
Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Kate quickly stood up and took a grip on Rick's arm and pulled him back. If he would have refused to he could have pulled out of her grip since he was a but stronger than her, but he let her pull him out of the interrogation room. Rick stopped and leaned against the wall beside the door. His face was filled with pain. Kate's heart quickened.

"Are you okay?" she asked and started to pull up his shirt so she could watch his wound.

"Ummm... Beckett, you do know you're at the precinct, right?" Espo said while walking up to them.

"Ouch..." Rick said and grimaced when Kate accidentally touched his wound through the bandage.

"Maybe you should go home, Castle. You should rest" Kate said and looked up at him with big eyes filled with fear.

"No, I won't let you do this alone" Rick said and Kate could see his try to ignore the pain.

"Bro, even I can see past your act, and she probably knows you better than I do" Espo said while shaking his head.

"I'm fine, I promise" Rick said and smiled.

"Espo, can you go talk with the women we picked up? Bring a female cop in case they won't trust you enough to speak with you.

"Why wouldn't they?" Espo asked.

"Don't you remember that they almost attacked me for holding an arm around Kate?" Rick asked serious.

Espo nodded understanding and did as he was told.

"Come on" Kate said and Rick looked at her with narrowed eyes.

She sighed and gently took his hand and led him to the elevator, where he stopped.

"I told you, I'm not going home" Rick protested.

"We're not, we're going down to Lanie, I want to know what she thinks of this wound" Kate said worried.

"You don't trust me?" Rick said disapointed.

"Not when it comes to your pain, you always make it seem less than it is" Kate said honestly with an edge of irritation in her voice.

They went into the elevator and Kate pushed the button to the morgue. When they arrived and the elevator door opened Rick made another grimace. It didn't make Kate any calmer but only got her more worried and the stress wasn't good for her belly. Her heart felt hard against her chest too, and that couldn't be good that either. When they went through the doors to the morgue Lanie jumped.

"Do not scare me like that!" Lanie exclaimed irritating.

"Sorry, can you do us a favor?" Kate asked and Rick immidiately corrected her.

"Her, do her a favor" Rick said and cleared his throat.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" Lanie rolled her eyes. "So what's the problem?" she continued.

That's what Kate loved about Lanie, she always wanted to help her. Lanie could see the worry that was written in Kate's face and she knew the only thing that could worry her that much was if it was something wrong with Castle.

"It's Castle, can you take a look on his wound?" Kate asked worried.

"Yeah sure" Lanie said and walked around the body table and told Rick to pull up his shirt.

Rick did as he was told but did it slow because it was a little painful.

"Okay, let's take this bandage of and take a look" Lanie said and carefully unwrapped the bandage.

Rick clenched his jaw and tried to ignore the pain. Lanie got off the bandage and looked at the wound.

"There's nothing wrong, but you should really get home and rest. It's not good to move this much" Lanie said and started to wrap the bandage back on place.

"Rick..." Kate started.

"Kate, no, I will not go home and leave you here" Rick said and shook his head.


"No, you can't make me" Rick said and Kate didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry Castle, but you really should go home. Kate can take care of herself" Lanie interrupted.

Rick shook his head and Kate walked up to him to take his hand.

"Please, I can't stand the thought that you're in pain every time you move" Kate said and they looked into each other's eyes.

Rick was about to agree because of the worry he saw in Kate's eyes but snapped out of his mind and shook his head.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" Kate asked despairingly.

"Because I never wanna leave your side, especially not when there's a case like this one" Rick said serious.

"Awww" Lanie said and when Kate have her a look she said "what? You have to admit it's cute".

Kate sighed and dragged Rick out of the room towards the elevator.

"Bye!" Lanie called after them.

They went into the elevator and when the door closed Kate pushed on that button which stopped the elevator.

"Rick, I can do this, you can go home, you need to go home" Kate said with worry in her voice.

Rick put his hand around her neck and before she could say anything more he pulled her in for a slow kiss. She melted inside and butterflies appeared in her belly. The way he kissed her and the way he had his hand around her neck reminded her of their first kiss. The kiss they had shared before they got together.