
Wrong Number

Su Xioaling " Brother Fan did you arrange everything as planned." she said as she hugged his arms, there was anticipation in her eyes.

Fan Meng "Relax darling. Everything is under control. You can call her now." he said as his hands were trying to take advantage of woman beside her.

Hearing this her eyes were thrilled and was faint grin. Today she would be destroying her enemy for once and all.

Meng Fan "But, I don't understand is it the only way we can do this. What we are doing is bit extreme."

Hearing this Su Xiaoling's eyes turned fierce, then immediately she changed her expression that looked pitiful.

Su Xiaoling "Brother Meng, this is the only way. You know how fierce sister Qing is, she will never allow for relation between us. She don't want me to see happy." she said with a pitiful face.

Su Xiaoling "I already told her already but she was adamant about asking father to break the engagement."

Meng Fan "Just one more day our relation would be permanent. We will kick her out of the house." Meng Fan told her exactly what she wanted to hear. How could he be not aware of things between

these two sisters. But he would still help her without any constrain. Just this fool don't know about it.

Meng Fan was well aware about the dynamics of Su family. Su Xiaoqing and Su Xiaoling are both daughters of the Su family but only Su Xiaoling enjoys all the benefits coming from Su family. Su Chen always pampered Xiaoling and almost treated as good as adopted or worse. Xiaoqing's mother and Xiaoling's mothers used to be friends, until that man Su Chen came to their life.

Su Chen married Xiaoqing's mothers for benefits even though he loved Xiaoling's mother.

Xiaoqing's mother died after Xiaoqing was born in an accident. Su Chen married Xiaoling's mother after that. He pampered Xiaoling while Xiaoqing has to struggle herself in suppression. She earned everything by herself. She, got herself one of the top universities and wanted to study in computers. But, Su Chen forced her to study fashion in the city instead. He wanted Xiaoling to be a artist, in their company and wanted Xiaoqing to be her manager /assistant. They know very well about her, she will strive in what ever she does, so they wanted to have a leash on her by attaching her to Xiaoling and using her strength to assist them instead.

Meng Fan was fiancee arranged by Xiaoqing's mother to her. Xiaoling intervened and seduced him. Meng Fan preferred Xiaoling over Xiaoqing. He know it is better for him career to have Su Chen's favorite daughter as his wife.

Su Xiaoling took out the bottle from Meng Fan's pocket. Seeing it Xiaoling eyes were bright.

Su Xiaoling "Is it it?" she asked .

Meng Fan "Yes, it is very potent and strongest available int he market."

Su Xiaoling immediately took out her mobile and dialed her dad.

Su Xiaoling "Dad, everything is arranged here. Call her and send her to hotel.

Su Chen "I will send her." there was no hint of hesitation in his eyes. He took a cigar from the pouch and slowly lit it as he called his eldest daughter to send her to the fate she never anticipated and that will close all doors for her.

Su Xiaoqing was sitting in an empty table as she was drinking her coffee. Her eyes were emotion less and life less. When she received the call from her father.

Su Chen "Pick you sister from Zen hotel, her car broke down. Stay with her and arrange things properly for her. She has a very important meeting today."

Su Xiaoqing "Do you want me to go there really? You could send a driver if her car broke."

Su Chen was furious hearing this "She is your sister, you should care about her. Her future is bright, you can ride in her curtails by staying with her. I am doing all this for you."

Su Xiaoqing "Oh my future was also bright until you intervened." she spat back at him.

Su Chen "It is not time to argue, go and help your sister."

Su Xiaoqing controlled her fury and asked him one more time patiently whether she should go or not. She was expecting her father will change her mind and stop her from it. His father's heart will wake up and stop her from their scheme, but all her hopes were shattered.

She was sitting right in that Zen hotel, as she was attending a party hosted by her class mates on graduation. Her family didn't know about it at all. Because, no one really know that she has a secret too. She didn't give up on her goal and that was her secret. This secret paved her a way about the ploy of her sister and so called fiance.

She sat their silently, trying to think of her future plans. She don't want to be here anymore. She, hoped that her life will change after her marriage or graduation. But, no. All people surrounding her were snakes trying to bite her the moment she relaxed. Even her father is the main conspirator.

The faint thread of hope shattered and there were no tears coming from her eyes. They were lifeless and soulless.

She don't want to be in their mercy anymore. All she wanted was an opportunity. She, immediately walked out of the hotel, her car was still parked in the parking lot. She. didn't even turn to look what is behind.

Su Xiaoqing "I need to leave this city. No not city country itself." she said with a great determination. She was determined but she lacked an opportunity for it.

Exactly at that moment she received a call on her mobile, it was an unknown number. She don't know who it is but she picked it up, before she could say a thing she heard a female voice speaking on other side.

Scarlet "Wenwen did you get to rope her. You know how short we are of time. All hell is breaking loose. None of the surrogates I found got the qualification. Those old fogies are expecting too much."

Su Xiaoqing "Miss you dialed a wrong number."