
Master's Little Pet

After losing her mother, Lydia's father takes a big step just to pay off his debt which endangers Lydia's life. But tables turn as she's taken in as a maid to a rich powerful master who is feared by everyone. Watch and see how her life turns out. Many twists and turns

Sayrah_ · Fantasía
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10 Chs


'My body actually hurts, is it because of just a day's work? Stupid Lydia. You're getting too relaxed'.   I yawned and got up from the bed. A light knock was placed on my door by who else if not Karen. Or that was what I thought.

" Come on in Mother", I said on my way to the bathroom.

" Oh hi Lydia, it's me Dimitri", he chuckled lightly as he scanned me from head to toe.

I quickly used my hands to cover my chest and turned around as I remembered what I was wearing.

" What are you doing in a lady's room at this hour?", I grunt and give him a shy glare

"I just came to tell you that you forgot to serve the master's dinner", he smiled and swayed himself into the room.

"Dinner? But I thought he isn't home" I quickly grabbed my kimono and ran out of the room straight to the kitchen, he also ran along.

"When did he return? Oh my Gosh, I didn't think he'd return tonight", I whispered to him trying not to make much noise.

" Well you should thank me, I told him  you were dishing his meal and he believed me, he's waiting in the dining hall" he said before changing his direction to meet master.

After heating the food meant for him I placed all the food in the trolly.

"So I'm about to see the master", I smiled proudly to myself pushing the trolley of food to the dining hall, I'm about to meet the one who saved me. I looked at my self in disappointment. " I'm not supposed to be in a kimono", I slapped my forehead with a hiss.

"He'll think I'm not good enough now"

I bowed to the guards at the dining hall's door and they bowed slightly before opening the doors. Dimitri was one of the guards and he nodded and gave me a soft smile. My heart started to beat nearly out of my chest, I was tensed, mother said he's a young man but he sounds like a scary person even though he's young.

I pushed the trolley in and the guards shut the door behind me which made my heart skip a beat.

A man was sitting on the other side of the long dining table and the hall was empty and quiet with only few candles lit. Mother had told me he loved the darkness. I walked faster towards him trembling. Is he upset?

"Good evening master" I bowed with my eyes down avoiding eye contact with him. I started putting down the plates in front of him in a hurry.

"Your hands are shaking" his deep voice boomed through the large room. I paused and took a breath.

"Are you ok Lydia?", he whispered all of a sudden and stood up. He had such incredible height. What is he? A tree? I gasped and kept my eyes down breathing rapidly without staring at his face. I do wish to know how he looks but mother said I should always show respect and courtesy.

His fingers found it's way under my chin and he lifted it so our eyes could meet.

His dark dreamy eyes looked like there were flames in them, he actually looked young but dominant. His beautiful pink lips looked like they were craving for mine, his pale skin stood out and fit his black shiny hair, his muscular body looked like it could envelope you in warmth like a mother hen giving her chicks maximum protection. I couldn't stop staring at his face, his featured were so outstanding. His pointed nose, his eyes that looked even redder than before, his long eye lashes that batted so elegantly. He's so perfect, looks like an angel. ' Lydia what are you doing? You aren't supposed to be staring so much, he's the master and you're too Young', I tried hard to caution myself but it didn't seem to be working, he looked so dreamy.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the snap of his fingers close to my ear. I immediately pulled my face from his hands with flushed cheeks, I could feel the heat in my face. This one is a seductive bastard, no one has ever made me feel this way, not like I was around much men through out my life.

" Master", I moved inches away and bowed feeling so intimidated by his height once again .

"You're late", he sat back in his chair and picked up his cutleries. He stared at the table knife intently before digging it into his stake which sent chills down my spine.

"Y-yes master, I apologize for that", I stuttered and bowed. He gave me a poisonous glare giving me instant goosebumps. I couldn't help but gulp hard at the feeling of his eyes.

"Sorry? Why are you in your kimono? Were you in bed already?", he smirked with his head tilted like he was prying into my soul.

It felt like he would stab me with that knife he was playing with while staring at me.

" Yes master", i answered bluntly. 'I need to be bold', I said to myself.

"Hmmmm, okay", he mumbled and continued eating.

Mother told me I'm meant to stand by him while he ate, so I did just that.

I poured him some juice and water to drink while eating. Staring at all that food made me hungry. He asked for a second serving which I gave to him.

He asked for food to be served into another plate, 'what a monster, 3 servings?' it was quite a shock to me how someone can eat that much but still remain so perfectly built.

" Sit and eat with me now", he  commanded before placing the glass of juice on his lips while giving me a smug glare. What his deal?

I was obviously drooling over the food so I don't think there is any point of rejecting but still courtesyyyy.

" Oh no master, thanks for your kindness but I'm fine", I bowed slightly and squealed silently.

He chuckled and gave me a hard glare. Why does he keep staring like that? so scary.

"Sit and eat"

I gulped hard and followed his instructions.

I started eating but I wasn't comfortable eating in front of him. He kept staring at me with every spoon he took.

"How do you feel now", he questioned in the middle of our meal.

"I feel better now master, thank you very much for your help. I've been asking mother about you but she said you're always busy", I stood up and bowed deeply with a smile.


"Madam Karen", I replied still bowing.

