all hurried. 

"Aight lil homie that's enough at this rate you clean me out," he stated after picking the final pair of shoes and settling the bill, which now amounted to 35k. The man bought 75% of the sneakers in the van seemingly wanting to deck out his whole squad or simply wanted more for his closet.

{say less call if you're looking for a specific shoe my boy's got the hookup,} Rex stated before proceeding to dab him up before they entered their black SUVs again. [Man with brown timbs is wearing a wire,] Rex texted him just as their cars started moving not bothering to explain how he knew this. 


Leon who was having a hard time hiding his smile as he continued to joke with his guys, frowned as his phone buzzed. Still, since only a few of his guys have the number to his burner he pulled it out to check what's up. [Man with brown timbs is wearing a wire,] His heart stopped the moment he read the text instantly thinking it was a joke.

However upon realising that the text came from Rex whom he had just met he took it more seriously. The more he thought about it things started to fit the pictures. The boy had led the conversation away from anything illegal even talking about sports. This is something he's never done but since he was a sports head himself he didn't mind. 

But he should have realised it when he was talking about KD betraying the Thunders. Things only became clearer when he mentioned the King leaving Clealand for his own gain. Glancing back at his guys in the back row he noticed how the mentioned guy would avert eye contact with him. 

He hadn't noticed it before since most guys become nervous when they go on a drill. However, taking in all the information the gears in Leon's mind started turning fast. He knew that he couldn't afford to mess up and had to make his move if he wanted to stay safe. Because if he was wearing a wire he would be the most likely target.

A wire meant someone was trying to gather evidence, likely for law enforcement or a rival gang. It could mean a raid, an arrest, or worse—a setup that could take down his entire operation. Maintaining his facade, Leon continued bantering with his men, but his mind was elsewhere.

He needed to act swiftly and decisively without alerting anyone to his suspicions. His first priority was to neutralize the threat without causing a scene or arousing suspicion from the others. "Pull up over there," told his driver the moment he left the parking garage waiting for the other truck to pull up beside him.

Rolling down his window he dabbed up his right-hand man Mike passing on the key to the van. "Split up here and meet back at crib," He instructed with a slight smile motioning for his driver to continue driving. Forwarding the text of the van's location to Mike he closed his eyes for a second ready to get things done.





To Be continued...