
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

If it wasn't for the job Kate would have screamed for her life, but she knew that if the killer was still out there, that would have been pretty much the death of both her and her fiancè. Now she hated herself for not bringing her gun when they went for a walk. Rick didn't know it but she had packed it in her bag under her clothes just in case. She scanned the place to see if someone else was there, but couldn't see anyone.

"Maybe we should head back, and pack our things" Rick said calmly but Kate could hear he was afraid.

"Yeah" she agreed and they started walking their way back, alerted in case the killer were around.

Kate picked up her phone and tried dial the precinct but she got no signal. She damned the phone and asked Rick if his phone had a signal. He took it out of his pocket just to find out that he didn't have any either. Kate could feel her heart pound hard and she fastened up their walking speed.

"How come this always happens to us?" Rick asked in a whispering voice.

Kate shrugged and scanned the forest while walking. Rick noticed her walking a little in front of him and figured it was because of her job, she did use to have a gun that could protect her. He knew she had brought it but he hadn't mentioned it to her cause he knew how much she hated being unprotected. It was too bad she didn't bring it for their expedition, though. He tried to walk faster and placed himself in front of her instead.

"What are you doing?" Kate shout-whispered to him.

"Trying to be the one protecting you for once" Rick said truly and if it wasn't for the whole situation they were in Kate would have kissed him.

They a slowed down when they suddenly heard voices talking. Kate stopped Rick by pulling his hand towards her. He looked at her and she pointed to a big bush and he nodded. They hid behind it and tried to listen to what the voices were saying.

"...visitors...a car...a tent...do?" was the only thing they could hear.

Kate tried get a peek from the man saying the words but couldn't see him. The voice sounded more and more off, like he was moving away from them. Rick didn't know what was best for them, keep hiding or try get to the gun Kate had in her bag. He could see in her eyes that she wanted the gun. Hell, she needed the gun. If not to catch the killer then to protect herself. Rick didn't care for his own safety as long as Kate was okay.

The man's voice was almost gone now and Kate decided that they should go for it. She and Rick sneaked forward and came to the meadow. Before walking into it, they hid behind the trees, making sure no one else was there.

"You stay here, I'll go get the gun" Rick whispered into Kate's ear.

She shook her head violently.

"No, I'll go get the gun. It's to risky and I do know how to protect myself" she whispered back with fear in her voice.

Fear for him getting hurt. But before she could do anything Rick kissed her and went for the tent. She tried to get a hold of him but it was already to late, he was on his way. Since she couldn't run after him she scanned the place over and over again.

Rick went fast, looking around him over and over again after each step he took. He knew it was a bad idea but he just couldn't let Kate put herself in this danger. It was much better if he did it, then at least the world wouldn't loose New York's finest detective if it went wrong. He got to the tent and walked inside it, he took Kate's bag and looked out the tent just to duck back inside. The man was coming back.

"No, no no no no" Kate whispered from her spot.

She saw the man come back on the outside of the meadow right across her. She hid behind a tree but watched the man closely.

"Yes, I've taken care of the car. Whoever's out here won't get anywhere, we can take care of it before it's a problem" the man said into a phone.

Kate picked up her phone an hoped for signal but still nothing. How come that man could call someone but she couldn't? Her eyes went back to the man and she studied him. He was on his way to the lake, away from the tent. She thought about sneaking forward and taking the man down but figured the distance was too far to get there without him noticing her.

"Fine! I'll be there in five" the man said angrily and hanged up the phone.

Kate watched him go the same way he came and felt relieved. Rick looked out of the tent and couldn't see the man anywhere in sight. He looked at the spot where he'd left Kate and saw her signaling him to come. He went out of the tent and half ran to Kate.