"Rise" he ordered.

" I did it because I'm just not like Calenfield. He was pure evil and always killed my people", he stood up from his chair after gulping down his glass of water.

"What did you do to him though to make him punish you so much", he closed the space between us and raised my chin again hypnotizing me once again with those dreamy eyes.

I felt like I couldn't breath, it felt like his touch was emitting chemicals into my skin and making it heat up. My cheeks felt hot and I was certain it was flushed.

I took my face off his hands again before replying to him, he's so touchy.

"My father owed him alot and they made a deal to sell me off to him so he wouldn't pay", I said with my head lowered. He grunted and balled his fists.

"Oh I see, he hated you or what? Why would he want to sell his daughter", he said with a flat tone.

"He never really liked me much, neither did he like my mother" i gave a fake smile and walked past him to coulple up the plates. His dark eyes followed every movement I made.

"Do you love your father", he asked with a wide smile that exposed elongated canines. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of the canines. His smile fit him really much. He looked like a vampire king or something with those dark eyes which looked red once again and his dark aura that had an intent to kill.

"No master, and I wish he'd just die wherever he is", I said plainly not minding my words or the fact that he's my father.

"Oh? That so? If you had the chance, would you kill him with your own hands?", he asked.

I scoffed after listening to his question.

"Over and over and over and over again and I'll make sure it's slow and very painful", I smiled slightly while imagining all his terrified screams, warmed my heart.

He turned to look at me with widened eyes, he then walked up to me.

"Have you killed before", he held my chin once again while staring down at me.

"No master", my cheeks felt hot again.

"I'll train you, you could kill your father then", he whispered and smiled with his canijes exposed once again, this time his eyes looked like it was burning.

I couldn't help but smile at his words. It sounded so satisfying.

He walked to the window which gives a clear view of the guards watching the mansion.

"I'll train you the way in a different way", he stared daggers at me. But his eyes were focused on a particular spot. Im an observant person so I could detect he had his eyes on a spot, My neck.

"Thank you master", I cleared my throat and bowed deeply.

He smiled softly at me which gave me goosebumps.

"I'm done eating, I won't be going out early tomorrow, so come clean my room early", he ordered before walking out of the hall.

I stood there trying to understand what had just happened, he said he was going to train me but in a different way, to be able to kill my father. His eyes, they were burning and his canines. What is he? Dimitri is a mini demon but what about him? Could he be the demon lord himself? I squealed in terror. Should I ask Karen? What should I do?

Author's pov:

Luther walked into his room with a slight smile on his face still thinking about Lydia. What was she doing to him? He had not felt this way for a long time.

" Look at that innocence, the beauty in her eyes and most importantly her intent to kill", his eyes brimmed with excitement. Luther's demon was getting too excited and he couldn't help it. He was hungry and not for food but for flesh. It was a full moon once again and Luther needed a meal. He went out through his window like he always does to look for a meal which was not more than human flesh, unfortunately he couldn't eat his maids or guards or loyal subjects, except they did something that deserved a death sentence. It'd be relayed to the public that the body was thrown to wild animals but the truth was that the demons actually feasted on them. He was the Lord and leader of them all. He always took the first bite before leaving the remains for his minis such as Dimitri, but most times he preferred to slice them to death when he wasn't hungry.

"Help me", a woman's cry echoed from the bushes. Luther had wandered into the forest for a meeting with his upper ranks.

He quickly detected the direction in which the cry came from and ran to the direction at the speed of light.

A man was humping a lady in the bushes, clearly the woman wasn't in support and was struggling to escape.

Unfortunately for this man, he was going to be Luther's next meal. Luther smiled to him self as his claws started to push forward and became longer, his canines also grew longer and looked sharper, his eyes had started burning but worse than what lydia saw.

" Run", He said softly to the lady. She creamed her way away from the two men in terror. Luckily she didn't know it was Luther, the prince of Nevada, because she didn't care to know, all she wanted was to get home safely.

Lydia didn't know who and what she had encountered. She thought she had encountered a tough prince who was maybe a bare demon but what she didn't know was she was in the den of a Dem-pire. The highest ranked demon who was the leader of his coven which actually made him the demon lord known as THE DEVIL and a vampire making him much more powerful than any other being in Nevada and outside Nevada. Luther's father was also a demon lord him self but was killed by his coven members which he trusted.

Luther took revenge for his father by killing each and everyone of them with their families till none was left.

He now receives instructions and guidance from his father who now resides in hell and also is a part of him, LUTHER'S MAIN DEMON.

His mother, the queen, Anne who is a vampire but stays in another of  his land was also the daughter of the highest ranked vampire making Anne's father an ally of his father. Luther's father took a liking to Anne and decided to make her his wife. Facing battles head on together, Anne was a very supportive woman and always strived to help him build his kingdom.

NEVADA wouldn't be if not for her efforts. Making peace with many lands and bringing them all together to form one big kingdom.

Anne always persuaded Luther to find a wife who was like her, strong willed and smart but Luther didn't seem to be ready. The only woman he had ever taken home was killed by a rival on her way back to her kingdom. He didn't fail to take revenge but couldn't bring her back to life.

But it looks like things are about to take a turn. Lydia, the one who has caught his eyes and also his heart, making him have a reason to smile AGAIN.