
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

"What way? Kate asked and Rick pointed east.

They took of leaving everything except their cellphones and car keys. Rick said there never was anyone else camping in these forests so they had nothing to worry about. While they walked they talked about a lot of things while holding hands.

"Why is it that you wanted to go camping?" Kate asked with a smirk.

"Well... I actually decided it in my sleep" when Kate gave him a confuses look he continued. "I dreamed about this place and in that dream you were with me, and I wanted to have that as a memory instead of a dream."

Kate smiled widely and ran a hand through her hair.

"Look!" Rick half whispered half screamed.

Kate followed his eyes and saw a deer about 20 meters in front of them.

"Wooow" she whispered back and they stood there studying the deer for some minutes, before the deer got it's eyes on them and ran away.

"I've only seen a deer once before, and I don't mean at a zoo" Rick said and Kate looked at him with raised eyebrows. "No, it's true. I was in this forest with Alexis, she was about seven years old and the deer thought my...." his voice died and he looked at Kate. "Never mind."

"What? I won't get to hear that story?" she looked surprised at him and waited. When he didn't answer she shook her head. "Fine! I'll just ask Alexis when we get home.''

"You wouldn't!" Rick said with a terrified face.

"Try me" Kate said getting closer to Rick, making him look her in her eyes.

She could hear him swallow hard and winked with a smirk on her face. His eyes narrowed before he sighed heavily.

"My jacket fluttered in the wind so the deer probably thought I was a threat, so he came running at me and while Alexis stepped aside laughing at her funny daddy I ran up in a tree trying to avoid getting overrunned" he said and continued walking.

"That's it?" Kate asked with a disappointed tone.

When he gave her a look of his she laughed. He thought she would think he was a coward, that's why he didn't wanna tell her. He thought she wouldn't feel safe with him. She went after him and took his hand, making him stop. She stood on her toes and kissed him softly. He kissed her back before they pulled apart, still holding hands, and continued walking together.

Kate saw something that lay ahead of them but didn't pay much attention. Not until they got there and they both reacted by freezing in the middle of their movement and their eyes widened.

In front of them was a grave, a big grave with a massive amount of bodies. Dead. Human. Bodies.