
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Once Rick got to Kate she threw herself in his arms. Hugging him tight.

"Don't you dare putting yourself in danger again" she commanded and kissed him.

They went a little further into the forest, so they got more trees to hide behind in case that man would come back. Rick put down the bag on the ground and Kate looked through it. She got the gun and checked the bullets. Making sure the man hadn't taken them out, they were there. She sighed of relief and looked up at Rick.

"Is there anything else that could be to our advantage in your bag?" he asked and they both started looking.

They found a flashlight, a pocket knife and some candy.

"What now?" Rick asked and Kate looked sadly at him.

"I don't know... I most certainly do not know" she answered with a sad tone.

Rick got her up from the ground and hugged her. She buried her face in his chest and breathed in his wonderful, calming scent. She remembered last time she had done that with the same reason, it was when that guy Smith was found killed at the hospital and she wasn't safe anymore. That time Rick had offered to take her away, put her some place where Senator Bracken and his crew could never find her. This time it wasn't that easy, they had nowhere to go. According to that man they didn't have the car to drive away with. Rick's hand played with her hair and she thought about all the time were they had been together. If they were gonna die out here, at least they had had a wonderful time.

"Hey, we won't back down without putting on a fight" Rick whispered in her ear and she realized she had said that last thing out loud.

Rick pulled away enough to look at her face. He could see the fear in her eyes and softly touched her face. She stood on her toes and kissed him. The electricity between them grew and they both felt butterflies inside of them.

As they broke it off they heard a gunshot and both of them quickly sat on the ground, Kate with her gun in her hand trying to find the one who had fired the bullet. She couldn't see anyone and neither could Rick. She didn't take her gun down and listened carefully.

"Wohoohoo! This one's big! Can you believe it was I, a simple farmer, who shot it?" Kate and Rick furrowed their foreheads and looked confused at each other.

"Shhhhhh!!!! Didn't you hear the boss? We're not alone here, we have to be quiet!" another man said but wasn't so quiet himself.

"What should we do?" Rick mimicked to Kate.

She thought a second before answering.

"We find them, getting a closer look to what we're up against" she mimicked the words and he nodded.

Kate went first, with her gun ready in case they would be seen. The night was on it's way so it wasn't that bright anymore. Rick was right behind her and tried to scan every inch he could possibly see, he didn't want Kate to get shot again. He had been there once and he didn't want history to repeat itself.