
Chapter 58

Chapter 58

They came into the precinct and all the women followed. Kate asked if if was okay for them to take DNA samples from them and the most of them didn't even knew what that meant but since Kate explained that they would only take a little saliva they all agreed, they even let the kids do it. They went and got a warrant to take Paublo's DNA too, then they sent the samples to compare them and waited for the result. Kate and Rick sat by her desk and talked while the women were in the break-room, it was the only room they all fitted in and they refused to be seperated.

"We need to go talk to Paublo again, see what he has to say about this" Rick said.

Kate had noticed a difference in his voice ever since they learned that Paublo might have raped those women who also might be his own children. He sounded like he wanted to kill him. Like he couldn't stand what Paublo had done. She couldn't either but she knew she would get to punish Paublo with prison and that was enough for her.

"Castle" she waited for him to turn and look at her. "How's your wound? Does it hurt?"

Rick shook his head but the movement made him clench his teeth.

"No, I'm fine" he said and tried to ignore the pain.

"Maybe you shou..." Kate was cut off by Rick.

"No, I'm not going home. I'm gonna stay here until that son of a bitch is confessing" Rick said and Kate sighed.

"Okay, but you'll HAVE to promise me that you tell me if the pain gets worse, PROMISE not only say it" Kate said and Rick looked her in the eyes.

He saw the worry she was feeling for him. He knew he couldn't lie to hear, the worry she felt had been the same he had felt every time she was hurt. So he nodded.

"I promise I will tell you if the pain gets worse" he said and she raised from the chair.

She leaned down and pecked his lips.

"Let's go interrogate Paublo then" she said and he raised to follow her.

They went into the interrogation room and sat down infront of Paublo.

"So, we found the cages" Kate began and looked down in her papers.

She started putting out pictures of all the cages and the women on the table.

"And I guess you know who these are?" Kate said, it was more of a statement than a question.

Paublo looked at the pictures with a nervous smile but in his eyes where a glimpse of satisfaction. Kate saw that glimpse and felt a chill go down her back. In the side of her eye she could see Rick act fast. Rick's hand slammed in the table and before Kate knew it he had stood up and was on his way over to the other side of the table. He was furious and Kate needed to act fast.