
Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Kate and Rick stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the desks. Ryan and Esposito was there and looked down some papers.

"Were are we?" Kate asked them and they looked up.

"The women told us about the raping. Some of them never even remember being anywhere else but in that basement" Espo informed.

"And we got back test result on the DNA, the children are all related to Paublo and so is the women, not all but most of them" Ryan said.

Kate felt disgusted. How could someone do something like that to their own kids? She knew Rick felt the same way.

"Thanks to this we can nail this creep" Kate said.

"You wanna do the honors and tell him?" Espo asked and Kate looked at Rick.

"Let's do it" they both said at the same time.

Ryan and Espo handed the papers to Kate and she put them together in a map which she took with her when she and Rick went to the door which led them to Paublo.

"So, you're here again? What did you find now then?" Paublo said sarcastically.

"We got enough to put you in jail for lifetime, the only thing we're looking for now is answers. Why did you keep those women in those cages? Why did you rape them when some of them are your own blood?" Kate said.

Paublo looked at Kate, then at Rick and then back to Kate again. He sighed and smiled.

"My question to you is, why not?" he said and his smile turned even bigger and Kate got the chills.

She had one of her hands on her knee and felt Rick take it in his under the table.

"I think we're done here, and you will never EVER see the light of day again" Rick said and with a twitch from his hand the writer and his muse stood up and walked out of the room.

A cop got inside and cuffed Paublo and took him out of the room to put him away.

"This case is finally over" Kate mumbled and took Rick's hand.

"Did you get any answers?" Gates asked while walking towards them.

"Not really, at least we know he did it and he'll be locked up for the rest of his life" Kate said and Gates nodded.

"Well, I know you're supposed to do paperwork now but leave it. You two deserve to go home, you need to rest" Gates said and Kate looked at her with gratitude.

"But what about he who showed up at our loft?" Rick suddenly remembered.

"I totally forgot about him!?" Kate said with wide eyes.

"What if he comes back?" Rick said.

"Then I'll put a bullet through his skull" Kate mumbled and Gates looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"I'll pretend like I didn't hear that, but out of the record, I'll stand behind if that happens" she said and Kate tried not to smile.

"I think we've found him" Ryan said while walking up towards them.

"What? How?" Kate asked.

"We looked at the security cameras from you building and when we found him on photage we ran it through the system. His name is Michael Hershin and we send a patrol car to his known address and they found him. His on his way to jail right now" Espo informed and Kate smiled.

"You two go home, it's an order" Gates said and looked at Kate with a serious face.

"Yes, sir" she said with a smile and the captain went to her office.

"So, what are you two going to do now?" Espo asked them.

"Go home and rest, Castle needs to let his wound heal" Kate said and Rick looked tired.

"Well, have fun then. I'm gonna go watch on Jenny and Sarah Grace" Ryan said.

"I'll go see how Lanie is" Espo said.

"Ok, bye, see you tomorrow!" Kate and Rick said to Ryan and Espo before they went to the elevator.


Well, only one more chapter to go! A few of you has asked me to not stop writing this and asked me to write more Castle and I just want to inform you that I have a new idea for a Castle fanfic in my head, I will post it as soon as I've posted the last chapter of this one and have written a few chapters of that one. Hope you liked this chapter! Love you!!