
Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Rick ran his hands around Kate's back and pulled her closer and closer for each second. Kate had her fingers in Rick's hair, it was soft. Somewhere inside Kate's mind she knew he only kissed her to shut her up. The kiss still reminded Kate a bit of their first kiss. The one were Kate had been really surprised when Rick had taken her hand of that gun and put his hand around her neck and then pulled her in to kiss her. When it had happened, and his lips touched hers she had automatically kissed him back and the first thought she had had been 'finally' but then she had remembered what was happening and the fact that she wasn't supposed to fall for him so she had pulled away. It was first when she pulled away that she realized she wanted him to kiss her longer and after that thought she understood he was doing it for the cover so she had launched herself at him, kissing him and the kiss had been real. It really had been. His lips had been so perfect against hers. Like they were meant to fit together. She had even bit his lip a little, not to convince that guard but because she wanted to. When she got on to herself wanting more she also saw her chance to take down that guard, so she had done that.

"What are you thinking?" Rick asked between the kisses.

Kate pulled away enough to watch him in his eyes. Those blue eyes that always made her drown and made her feel loved.

"Nothing" she said and felt the warmth near her cheeks.

She was blushing, and tried to hide the fact that she knew she was. But of course Rick could see her cheeks turn bright red.

"Tell me" he whispered leaning down and kissed her behind her ear.

He was slowly kissing his way down to her neck and also kissed her shoulder. Kate's lips still tingled and every inch he was kissing was sending static energy through her body. Rick felt her shaking her head so he made it even harder for her to resist by kissing her lips. He could feel her body relax and melt against his. He stopped and let their noses touch, waiting for her to tell him.

"Our first kiss" Kate's mouth moved before she could stop it.

His kisses had that effect sometimes, the effect to make her say whatever she wanted not to tell.

"You mean the one undercover?" he asked a bit surprised.

Kate nodded, still blushing. Rick got a smile on his face. He leaned down and kissed her again.

"What about it? You liked it?" he asked cocky.

"Noo" she lied.

He smirked and kissed her again. She wanted to teach him a lesson but instead of breaking off the kiss like she should have it deepend and he slowly made her walk backwards until she hit the wall of the elevator. He pushed his body against hers and the butterflies got wilder inside her belly. When they needed to breath they broke the kiss and their breathing was heavy.

"We should get back to work" Kate said and Rick pecked her lips two times before removing himself from her.

"Yeah, let's go finish this case" he said and pushed the button to make the elevator start moving again.

She smiled and looked in the mirror and fixed her hair a little. She couldn't go out of the elevator looking like she and Rick had made out big time since that was absolutely not proffesional.


Ok, so I'm done... I've written the ending... Just wanted to give you the heads up that there's only going to be TWO MORE CHAPTERS! Hope you will like it! Thank you SO MUCH for reading this fanfic!! Like I said, two more chapters!