
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Kate woke up in the middle of the night with a pounding heart. She felt arms around her and when she looked up she saw Rick looking down at her. His eyes slowly went from worried to relaxed.

"Heeyy" he whispered leaning forward to put his lips on her head.

She closed her eyes and smiled.

"How long have you been awake?" Kate said with lowered voice.

"Only a few minutes, do you remember your bad dream?" Rick asked and she could hear the worry in his voice.

She opened her eyes and tried to think back. Rick studied her to see if she was going to be honest or lie.

"No, I don't" Kate said with her forehead wrinkled.

"Probably about the cold blooded murderer I told you about last night" Rick joked and Kate poked him. "I'm just kidding! You know I just made that up, right?" Rick said, still giggling.

"Of course I know" she said but a chill went through her body.

Rick's hand went up and down on her back. She put her head on his chest and closed her eyes again. Rick was quiet and they both fell asleep.

The sun came up and Rick managed to get out of Kate's holding without waking her up. He got out of the tent and stretched his muscles. He went to the circle where the fire was last night and put in new wood to get the fire started again. He looked in his bag and got the egg, bacon and cold pancakes. He started cooking it and hoped it would be done before Kate woke up.

Kate woke up to the smell of breakfast and got surprised. She didn't feel Rick but wasn't worried, he used to get out of her grip and thanks to the smell she could tell he was fine. She opened her eyes and stretched her arms and legs, making her as tall as she could in the tent. It was a really big tent, she didn't destroyed the tent with her length. She got up and peeked out to see Rick with his back to her. She smiled evily and sneaked up to him.

"Boo!" she shouted and quickly touched his arms.

He jumped and turned around to find a laughing fiancè on the ground. She couldn't breath, she rolled around on her back while trying to catch her breath. Rick bent down and started tickling her which just made her scream and laugh more.

"Ah, my revenge has come" Rick said satisfied.

"S...st...stooooo....ppp" Kate shouted between her laugh.

Rick stopped and Kate calmed herself down. Rick got up on his legs and gave her a hand, she took it and he pulled her up into his arms. They stared into each other's eyes and just stood there for some minutes.

It started to smell like something had burned and Rick quickly turned to try save their food. Kate giggled girly like and bit her lip. She went to the chair and sat down. Rick turned to her with a plate full of breakfast. He took one plate to himself and they sat down for eating.

"So, what's on the to-do-list today?" Kate asked curious.

Rick looked up with a smile full of excitement.

"We're going to explore the forest" he said and she rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. "What?"

"Nothing" she said and smiled down at the plate.

They ate up then they got dressed for an expedition.